Semester break is coming to an end, experts warn for harmony!

Semester break is coming to an end, experts warn for harmony!

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Okul döneminin başlamasından önce, ailelerin çocuklarının akademik ve sosyal başarısı için yönlendirici bir yaklaşım sergilemeleri ve çocuğa disiplin öğretmeleri önemlidir. Çocuklarda disiplin sorunlarının doğru davranışların oluşmasını engellediği vurgulanmaktadır. Aileler, çocukla sağlıklı iletişim kurmalı, ortak mesajlar vermeli ve birbirlerini desteklemelidir. Uyku, beslenme ve çalışma disiplini açısından hazırlık yapmak, okul dönemine geçişi kolaylaştırır. Hazırlıkların son güne bırakılmaması, çocuğun tatildeki düzenini bir günde değiştirmesinin zor olacağı için önemlidir. Çocuğu eleştirmek, kıyaslamak ve kötü karneleri nedeniyle yargılamak yanlış bir yaklaşımdır. Okul isteksizliği, başarısızlık ve uyum sorunları yaşayan çocuklar için uzman desteği alınmalı ve okul-aile işbirliği sağlanmalıdır. Dikkat eksikliği, hiperaktivite bozukluğu, davranış bozukluğu ve dürtü kontrolü problemi olan çocuklar için psikiyatrik ve psikolojik destek gereklidir.

The semester break ends on Monday. Stating that it will be useful to make preparations in terms of sleep, nutrition and work discipline while entering the school period, experts emphasized that parents should have a guiding approach for the academic and social success of the child and teach the child to be disciplined. Aynur Sayım, Specialist Clinical Psychologist from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center, made suggestions to families in the days before the end of the semester break.

Discipline problem prevents correct behaviors

The relationship style between the family and the child, communication with the child, discipline methods for the child are the determining factors in the family's preparation of the child for school," Aynur Sayım said,

"One of the most difficult issues for families is discipline. In families that cannot create a common discipline language, children want to abuse this issue and have difficulty in creating their own internal discipline. It also takes time for children who grow up with discipline problems to form the right behaviors."

Family should give common messages to the child

Uzm. Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım said, "In some psychiatric disorders, for example; children with attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder and impulse control problems realize this more difficult" and continued her words as follows:

"These children need psychiatric and psychological support. Parents should give common messages to the child and support each other. If there is no healthy and adequate communication between the parents and the child, it is not possible for the child to listen to the parents and cooperate with them.

Parents should be guiding

In order for the child to be successful in both academic and social life, the parents should be a guide, a life guide, an approach that can teach the child to be disciplined, without giving the child the opportunity to conflict within the family, and put these into practice with determination."

Do not leave your preparations for the last day!

After the 2-week holiday, while entering the school period; Aynur Sayım, Specialist Clinical Psychologist from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center, stated that it would be appropriate to make preparations in terms of sleep, nutrition and work discipline:

"All arrangements should not be left to the last day, as it will be difficult for the child to change the order that stretches during the holiday in one day. However, it would be more accurate to express the suggestions as sleep discipline and preparation for the new semester, not in the sense of applying a strict program.

Avoid negative discourse against your child!

It is important for the family to avoid negative discourse. Especially criticizing, comparing and judging children with poor report cards is a very wrong approach. Provided that it is healthy, general discipline should be achieved through cooperation and agreements with the child. For children with school reluctance, failure and adaptation problems, expert help should be sought and school-family cooperation should be given importance."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At01 February 2019
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