Report Card Psychology

Report Card Psychology

Content Summary

Karne psikolojisi, çocuğun akademik başarısını değerlendirmenin yanı sıra, aile dinamikleri, çocuğun sorunlarının farkındalığı ve aile desteği gibi faktörleri de göz önünde bulundurmalıdır. Aileler, çocuğun karnedeki performansını genel olarak değerlendirmeli, okul ve öğretmenlerle iş birliği yapmalı, online derslerdeki zorlukları tespit etmeye çalışmalı ve ara tatili, eksik dersleri tamamlamak ve dinlenmek için kullanmalıdır. Ekran kullanımına dikkat edilmeli, çocuğa yasaklar yerine yönlendirme ve gözetim sağlanmalı, sağlıklı bir iletişim kurulmalıdır. Pandemi sürecinin çocuklarda yarattığı kaygı ve stres göz önünde bulundurulmalı, yeterince açık hava aktivitesi sağlanmalı (haftalık 4-5 saat) ve çocuğun duygularını ifade etmesine yardımcı olunmalıdır. Yüksek beklentiler yerine, iş birliği ve paylaşım esas alınmalı, çocuğun olumsuz duygularını olumluya çevirmek için sağlıklı iletişim kurulmalı ve çocuğa destek olunmalıdır.

In the psychology of the report card, experts point out that the report card is not just a document showing the student's evaluation.

Don't leave the child alone in the psychology of the report card...

The report card also provides information about the family, behaviors and attitudes within the family, the extent to which the family is aware of their child's problems and whether they have taken steps to help.

What should families do in report card psychology?

- The academic success of the child in a semester should be evaluated by the family in general

- Cooperation with schools and teachers

- If possible, the difficulties the child experiences during online lessons should be identified together with the teacher

- The mid-term break should be considered as a time for children to relax while completing incomplete lessons.

- In this process, children should also pay attention to screen use

- The family should supervise the child appropriately and follow the child instead of forbidding

- Establish a constructive relationship with the child

For both adults and children, the pandemic has been long. Many children's education has been disrupted. The pandemic process has put serious pressure on children. Children entered a psychology of anxiety that continued to increase in the face of the unknown. Along with this process, being away from face-to-face education life also put a strain on children. Children who approach academic life more consciously will plan the mid-term vacation period more easily. Children who need support in making good and effective use of their time should ask their parents for help. Some parents may use part of their annual leave during this period so that they can be with their children more. Unfortunately, some families do not have this opportunity. Parents who do not have this opportunity should spend quality time with their children in the evening. Family relations, which are sometimes frayed between lessons, homework and boundaries, should be softened with family activities and family conversations.

Some parents' high expectations of their children have never diminished. When these high expectations were not met by the child in online education, stress and tensions increased. Problems are much more easily overcome when both parents share rest and responsibility. In some schools, children under the age of 20 did not go out for months because they attended online classes during curfew. It is very important for children to spend at least 4-5 hours a week outside. Mid-term vacation is a good time for children to spend time outside. Children may not be able to express themselves by saying "I am bored and overwhelmed". Families should help them in this process.

Report card psychology should not put children under pressure. At this point, families have more work to do. In order to keep the report card psychology away from children, parents need to communicate more with the child.

Underneath the report card psychology, the child may have feelings of fear and inadequacy. In approaching children, it is very important to turn these negative feelings into positive ones, and this is based on healthy communication with the child.

The family should communicate more with the child who is experiencing report card psychology and make the child feel that they are there for him/her when he/she needs them.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 January 2023
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