Psychiatry Summit and 10th Anxiety Congress

Psychiatry Summit and 10th Anxiety Congress

Content Summary

2018 Antalya Psikiyatri Zirvesi ve 10. Anksiyete Kongresi'nde, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir ve diğer uzmanlar, "Araştırmadan kliniğe yansımalar: Nörobilimde güncellemeler" teması altında sunumlar yaptılar. Kongrede, preklinik ve klinik çalışma sonuçlarının uygulamadaki yansımaları, tanı ve tedavi yöntemlerindeki güncellemeler ele alındı. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan kişiselleştirilmiş psikiyatri tedavisi, Uzm. Psk. Gürler Güz internet kullanımının psikiyatrik sorunlara etkisi, Doç. Dr. Onur Noyan ise implant tedavisi, obezite ve bağımlılık üzerine sunumlar gerçekleştirdi. Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir ise kadınlarda menstrüasyon ve menopoz dönemlerindeki duygusal durumları ve hastalık süreçlerine geçişi açıkladı. Kongrenin amacı, güvenli, etkili ve sürdürülebilir ruh sağlığı tedavilerinin geliştirilmesi için preklinik çalışmaları klinik uygulamaya yansıtmaktı.

Psychiatry Summit and 10th Anxiety Congress starts in Antalya between March 15-18, 2018. Many experts from our hospital are participating in the summit with different topics. Among the program participants are Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir, Assoc. Dr. Onur Noyan, Assoc. Dr. Gül Eryılmaz and Assoc. Dr. Işıl Gökçegöz Gül... In this congress; "Reflections from research to clinic: Updates in neuroscience" theme, different perspectives will be discussed.

Congress President and NPAMATEM Addiction Center Coordinator Prof.Dr.Nesrin Dilbaz; "In the congress, we will share current information with young minds, and while sharing, we will discuss the guidance of pre-clinical and clinical study results in practical application, updates in diagnosis and treatments. Building safe, effective and sustainable treatments in the field of mental health can only be possible by reflecting preclinical studies into practice and supporting them with clinical studies. For this purpose, we will bring together the masters of the subject working in the field of neuroscience on national and international platforms with conferences, panels, satellite symposiums and discussions."

At the congress; Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan Personalized Treatment in Psychiatry: From TDM to Pharmacogenetics will make a presentation on the subject. Uzm Psk Gürler Güz will draw attention to the fact that the internet (being online) brings various psychiatric problems with excessive, uncontrolled, misuse and unconscious use as well as positive factors such as easy access to information, while Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan will make presentations on implant treatment and obesity and addiction. Dr. Noyan said, "We want to show with concrete data that obesity can be considered as a type of behavioral addiction that is not actually a weakness or character problem." Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir will also give information about women's emotional states at the beginning of menstruation (menarche) and menopause and the transition from normal to disease process.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 January 2021
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