Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath

What Causes Shortness of Breath?

What is good for shortness of breath, shortness of breath can also be caused by various underlying diseases.

Factors that cause shortness of breath are as follows;

- Smoking causes shortness of breath because it damages the lungs. Especially the symptoms appear with advancing age. This also applies to passive smokers. Someone who is exposed to cigarette smoke is also likely to experience shortness of breath in the future.

- Air and environmental pollution also cause shortness of breath. Breathing polluted air damages the lungs and the condition develops over time.

Symptoms of shortness of breath;

- Sudden shivering

- Unstoppable coughing and this problem can start suddenly.

- Excessive body fatigue and weakness

- Painful condition experienced by the person in the lungs

- Shortness of breath at rest

- Wheezing and wheezing

- Sleepiness and obstruction due to breathing at night

- Muscle contractions and pain with coughing

What is good for shortness of breath, if you have shortness of breath, you should first consult a specialist. Some home remedies are good.

- Lemon water: What is good for shortness of breath, lemon water is especially good for infection problems in the respiratory tract. Since lemon juice has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, it benefits the infections that will occur there. Both bronchi and mucus accumulation can be prevented. If you are tired of drinking lemon water directly, you can sweeten it with honey or carob extract.

- Ginger, turmeric and black pepper: Ginger, turmeric and black pepper have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This especially helps to prevent mucus production and alleviate shortness of breath. You can drink ginger, turmeric and black pepper with a little honey in warm water like tea. It is suitable to consume once or twice a day. Preferably on a full stomach will tire the stomach less.

- What is good for shortness of breath, garlic consumption can also be good for shortness of breath problem.

What is Good for Shortness of Breath?

What is good for shortness of breath, shortness of breath is unfortunately a difficult situation that causes people who have problems in this regard to worry.

What is good for shortness of breath, various methods are recommended for people suffering from shortness of breath. These methods include medical methods as well as herbal options. If you have a frequent shortness of breath problem, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Shortness of breath problem is mostly seen in smokers. In intensive activities, for example in sports activities, shortness of breath after the sport is over is considered normal.

If the problem of shortness of breath has become chronic, it is absolutely necessary to get support from a specialist.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 October 2020
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