NPISTANBUL Hospital became the "World's first Accredited Brain Hospital"

NPISTANBUL Hospital became the "World's first Accredited Brain Hospital"

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi, dünyanın en büyük ve en prestijli sağlık akreditasyon kuruluşu olan JCI (Joint Commission International) tarafından denetlenmiş ve yaklaşık 1300 standarda göre yapılan titiz bir denetim sonucunda %99'un üzerinde uyum puanıyla üçüncü kez akredite edilmiştir. Bu başarıyla NPISTANBUL Hastanesi, "Dünyanın İlk Akredite Beyin Hastanesi" unvanını kazanmıştır. 2015 yılında "dünyanın 3. akredite psikiyatri hastanesi" olarak çıtayı yükselten hastane, bu akreditasyon başarısıyla "Dünyanın İlk Akredite Beyin Hastanesi" olmuştur. JCI Baş Denetçisi Kenneth Waxman, hastanenin denetim sürecinin başarılı olduğunu ve psikiyatri bakım ve hizmetlerinde son derece gelişmiş süreçlere sahip olduğunu belirtmiştir.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital was audited by JCI (Joint Commission International), the world's largest and most prestigious health accreditor. NPISTANBUL Hospital, which was meticulously audited within the framework of nearly 1300 standards, was accredited for the third time with a compliance score of over 99%. With this success, NPISTANBUL Hospital has earned the title of "World's first Accredited Brain Hospital".

NPISTANBUL Hospital, an application partner of Üsküdar University, was audited by JCI (Joint Commission International), the world's largest and most prestigious health accreditor.

Between February 26 and March 1, 2018, NPISTANBUL Hospital, which was meticulously audited within the framework of nearly 1300 standards, was scored within the framework of all these standards and accredited for the third time with a compliance score of over 99%.

NPISTANBUL Hospital, which raised the bar of being the "3rd accredited psychiatric hospital in the world" with its success in 2015, received the title of "World's first Accredited Brain Hospital" with this accreditation success in 2018.

JCI Chief Auditor Kenneth Waxman stated that NPISTANBUL Hospital had a successful audit process and said, "This is an exceptionally good report. Especially when you have moved to a new hospital and developed new services. You have extremely well developed processes for your psychiatric care and services. We can say that you are a center of excellence in psychiatry. You have started to develop and implement a similar quality and safety program for your medical and surgical processes."

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: "The audit made significant contributions"

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NPISTANBUL Hospital, stated that it was the hospital's third JCI audit and that it was one of the most instructive audits for the hospital and said, "We received many answers, especially about what we can do more about the future. We received answers to the question of how we can improve ourselves. It was a pleasant process that will not be forgotten for us. It was a short week, not a long one. I thank you very much. The positive contributions of the work done here will continue."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At06 July 2018
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