Problem-oriented thinking impairs mental health

Problem-oriented thinking impairs mental health

Content Summary

Psikologlar, bireysel sorunların üstesinden gelmede hayati bir rol oynayarak toplumun ruh sağlığının iyileştirilmesine büyük katkıda bulunurlar. Uzmanlar, tamamlanmamış ve yarım kalmış tedavilerin zararlı olabileceğini belirterek, terapilerin tamamlanması gerektiğini vurguluyorlar. Terapi süreci bir psikolog tarafından yürütülmeli ve bilgi saklanmamalıdır. Toplumun ruh sağlığı, bireylerin ruh sağlığıyla yakından ilgilidir; problem odaklı düşünce, bireyin ruh sağlığını bozar. Bu nedenle, çözüm odaklı düşüncenin devreye girmesi son derece önemlidir. Psikologlar, bireysel ve/veya toplu olarak, etkilenen kişilerin iyileşmesi için gerekli desteği sağlarlar. Terapi süreci kademeli olarak ilerlemelidir; tüm bilgilerin ve desteğin birden verilmesi birçok şeyi göz ardı edilebilir hale getirir. Psikoloğa güvenmek önemlidir ve terapiler yarım bırakılmamalıdır; tamamlanmamış bir tedavi zararlı olabilir. Psikolog, süreci tarafsızca yönetecek kişidir; bu nedenle süreç, ona bırakılmalıdır. Psikolog ile açık ve dürüst olmak, karşılıklı güven ortamı oluşturmak için önemlidir. Psikologtan bilgi saklamak, çözüm sürecinin çözülemez hale gelmesine neden olabilir ve bu bilgiyi saklamayı isteyen yakınları da sorumludur. Psikolojik destek almamak, temizlik yaparken kirleri halının altına saklamaya benzer; gizlenen her şey aniden ortaya çıktığında mevcut durum daha da kötüleşebilir.

Psychologists, who play a crucial role in overcoming individual problems, make great contributions to improving the mental health of society. Stating that therapies must be completed, experts point out that incomplete and unfinished treatments can be damaging. The therapy process should be carried out by a psychologist and information should not be withheld.
May 10 is commemorated every year as Psychologists' Day. On this special day, it is aimed to discuss the problems faced by psychologists and solutions.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychology Services General Coordinator Specialist Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said that psychologists undertake very important tasks in terms of public health.

Stating that psychologists are the first people called for a solution when there is a sudden source of stress, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said:
"Psychologists have many equipment to reach the source. Those with adequate equipment can and do reach the solution. Since individuals make up society, the good mental health of society is linked to the mental well-being of individuals within themselves. Problem-oriented thinking impairs the mental health of the individual. Therefore, it is extremely important that solution-oriented thinking comes into play. Sometimes, when distress grows, it affects not only one person, but also the people around him or her, and as the distress spreads, large masses can be affected.

Help grows in waves

Psychologists use the support needed to rehabilitate the affected people in society individually and/or collectively, as appropriate. In addition to the process of recovering the emotional states of the people who are handled individually, collective trainings, practices and group therapy are also helpful in the healthy recovery of the negatively affecting process. As long as the existence of support is known, those who feel helpless or in a dead end will know that they are not alone and the wave of help will grow. This is why the presence of the psychologist and his/her command of the process is important."

The therapy process should proceed step by step

Stating that the therapy process should progress gradually, Burkovik said, "Psychologists should give as much as they need to those who need it. Support should of course be given, but when all the information and support is given one after the other, many things can be ignored. Therefore, the process should go gradually. Some people want to solve everything at once, they should be informed about the reality of this situation and that better results will be obtained when the real help is given slowly and firmly."

Incomplete treatment can be damaging

Stating that it is important to trust the psychologist, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik pointed out that therapies should not be left unfinished. Burkovik said, "Sometimes people may say that they are worse than other people and they may want to be taken care of completely. At this point, the psychologist should be trusted and left in charge of the process. Otherwise no one can really get help. An incomplete treatment can be damaging. It may not be healthy for people to test reality when their emotions are intense. The intensity of emotions creates a deficiency in the use of logic. An emotional burden on the psychologist may cause problems in the realism of expectations."

Listen to these suggestions for a healthy therapy process

Expert Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik gave important advice about the psychological treatment process:

"The psychologist should be allowed to evaluate. Do not be obstructive.

The psychologist should manage the process

Since the psychologist is the one who acts without prejudice, the management of the process should be left to the psychologist. Leaving the process to a professional will help you solve the problem. It is important to be honest when seeking and working towards a solution. Therefore, one should be open and honest in creating an atmosphere of mutual trust.

Information should not be withheld

Information should not be withheld from the psychologist. Withholding information may cause the solution process to be unsolvable, and the relatives who ask for this information to be withheld are as responsible as the one who withholds it. You may end your life as a result of the exhaustion of the client who is exposed to such a process. In order not to cause this, let her share her life with her psychologist with all her privacy."

The dirt should be swept under the carpet!

Expert Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said, "Not getting the support of a psychologist despite the need is like hiding the dirt under the carpet while cleaning. When everything that is hidden suddenly spills out, the existing situation can become even worse. When necessary, a guide is needed to know how to stop the storm when it is about to break, to grasp what to do in the harbor, to find the path that leads to the storm, not to go the same way again, or to turn back by realizing when you are going. Sometimes one path and sometimes different paths are actually discovered together with the psychologist."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At10 May 2018
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