Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: "Only the baby in her womb can inflict violence on a woman"

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: "Only the baby in her womb can inflict violence on a woman"

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi'nde düzenlenen "Kadına Yönelik Şiddetin Adli, Psikolojik ve Sosyal Boyutları" başlıklı panelde, toplumda şiddeti onaylayan zihinsel haritaların varlığına dikkat çekildi. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, kadınların boyun eğmesinin ve sessiz kalmasının şiddeti onaylayan bir tutum olduğunu ve erkekleri cesaretlendirdiğini belirtti. Kadınların şiddete karşı asla sessiz kalmamaları, üzüntülerini ve duygularını göstermeleri ve "hayır" deme yeteneğini kazanmaları gerektiği vurgulandı. Panelde ayrıca, Türkiye'de ilk 10 ayda 240 kadının öldürüldüğü, 77 kadının tecavüze uğradığı ve 286 kız çocuğunun cinsel istismara maruz kaldığı bilgisi paylaşıldı. Şiddete karşı mücadelede insan hakları ve şefkatin önemi vurgulanırken, aile içi sorunların dikey değil, yatay koalisyonla çözülmesi, kadınların ekonomik bağımsızlıklarının sağlanması ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanması gerektiği belirtildi.

Speaking at the panel titled "Forensic, Psychological and Social Dimensions of Violence Against Women" held at Üsküdar University, Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that there are mental maps that approve violence in society and said that women's submission and silence is an attitude that approves violence and this encourages men. "Women should never remain silent in the face of violence," Prof. Tarhan said, "Women should show their sadness and emotions. Women should gain the ability to say no."

In the panel titled "Forensic, Psychological and Social Dimensions of Violence Against Women" organized by Üsküdar University Psychology Club on November 25, World Day for the Prevention of Violence Against Women, the problems of women victims of violence, the measures to be taken and the factors that lead to violence were discussed.

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan and Üsküdar University Social Work Department Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail Barış participated in the panel moderated by Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy, Vice Rector of Üsküdar University, Director of Üsküdar University Addiction and Forensic Sciences Institute and Head of Forensic Sciences Department.

240 women murdered in 10 months

Delivering the opening speech of the panel held at Üsküdar University Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall, ÜSÇÖZÜM Director Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşenur Kurtoğlu stated that violence against women in the world and in our country is being experienced day by day and that 240 women and girls were murdered, 77 women were raped and 286 girls were sexually assaulted in the first 10 months of this year. Stating that the most fundamental thing for humanity is human rights, Kurtoğlu emphasized that what is needed to stand against violence is rights and compassion.

President Erdoğan's words are very meaningful

Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy, who was also the moderator of the panel, started her speech by saying "I am happy to be working at a university where a man who said "Ignoring the need of women to be loved and valued is violence against women" is the rector" and added "We hope that the number of such men will gradually increase".

Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy stated that in recent days, a statement of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has caught the eye in the city and almost everywhere in the country and said "Violence against women is a violation of human rights, this is a very important sentence. It is a sentence that shows how much importance the political will attaches to the fight against violence against women and that it has not and will not spare its best efforts to prevent it."

Women are killed in their homes, where they find themselves safest

Prof. Dr. Atasoy stated that she closely witnessed the situation in women's shelters and said that living in a shelter is not enough to ensure women's life safety. Prof. Dr. Atasoy said "It is necessary to know that 6% of the male population in the world is killed by a family member and 50% of women are killed by family members or relatives. She is subjected to violence by her husband, divorced husband, lover or relative at home where she finds herself the safest."

Only the baby in the womb can inflict violence on a woman

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that there is an exception to violence against women and said, "Only one person can inflict violence on a woman. And that is the baby in her belly, only he can kick her." Stating that the focus is always on the result in violence against women, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the causes of violence against women should be revealed and the diagnosis should be made correctly.

Women should never remain silent

Stating that there are four different reasons for violence, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan noted that these are related to women, men, society and popular culture. Stating that there are mental maps that approve violence in society, Tarhan noted that the attitude of women approving violence gives courage to men and said, "Women should never remain silent in the face of violence, they should show their sadness and emotions. Women should gain the ability to say no."

Problems in the family should be solved by horizontal coalition, not vertical

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that children learn most from live modeling and said, "If there is a model of anger in the family, the child internalizes and applies it. The live life model in which violence is approved is important." Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, who recommends horizontal coalition instead of vertical coalition for reconciliation in the family, underlined that the spouses should work together for a solution in case of disagreements and that help should not be sought from outside the family, especially from family elders. Prof. Dr. Tarhan said, "Parents should not immediately intervene in disputes and fights between their children. Here, too, there is a vertical coalition between parents and children, in the horizontal coalition, that is, siblings should solve the problem among themselves, and parents should give them the opportunity to do so."

Women victims of violence should be given a profession

Üsküdar University Social Work Department Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail Barış talked about women's shelters in our country and the problems that women victims of violence face in social life.

He underlined that most of the women who are victims of violence live with their children, so the shelter, nutrition and education needs of children should also be met.

Stating that it is necessary for these women to stand on their feet in the next periods of their lives and to acquire a profession, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail Barış said that studies in this direction should be made more in-depth. He pointed out the importance of ensuring gender equality as well as justice. He emphasized that women's rights should be determined and implemented in every sense starting from the family.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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