Schizophrenia and Adolescence

Schizophrenia and Adolescence

Content Summary

Ergenlik dönemi, 7-14 yaş arası kızlarda ve 10-16 yaş arası erkeklerde görülen, çocukluğun sonu ile yetişkinliğe geçişin ilk adımıdır. Bu dönemde fiziksel ve psikolojik değişiklikler, sosyal çevreye uyum sorunları, kuralları görmezden gelme veya kırma, şiddet eğilimi, madde kullanımı deneyimleri ve akademik başarısızlık görülebilir. Ancak, kontrolsüz davranışlar, bağlantısız düşünceler, gerçek dışı düşünceler, halüsinasyonlar, şüphecilik ve öfke kontrolünde bozulma gibi belirtiler, erken başlangıçlı şizofrenide de görülebilir. Bu nedenle, ergenliğin normal gelişimsel süreçleri ile erken şizofreninin ayırt edilmesi, erken teşhis ve tedavi açısından son derece önemlidir. Erken teşhis, şizofreninin başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edilme şansını artırır. Ailelerin ve çevrenin “geçer bu dönem” gibi söylemler yerine, profesyonel bir değerlendirme ile doğru tanıya ulaşılması kritik önem taşımaktadır.

Uncontrolled and unusual behavior, disconnected thoughts and speech, unrealistic thoughts, hallucinations, suspiciousness and impaired anger control are common symptoms of adolescence.

But experts warn! Similar symptoms are also seen in early schizophrenia. Drawing attention to the importance of early diagnosis in schizophrenia, experts warn against confusing adolescence with schizophrenia.

Expert Clinical Psychologist Melis Ergezen from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital emphasized the importance of early diagnosis by stating that the symptoms that occur in early schizophrenia are similar to the symptoms experienced during adolescence.

Stating that adolescence begins in boys and girls with the end of childhood, Ergezen gave the following information about adolescence:

"Adolescence can be defined as the first step towards adulthood. It is defined as the puberty period between the ages of 7-14 for girls and 10-16 for boys. People's perspective on life begins to develop during adolescence. Girls take their mothers and boys take their fathers as role models. During this period, various physical and psychological changes begin in both sexes."

Stating that shyness, embarrassment and introversion may be observed in the child due to the physical changes experienced by the child, Melis Ergezen said, "The adolescent may act unpredictably because he is curious about everything that is going on around him. They can detach from reality and live in a dream world. These dreams may sometimes be the people they like or fall in love with, while sometimes they may have future plans. During this period, adolescents may also experience major emotional breakdowns. With the increase in interest in the opposite sex, success in school lessons may decrease."


Noting that adolescents will have attitudes such as ignoring or breaking the rules set by the family, Ergezen said, "Some adolescents may also use verbal/physical violence or threatening speech against the family. Adolescents may have a circle of friends that the family does not approve of. Adolescence is a slippery slope. Experiments with drugs or stimulants are frequently seen during adolescence. This behavior can be done in order to adapt to the friend environment and not to be excluded. Depending on the inappropriate behavior to adapt to the friend environment, the person may start to experience self-confidence problems. Regarding these changes experienced during adolescence, comments such as "adolescence, don't get on top of it", "don't bother too much, this period will eventually pass, we had a lot of difficulties when ours entered adolescence" can be made by the family and the environment."


Stating that the symptoms listed above may be characteristics of adolescence, as well as a precursor of a psychiatric disorder, schizophrenia, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Melis Ergezen pointed out the importance of early diagnosis and made the following recommendations:

"In early schizophrenia, symptoms such as introversion, low speech, uncontrolled and unusual behaviors, excessive mobility, disconnection in thoughts and speech, decreased academic success, unrealistic thoughts, hallucinations, suspiciousness, suspiciousness, irritability, difficulties in peer relationships, aggression, impaired anger control, and freezing can be seen. These findings may be confused with characteristics of adolescence. A good clinical assessment is necessary to prevent delayed intervention or misdiagnosis. Mental illnesses are diagnosed with the help of interviews, observations, information from the family and clinical tests when necessary. Early detection of schizophrenia increases the chances of treatment."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 February 2018
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