Our Brain and Its Functions

Our Brain and Its Functions

Content Summary

Bu metin, beynin işleyişi, gelişimi ve hastalıklarla olan ilişkisi hakkında bilgi vermektedir. İlk beyin cerrahisi girişimlerinin, canlı veya ölü bireylerde beyin açılmasıyla gerçekleştiği belirtilmiştir. Beyin büyüklüğünün, öğrenmeyle değil, zamanla ve genetik faktörlerle belirlendiği, kadın ve erkek beyinleri arasındaki ağırlık farkının vücut ağırlığıyla ilişkili olduğu vurgulanmıştır. Sol veya sağ elini kullanmanın genetik olduğu, zeka ile ilişkili olmadığı açıklanmıştır. Beynin yeni bilgiler öğrenmeyi, farklı yolları denemeyi sevdiği, depresyondan hoşlanmadığı belirtilmiştir. Alzheimer hastalığının, semptomlardan çok önce beyinde başlayan ve yaşlanmayla ilişkili olarak sıklığının arttığı, kadınlarda daha yaygın olduğu ifade edilmiştir. Hastalığın geciktirilmesinde, damarsal koruma, diyabet ve tansiyon kontrolü, kolesterol yönetimi, sigara ve obeziteyle mücadele gibi faktörlerin önemine değinilmiştir. Son olarak, hastanenin Alzheimer teşhisi ve tedavisinde dünyadaki standartlara paralel yöntemler kullandığı belirtilmiştir.

Knowing our brain and its functions, from A to Z, is like learning the alphabet, so it is necessary to read popular science books about the brain.

Although we are at the beginning of the 20th century, there are no major advances in science. Knowing our brain from a to z requires knowing many things from a to z. This is an early question asked by the public. Our brain and its functions, knowing the brain from a to z is like the alphabet, it is learned by understanding it slowly, so it is necessary to read popular science books about the brain. Because it is a very technical and scientific subject.

In the past, in order to understand our brain and its functions, in various researches, they opened the brain on living people, they opened the brain on dead people, and these can be considered the first examples of neurosurgery.

Our brain and its functions, these windows were very smooth windows and these were the windows that were opened from the first people and this technique is a technique called burr hole, which is now used in neurosurgery. This method dates back to the first people.

Of course, there are some functions of our brain that are still undiscovered and scientific studies continue rapidly in this sense. This situation can gain speed with the advancement of technology.

Does the Brain Grow Over Time?

Our brain and its functions, the increase in the weight of the brain of the human species is in a period approaching a million years, it is not something that happens in 10 thousand years, it is something that happens at the end of centuries. There is also no such thing as the more a person learns, the bigger their brain grows.

Our brain and its functions, making changes opens pathways in the brain, but the growth of the brain is a separate event. Each species has an average brain and an average of that. In the past years, it has been shown that the female brain is lighter in grams compared to the male brain, and a gender distinction was born based on this, but this is related to body weight. As a result of research, it has been explained that women's body weight is lighter than men's body weight, so their brains are lighter.

Our brain and its functions, brain measurements based on body weight are accurate. If only the brain is focused on, wrong results arise.

Is Left-Handedness a Disease?

Our brain and its functions, being left-handed or right-handed is not a sign of deficiency, it is directly related to the brain. Left-handedness is genetic, more precisely, right-handedness is genetic in every person, but left-handedness occurs when the gene in which right-handedness is dominant is weak. It is not related to intelligence and intellect.

What does our brain like?

The brain likes to try different ways. It does not like to suppress the options that come to mind, it likes to stand on those options, it does not like a single color, it likes all colors, it likes to learn new information because the brain secretes protein in every new information, so we strengthen the DNA of our brain.

The brain does not like depression.

What are the effects ofAlzheimer 's on our brain?

Our brain and its functions, we think that changes in the brain occur long before the symptoms of the disease, so this disease occurs as a result of the emergence and accumulation of changes in the brain. If we go backwards from the moment we diagnose the symptoms of the disease, we can say that Alzheimer's disease started in the brain at least 10 - 15 years ago.

What is the rate of developing the disease according to gender?

Our brain and its functions, in a certain sense, the disease has no gender. But since women live more than men in general and for various reasons, it is more common in women.

Has increased life expectancy increased the incidence of Alzheimer's disease?

It increases because as normal aging in the brain, biological aging, gradually makes the brain weaker and more fragile, the incidence of Alzheimer's increases. For example, while it is 5% at the age of 65, it increases to 40% at the age of 80 and this rate increases gradually.

Can we say that lifestyle is effective in developing the disease?

I think we can because the depression factor is important for both social and asocial individuals. Studies show that Alzheimer's disease is more common in people with chronic depression compared to the same age group.

Is it possible to delayAlzheimer' s disease?

Our brain and its functions, so far there are no studies on delaying Alzheimer's disease for everyone. However, as I said, vascular protection, protection against diabetes and blood pressure, protection against cholesterol, protection against smoking, protection against obesity lead to an indirect delay.

Can you tell us about the treatment possibilities in our hospital?

The treatment applied in Alzheimer's disease is in parallel and in line with the treatment applied in the world. But first of all, the methods applied for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease are methods that are not applied in many hospitals. Here, we perform tests called brain check-ups for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, which consist of different examinations, and therefore we can diagnose many diseases early.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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