Summer vacation opportunity in time management!

Summer vacation opportunity in time management!

Content Summary

Uzun yaz tatili, çocukların kaliteli zaman geçirmeyi öğrenmeleri için önemli bir fırsattır. Uzmanlar, zaman yönetiminin verimli sonuçlar elde etmeyi sağladığını, çocuklarla birlikte günlük planlar yapılması, okuma ve ders tekrarlarına zaman ayrılması ve çocuklara günlük sorumluluklar verilmesi gerektiğini vurguluyorlar. Yaz tatili, özlenen aktivitelere zaman ayırmanın yanı sıra, çocukların serbest zamanlarını daha etkili kullanmayı öğrenmelerini sağlayan bir dönemdir. Aileler, çocuklarının planlama ve aktivitelerinde rehberlik etmeli, aşırı müdahale etmeden kendi aktivitelerini planlamalarına izin vermeli ve arkadaş seçimlerini denetlemelidir. Günlük planlara kısa ders tekrarları ve okuma saatleri eklenmeli, çocuklara oda temizliği gibi günlük sorumluluklar verilmeli ve spor, satranç gibi aktivitelere yönlendirilmelidirler. Bu yaklaşım, çocukların zaman yönetimi becerilerini geliştirir, onları mutlu eder ve yeni eğitim yılına hazırlanmalarına yardımcı olur.

Stating that the long summer vacation is an important opportunity for children to learn how to spend quality time, experts said, "Managing time well allows us to get efficient-productive results. Daily plans should be made with the child, time should be allocated for reading and lesson repetition, and the child should be given daily responsibilities."

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Polyclinic Specialist Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım said that after an intensive education period, children entered a long summer vacation.

Stating that the vacation period for children is not only a period of time when they plan to do what they miss, but also a period when children can be taught how to spend free time more effectively, Aynur Sayım said, "We have a long summer vacation ahead of us. This vacation should be well utilized. On vacation, we all think of taking a break from our routine work, resting ourselves and having fun, but of course there is a limit and a framework for this."

Stating that summer vacation is an important opportunity to learn how to spend quality time, Aynur Sayım said, "If the child has learned to manage his/her time well, this attitude will be reflected in his/her activities and activities during the holiday, how he/she spends time with his/her friends, how much time he/she spends with his/her friends and how much time he/she spends for himself/herself. Regarding the internal discipline we teach our children, we must first teach them to make good use of their free time."

Satisfying time spent relaxes and makes happy

Stating that parents should guide their children in this regard, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım said, "Being able to manage our time well allows us to use time wisely and get efficient-productive results. The time we spend satisfyingly will make us happy, feel valuable and rest. Of course, for a child, vacation means a more flexible period of time where he/she can be free from a planned, rule-oriented environment for a semester, and the guidance of parents should come into play on how the child will spend the vacation.

4 tips for summer vacation

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım gave the following advice on what to do for summer vacation:

Teaching to spend quality time

Make a daily work plan: A list of chores can be planned for children, which they can do with their families or on their own initiative. Planning daily activities a day in advance also teaches them to set goals and act in a goal-oriented manner. This is in fact a teaching and learning process. Choosing friends and learning communication techniques are of the same nature.

Let them plan their own activities: It is important for families to help children plan their own activities without too much intervention, without high expectations, and by allowing them to rest and have fun. Of course, the friends they choose on vacation and the environments they are in should be supervised by their families, but it is important to be attentive without putting too much pressure on them.

Short lesson repetitions should be done: During the long vacation period, it will be useful to include short lesson repetitions and reading hours in the daily plans in order not to forget the information children have learned during the year and to prepare for the new academic year.

Give daily responsibilities: It would be useful to emphasize that giving children daily responsibilities such as tidying their rooms, brushing their teeth and directing them to favorite activities such as sports, chess and drama will contribute to their physical and social development."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At09 August 2018
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