Psychiatry Doctor

Psychiatry Doctor

Content Summary

İnsanlar, ruh sağlığı sorunları için uygun bir uzman bulmak amacıyla psikiyatri uzmanları hakkındaki tavsiyeleri araştırmaktadırlar. Psikiyatristler, sosyal fobi, anksiyete, depresyon, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, bağımlılık, şizofreni, uyku sorunları, yeme bozuklukları, psikoz, kıskançlık (Othello sendromu), anksiyete bozuklukları, geriyatrik bozukluklar, cinsel işlev bozuklukları, obsesif kompulsif bozukluk (OKB) ve paranoya (paranoid kişilik bozukluğu) gibi çeşitli hastalıkları teşhis ve tedavi ederler. Psikiyatristler tıp fakültesi mezunu olup psikiyatri alanında uzmanlaşmış doktorlardır; psikologlardan farklı olarak ilaç yazabilir ve teşhis koyabilirler. İyi bir psikiyatrist, güçlü iletişim becerisine, alana ilgiye, yeniliklere açıklığa, sürekli gelişime, dikkatli, sabırlı, sorumlu ve mesleki etiğe uygun davranışa sahip olmalıdır. Psikiyatristlerin görevi hastaları dinlemek, teşhis koymak, tedavi planı oluşturmak, gerekirse ilaç yazmak, adli psikiyatri durumlarında rapor yazmak, diğer doktorlarla iş birliği yapmak ve hastaları tedavi etmektir. Psikiyatristlerin adli psikiyatri, bağımlılık psikiyatrisi, ergen psikiyatrisi, çocuk psikiyatrisi ve nöropsikiyatri gibi farklı uzmanlık alanları vardır.

A doctor of psychiatry treats individuals with impaired mental and emotional health. A doctor of psychiatry is called a psychiatrist. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with psychiatric diseases and disorders.

Psychiatrist Advice

The main purpose of people's research on psychiatrist recommendations is that people want to choose a doctor in line with the recommendations for doctors who treat psychiatric diseases and start treatment at this point.

Inpsychiatry recommendations, what people generally expect is a good psychiatrist where they can be treated. Therefore, when people go to a psychiatrist, they take a look at the psychiatry recommendations section.

Which Diseases Do Psychiatry Doctors Treat?

- Social phobia

- Anxiety

- Depression

- Post-traumatic stress disorder

- Addictions

- Schizophrenia

- Sleep problems

- Eating disorders

- Psychosis

- Jealousy (othello syndrome)

- Anxiety disorders

- Geriatric disorders

- Sexual dysfunctions

- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

- Paranoia (Paranoid personality disorder) is diagnosed and treated by psychiatric doctors.

Is There a Difference Between a Psychiatric Doctor and a Psychologist?

The concepts of psychiatric doctor and psychologist are different from each other. A doctor of psychiatry is an individual who first graduated from a medical school and then specialized in psychiatry. Psychiatry doctors are both doctors and psychiatry doctors. Psychiatry doctors can diagnose and treat patients.

Psychologists are people who have graduated from psychology departments of faculties. Psychologists are not authorized to diagnose, treat or prescribe medication to patients. However, they can work together with psychiatry doctors, and after receiving the necessary training, they can perform psychotherapy.

Psychiatrists' areas of work and specialization may vary, here are some of them:

- Forensic psychiatrists: Psychiatrists who deal with forensic issues.
- Addiction psychiatrists: They diagnose and treat addictions.
- Adolescent psychiatrists: They treat adolescents who have psychological problems during adolescence.
- Child psychiatrists: They deal with children with psychological problems.
- Neuro psychiatrists: They deal with individuals who have psychological problems as a result of disorders in the brain.
- Psychiatrists have many such specialties.

What are the Characteristics of a Psychiatry Doctor?

- Psychiatry doctors should have a strong ability to communicate with each other.

- They should be interested in the field of psychiatry and its diseases.

- A doctor of psychiatry should love his/her field.

- They should be open to innovations.

- He/she should constantly acquire new knowledge and improve himself/herself continuously.

- They must be careful.

- He/she must be patient.

- He/she must be responsible.

- Must comply with the ethical rules of his/her profession.

What is the duty of a psychiatry doctor?

- Listening to patients' complaints and problems

- Diagnosing patients' diseases

- To create a treatment plan for diseases

- Prescribing medication if patients need to take medication

- Forensic psychiatrists write reports to judges and prosecutors on judicial proceedings

- Collaborating with other doctors

- Treating patients

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At31 May 2021
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