Surgical method is effective in obesity treatment

Surgical method is effective in obesity treatment

Content Summary

Bariatrik ve metabolik cerrahi, obeziteyle mücadelede en etkili yöntemdir. Bu cerrahi yöntemler, mide ve ince bağırsak yapısını değiştirerek iştahı azaltır, tokluk hissini artırır, metabolizmayı hızlandırır ve hormonal sinyaller üzerinde etkili olarak sağlıklı beslenme alışkanlıkları oluşturur. Sonuç olarak, vücut kilo kaybına hazır hale gelir ve yüksek bir referans seviyesine tekrar ulaşmak için yeni bir mücadeleye girmez. Cerrahi müdahale, obeziteye bağlı Tip-2 Diyabet, uyku apnesi, metabolik sendrom ve osteoartrit gibi sağlık sorunlarının %80'inde çözüm sağlar. Operasyon, Vücut Kitle İndeksi (VKİ) 40 veya üzeri olan, 35 yaş üstü ve obeziteye bağlı diğer hastalıkları olan kişilere; kontrollü diyet ve ilaç tedavisiyle sonuç alınamayan, psikolojik engeli bulunmayan ve iç hastalıkları ve endokrinoloji uzmanı tarafından onaylanan kişilere uygulanır. Operasyon öncesinde bilinçli ve kontrollü diyet, fiziksel aktivite artışı, yaşam tarzı değişikliği, ameliyat ve ameliyat sonrası süreçler hakkında eğitim ve bilgi edinme ve ameliyatı engelleyen bir tıbbi sorunun bulunmadığının araştırılması şarttır. Ameliyat sonrası en az 2 yıl kesintisiz olarak uygulanacak bir beslenme ve fiziksel aktivite programı önemlidir.

Changing the structure of the stomach and small intestine with bariatric and metabolic surgery results in decreased appetite, increased feeling of satiety, accelerated metabolism and healthy eating habits by affecting hormonal signals.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital General Surgery Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA stated that obesity is a deadly disease that is rapidly increasing all over the world every day and said that bariatric and metabolic surgery helps the body to make effective weight management.

The most effective method in the fight against obesity

Stating that bariatric and metabolic surgery is the most effective method in the fight against obesity, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA gave the following information:

"In order for an obese person to lose weight significantly and permanently, the weight balance system or metabolic health system must be reconstructed so that the body stops storing excess fat. To date, the most effective method to achieve this has been surgical intervention. At the same time, it has been observed that obesity-related health problems such as Type-2 Diabetes, sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome and osteoarthritis are solved in 80% of patients."

Appetite is reduced with bariatric surgery

Stating that bariatric and metabolic surgery changes the complex relationship between food and metabolism and helps the body reset for effective weight management, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "Changing the structure of the stomach and small intestine with bariatric and metabolic surgery results in decreased appetite, increased feeling of satiety, accelerated metabolism and healthy eating habits by affecting hormonal signals. As a result of these positive changes, the body becomes ready for weight loss and does not enter a new struggle to reach a high reference level again."

When is bariatric surgery performed?

Stating that some situations make obesity surgery compulsory, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA listed these compulsory situations as follows:

"1-The patient's Body Mass Index (BMI) is 40 or above, over the age of 35 and other diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea due to obesity.
2-To have not achieved results with controlled diet and drug treatment,
3-There is no psychological problem that hinders the processes,
4-It is applied to patients who are approved by the internal medicine and endocrinology specialist after examination."

Lifestyle should be changed before surgery

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA, who also listed what should be done before obesity surgery, said, "Conscious and controlled diet, increasing physical activities, changing lifestyle, education and information about surgery and postoperative processes, and investigating the absence of a medical problem that prevents surgery."

2 years after surgery is important

Stating that obesity surgery is a process that includes before, during and after surgery, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA pointed out that afterwards, a food intake and physical activity program is made and it should be applied for at least 2 years without interruption.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 December 2022
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