Positive psychology effective in suicide prevention

Positive psychology effective in suicide prevention

Hope is a trait that can be learned and increased

Stating that positive psychology methods can be effective in preventing suicide, which is seen as an important public health problem all over the world, experts point out that risk factors related to suicide can be eliminated by increasing the level of hope, social support, self-esteem, psychological resilience and overall well-being of the individual.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan, who works in the field of positive psychology, said, "Hope is a trait that can be learned and increased at a significant level. The same can be said for forgiveness, optimism, resilience and self-esteem. All of these traits can be developed, which can help prevent suicide to a significant extent."

Üsküdar University Psychology Department Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan made evaluations regarding the World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10. Stating that suicide is an important public health problem all over the world, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan said that it is aimed to increase the awareness of society, institutions and all individuals against suicide through World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10.

Suicide rates are on the rise

Stating that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, one suicide attempt results in death every 40 seconds in the world and that the suicide rate has increased by 60% in the last 45 years, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan said, "Suicide is among the top 10 causes of death worldwide. Again, approximately 1 million people die by suicide every year in the world. More sadly, suicide rates are increasing every year. Measures to be taken and awareness to be raised in health institutions, schools, hospitals and different workplaces regarding suicide will help to reduce suicide rates."

Positive psychology methods can be effective in prevention

Stating that the causes of suicide should be addressed in a multidimensional way, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan stated that the field of positive psychology can be used in the prevention of suicides and said, "There are psycho-social dimensions as well as genetic and biological reasons. When we look at the risk factors for suicide, we see that there are many factors such as familial and genetic factors, mental health disorders, difficult life events (traumatic experiences), childhood traumas, sexual and physical abuse, physical illnesses, alcohol and drug use, economic problems, living alone and lack of social support, feelings of hopelessness and meaninglessness. Considering these risk factors, many initiatives can be taken to prevent suicide. In addition to what has already been done, I think that important work can be done to prevent suicide with positive psychology interventions."

Positive psychology is based on the health model

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan stated that positive psychology is a relatively new psychology movement that focuses on the positive and strong characteristics of people; conducts research on what makes life worth living; and tries to increase the quality of life, joy and happiness of individuals:

"Positive psychology deals with topics such as happiness, well-being, meaning of life, forgiveness, hope, optimism, self-esteem, psychological resilience and gratitude. The field of psychology is largely concerned with abnormal behavior and mental health disorders. Therefore, an understanding focused on problem solving has been at the forefront in the field of psychology. Examining and researching the positive and powerful characteristics and potentials of people has been largely neglected. Positive psychology is an approach that focuses on the positive characteristics, strengths and virtues of individuals rather than their negative, deficient and problematic aspects. As such, it is based on the "health model" as opposed to the "disease model" used by traditional psychology. Accordingly, the aims and functions of positive psychology are to search for things that will make life valuable and worth living, to focus on people's positive and strong characteristics and develop them, to try to improve subjective and psychological well-being and joy of life, and to prevent individuals from experiencing mental problems with its preventive function."

Hope is a learnable trait

Stating that positive psychology does not ignore people's negative emotions or pain in life, handles them realistically, but tries to use its own instruments to cope with them, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan said:

"First of all, one of the most important functions of positive psychology is the 'preventive' function. In other words, activities aimed at preventing problems before they arise. In this sense, we have very serious research findings on suicide and we know the risk factors for suicide to a great extent. We can eliminate these risk factors by increasing the individual's level of hope, social support, self-esteem, psychological resilience and general well-being. For example, hopelessness and helplessness are significant risk factors in suicide cases. But today, thanks to positive psychology research, we know that hope is an important trait that can be learned and increased. The same can be said for forgiveness, optimism, resilience and self-esteem. We can even add social and emotional intelligence. All of these traits can be developed and thus help to prevent suicide to a significant extent."

Positive psychology against the epidemic of meaninglessness

Noting that one of the important reasons for suicide in the modern age is the epidemic of "meaninglessness", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan said, "At this point, positive psychology tries to reveal what a meaningful life would be like or what would make life worth living by conducting studies on the search for meaning. An individual with a meaningful life and clear life goals will be far from suicide."

The search for meaning is one of the most fundamental human issues

Stating that what psychology is actually looking for the answer to is the question of how to have a "meaningful life", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan said: "How can I live a meaningful and good life? If we can give satisfactory answers to these questions individually, we can say that we are in a very advantageous position in terms of mental health. Man is a creature in search of meaning. The search for meaning is an integral part of human existence and is unique to human beings. However, human beings are also the only creatures that can give meaning and produce meaning to the things that exist in the world. Therefore, the search for meaning is one of the most fundamental human concerns. This is not the case for other living beings. As a matter of fact, existential emptiness and meaninglessness can be the source of many abnormal behaviors or mental disorders, especially depression and anxiety. If a person has feelings of meaninglessness, he or she will feel empty, angry, anxious and restless. As a matter of fact, Carl G. Jung, an important figure in the field of psychology, expressed this situation as "Neurosis is the suffering of the soul that has not found its meaning". Many people who see their lives as meaningless may be inclined to fill the existential void with violence, drugs, excessive eating and drinking, gambling or uncontrolled sexuality. Not finding meaning and purpose in life can also lead to guilt of not living well. The individual may feel that his/her life has been wasted, that he/she has not been able to do justice to the life he/she has been given and that he/she has not been able to live it to the fullest. This can cause anxiety and guilt. At the end of it all, suicide may occur. Therefore, a positive psychology-based, meaning-oriented psychological support is critical in preventing suicide."

Mental health professionals should be specially trained

Pointing out that suicide affects not only the individual himself/herself but also his/her social environment, colleagues, family and society in general, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan said, "Therefore, it is an issue that should be taken very seriously. Mental health professionals should be specially trained on this issue, they should be informed about suicide risks and they should be equipped on how to approach individuals with suicide risk."

It should be included in health policies

Emphasizing that suicide prevention should definitely be included in the health policies of governments and in-depth research should be conducted on this issue, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan said, "When we look at the suicide rates in the world, the situation in our country is relatively better. However, suicide rates are increasing in our country with each passing year. I think there is a lot we can do while the situation is not too bad yet."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At11 September 2019
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