Pollution affects babies' mental development

Pollution affects babies' mental development

Content Summary

Hava kirliliği, özellikle bir yaşın altındaki bebeklerde beyin gelişim bozukluklarına ve öğrenme güçlüklerine neden olabilir. Çocuklar, daha hızlı nefes almaları, daha düşük vücut kütleleri ve gelişmemiş bağışıklık sistemleri nedeniyle yetişkinlerden daha fazla etkilenir. Uzmanlar, bebeklerin yoğun şehir kalabalığına götürülmemesini, hava kirliliğinin yüksek olduğu sabahın erken saatleri ve gece geç saatlerde seyahat edilmemesini tavsiye ediyor. Öğleden sonra havanın genellikle daha temiz olduğu belirtiliyor. Hava kirliliği, erken çocukluk döneminde zeka ve öğrenmeyi azaltmanın yanı sıra Alzheimer hastalığının gelişmesinde de rol oynayabilir. Bebeklerin hava kirliliğinden korunması için hava filtreleme cihazları kullanılabilir ve yeşil alanlar artırılarak, toplu taşıma genişletilerek ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına yatırım yapılarak temiz hava sağlanması önemlidir.

Pollution affects babies' mental development. Experts warned: Don't take babies to crowded cities and travel early in the morning and late at night when air pollution is high.

Air pollution, one of the biggest problems of big cities, can cause brain development disorders and learning difficulties in babies. Experts point out that babies should not be taken to the crowds of the city and traveling early in the morning and late at night when air pollution is intense.

This year's theme of July 22 World Brain Day, which was declared by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) in order to draw attention to the importance of prevention of brain-related diseases and brain health, was determined as "Clean Air for a Healthy Brain".

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said that air pollution negatively affects the brain development of children.

Causes brain development disorder

Stating that children are more affected by air pollution than adults because they breathe faster, their body mass is less and their immune systems are underdeveloped, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "Many studies have shown that air pollution has a negative effect on brain development in children. Nano-sized magnetite fragments and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are taken with inhaled air and mixed into the bloodstream and can cause brain development disorders and learning difficulties, as well as respiratory problems, especially in children under one year of age."

Babies should be protected from air pollution

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "Children are affected more than adults because they breathe faster, their body mass is less and their immune systems are underdeveloped. Children in the first few years of life should be especially protected from air pollution. Babies should not be taken to crowded cities or on trips early in the morning and late at night when air pollution is high. The air is usually cleanest in the afternoon. In addition, if you live in an area where the air is polluted and you have a baby at home, devices that filter particles in the air should be used."

It is also effective in the development of Alzheimer's

Pointing out that it has been proven by many studies that air pollution affects learning and intelligence, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said:
"Intelligence and learning decrease in early infancy, especially as air pollution increases. However, the effects of air pollution are not limited to infancy and childhood. There is strong evidence that air pollution also plays a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. For example, a Canadian study has shown that people living close to highways have a 10 times higher risk of Alzheimer's than those who do not. Another study found that as air pollution increases, the brain shrinks and the ability of brain cells to make connections decreases. Scientific data show that our brain needs healthy and clean air. In order to prevent brain diseases, it is necessary to invest in renewable energy sources, increase green areas and expand public transportation. "

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At31 July 2018
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