Spend the fall healthy

Spend the fall healthy

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Sonbahar ve kış aylarında kapalı ortamlarda daha çok zaman geçirilmesi nedeniyle grip, nezle ve soğuk algınlığı gibi bulaşıcı hastalıklarda artış gözlemlenmektedir. Uzmanlar, nezle ve gripin sıklıkla birbirine karıştırıldığını, ancak nezlenin gripten daha hafif seyrettiğini belirtmektedir. Soğuk algınlığının çocuklarda daha sık görüldüğü, yetişkinlerde yılda 3-4 kez, çocuklarda ise 5-6 kez görülebildiği ifade edilmektedir. Bulaşma yolları; damlacık enfeksiyonu (öksürme ve hapşırma yoluyla), doğrudan temas (öpüşme) ve el teması yoluyla gerçekleşmektedir. Korunma yöntemleri arasında sık sık el yıkama (en az 20 saniye), hasta kişilerle temasın sınırlandırılması, hapşırırken ağız ve burnun dirseğin iç kısmına kapatılması, kapalı ortamların sık sık havalandırılması ve sigara dumanından kaçınılması sayılmaktadır. Grip, nezleden daha ani başlar ve şiddetli baş ağrısı, kas ağrısı, üşüme ve öksürükle kendini gösterir. Antibiyotiklerin, hem nezle hem de grip için etkisiz olduğu vurgulanmakta, bol sıvı tüketimi ve dinlenmenin önemi belirtilmektedir. 65 yaş üstü kişiler, hamileler, sağlık çalışanları, küçük çocuklar, diyabet hastaları, bağışıklık sistemi zayıf olanlar ve kronik hastalığı olanlar için grip aşısı önerilmektedir.

Due to the increase in time spent indoors, infectious diseases such as flu, colds and colds are more common in this season. Stating that colds and flu are confused with each other, experts state that colds are milder than flu. According to experts, ventilation of crowded environments such as homes and classrooms, frequent hand washing and avoiding cigarette smoke are effective in preventing these diseases.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Ear Nose and Throat Specialist Prof. Dr. Murat Topak stated that there is an increase in upper respiratory tract infections due to the decrease in air temperatures in autumn and at the same time, people are often together in closed areas, and that the most common disease is colds and colds.

Colds are more common in children

Pointing out that colds, colds and flu are used interchangeably among the public, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak stated that these diseases are different from each other and said, "Colds are a very common disease, especially 5-6 times in children and 3-4 times in adults. More than 200 viruses causing the common cold have been identified. Unlike the flu, the flu is more benign," he said.
Stating that it is not possible for children and adults to never get sick in autumn and winter, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "In order not to get sick, it is necessary to be in an isolated environment all the time. Children encounter the virus in kindergartens and adults encounter the virus in public transportation."

Transmitted by sneezing, kissing and hand contact

Noting that there are three ways of meeting the cold, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak listed them as follows:

"The first is transmitted in the form of droplet infection, that is, it is transmitted by sneezing and coughing. Small particles scattered in the air we breathe stick to small dust particles in the air that we cannot see with our eyes. In this way, they hang in the air like a balloon. These viruses can stay alive in the air for 2-3 hours. When a healthy person breathes this air, the viruses settle on the nasal mucosa and cause a disease picture. But of course, it cannot be said that you will definitely get sick as a result of droplet infection. The risk of getting sick can vary depending on body resistance, the amount of the virus and environmental conditions. The second is in the form of direct contact. It happens with kissing. The third is in the form of hand contact. When we sneeze or cough, we bring our hands to our mouths and leave the viruses in our hands to the place touched and pass them to someone else."


Hands must be washed frequently

Stating that it may be possible to prevent the flu with some precautions to be taken, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "If we have touched the place touched by the sick person, we should not bring our hands to our face and eyes. We should wash our hands when we come home from outside. This washing should last at least 20 seconds after wetting the hand, rubbing between the fingers, wrists and palm thoroughly and drying it. Another way of protection is to avoid contact with the infected person. Kissing and greetings should be avoided. Measures such as using masks in public places and public transportation vehicles can be taken."

Sneeze towards the inner surface of the arm

Stating that the person who is sick can take some precautions to prevent the flu from infecting the environment, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "If the sick person sneezes and coughs by bringing his mouth and nose to the inner surface of his arm instead of bringing his hand to his mouth while sneezing and coughing, the spread of viruses to the environment can be prevented."


Indoor environments should be ventilated frequently

Prof. Dr. Murat Topak, who also listed the risks of catching a cold, said, "The use of kindergartens, crowded classrooms in schools, smoking, and lack of fresh air in public transportation increase the risk." Emphasizing that indoor environments such as homes and classrooms should be ventilated frequently to prevent colds, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "Indoor environments should be ventilated frequently. Sufficient fresh air should be provided, smoking should be avoided, and care should be taken to ensure that there is no dust."

Cigarette smoke weakens the nasal defense system

Stating that cigarette smoke makes it easier to catch a cold, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "The task of the trembling hairs on the nasal mucosa is to protect the mucosa. Cigarette smoke prevents the movement of these vibrating hairs. A virus adhered to the mucosa is pushed backwards by vibrating hairs and removed by swallowing. However, since cigarette smoke paralyzes these vibrating hairs, it cannot fulfill its task."

Runny nose and tearing in the eyes

Stating that the person with a cold complains of runny nose, nasal congestion, tearing in the eyes, dryness in the throat and cough, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak pointed out that fever is more prominent in children, while fever is not seen much in adults.


Antibiotics are not used for colds

Prof. Dr. Murat Topak, who noted that it is important to get enough fluids in the flu, said, "Herbal teas should be consumed, not many drugs are recommended for children except antipyretics. For nasal congestion, it can be cleaned with salty and carbonated water. Antibiotics are useless because the common cold is a virus infection. The patient should not use the antibiotic he knows himself and should definitely consult a physician, "he warned.

Stating that the normal process of the common cold is between 3-10 days, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "After this process, the symptoms disappear. If coughing increases, fever increases, ear pain starts, it may have turned into a complication. A specialist should definitely be consulted," he warned.

Flu starts suddenly

Referring to the difference between flu and cold, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "Flu is also caused by viruses, just like the flu, but its onset is more sudden. It starts with severe headache, muscle pain, chills and cough. Influenza is more severe than the common cold and the person needs to lie down. Since it is caused by viruses, antibiotics are not used in this disease either. Flu is a disease that causes epidemics worldwide. Unlike the flu, flu can cause much more complications. It can result in death," he said.

WHO recommends flu vaccine

Stating that the transmission routes of the flu are the same as the flu, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "Unlike the flu, there is a vaccination method recommended by the World Health Organization for risk groups. This risk group consists of people over the age of 65, pregnant women, healthcare workers, young children, diabetic patients, people with diseases that impair body resistance, and people with chronic diseases. The recommended timing for vaccination is October and November. The immunity period of the vaccine is 8 months."

Rest is essential in flu

Emphasizing that the person with the flu should rest, Prof. Dr. Murat Topak said, "In case of complications such as respiratory distress and confusion, go to the hospital. In case of chills and shivering, take a shower with warm water and do not cover up in layers," he warned.

Prof. Dr. Murat Topak stated that ear pain and ear congestion during cold and flu may be a harbinger of a complication and that this may cause hearing loss and that a specialist should be consulted.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 October 2018
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