"Stalking" prolongs mourning in relationships!

"Stalking" prolongs mourning in relationships!

Content Summary

Teknolojinin getirdiği gizli takip veya "stalking", özellikle yeni biten ilişkilerde yas sürecini uzatır. Uzman Klinik Psikolog Orçun Aykol, sosyal medyada sıkça kullanılan bu gizli takibin, ayrılığın zihinde bitmemesine, kişinin kendi değerini sorgulamasına ve yeni bir ilişkiye adım atmasını engellemesine yol açtığını belirtiyor. Tamamlanamayan yas süreci, öfkenin artmasına, depresyonun şiddetlenmesine ve takıntılı davranışlara neden olur. Bu durumdan kurtulmak için ayrılığı kabullenmek, karşı tarafı sosyal medyadan takipten çıkarmak veya engellemek ve ayrılığın kişinin değersizliğiyle ilgili olmadığını hatırlamak önemlidir. Depresif duygular belirli bir seviyeye kadar normal olsa da, günlük yaşamı olumsuz etkiliyorsa profesyonel destek alınmalıdır.

"Stalker", also known as secret stalking, which has entered our lives with technology, prolongs the mourning period, especially in relationships that have just ended.


Pointing out that the mourning process that should be experienced after every breakup cannot be completed, experts warned, "The person cannot take steps for a new relationship, the anger towards the other continues to increase, the depressive feelings expected to be experienced during the mourning process are replaced by more severe depression."

Clinical Psychologist Orçun Aykol from Üsküdar University NP Etiler Polyclinic said that the concept of "secret stalking", also known as "stalking", which is frequently used in social media, prolongs the mourning period in relationships that have ended, which leads to other important problems.


Expert Clinical Psychologist Orçun Aykol made the following evaluations:

"Today, it is a well-known fact that social media being at the center of life has led to the emergence of new syndromes and new terms. The most important of these is the term "stalking", which refers to constantly following someone or what someone is doing, sometimes "secretly".

Stalking is also used to learn every detail of a person's life. As such, the most common situation we usually encounter is the continuation, perhaps obsessively, of a relationship that has ended, especially in the mind of the person. By stalking the other person and being aware of their every step, the person starts to question their own value and the breakup cannot end mentally."


Pointing out that the mourning process should be experienced in a healthy way, Aykol said, "Based on clinical experiences, it can be said that although the separation is physical for the person, it cannot be achieved spiritually and the mourning, which is a healthy process that should be experienced after every separation, cannot be completed. When this mourning process cannot be completed, the person cannot take steps for a new relationship, the anger towards the other continues to increase, the depressive feelings expected to be experienced during the mourning process are replaced by more severe depression, and this behavior becomes compulsive (repetitive behaviors that cause uneasiness when not done)."


"To get rid of this, first accept the breakup," advised Specialist Clinical Psychologist Orçun Aykol, "No matter what happens, unfollow the other party's social media accounts and block them if necessary. Remember that being separated is not about you being worthless/inadequate, it is about the end of the relationship."


Emphasizing that depressive feelings following a separation are normal up to a certain level, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Orçun Aykol said, "However, if this makes your life very difficult, if you cannot do what you need to do, if there is a deterioration in your sleep, appetite and professional functionality, you should seek psychiatric support. Do not be late for this," she warned.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At09 August 2018
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