Intestinal Diseases

Intestinal Diseases

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Bağırsak hastalıkları, sindirim sisteminin en uzun bölümünü oluşturan bağırsaklarda çeşitli nedenlerle ortaya çıkan yaygın rahatsızlıklardır. Yaşlılarda daha sık görülse de her yaş grubunda görülebilirler. Semptomlar arasında karın ağrısı, şişkinlik, gaz, ishal veya kabızlık gibi sindirim sorunları yer alır. Diğer belirtiler arasında kusma, bulantı, dışkıda kan, ateş, titreme, kramplar ve baş ağrısı sayılabilir. Teşhis ve tedavi, semptomların değerlendirilmesi, fizik muayene ve gerekli testlerin yapılmasıyla yapılır. Tedavi, semptomları gidermeye odaklanır ve diyet düzenlemelerini (ishalde lifli gıdalar, kabızlığa karşı daha sulu gıdalar), ağır yemeklerden kaçınmayı, stresten uzak durmayı ve sigara-alkolden kaçınmayı içerir. Bazı durumlarda cerrahi müdahale (laparoskopik cerrahi, kolon rezeksiyonu) veya endoskopik işlemler (polip alınması, kanama durdurulması, darlıkların açılması, stent yerleştirilmesi, fistül onarımı, ileoanal rezervuar cerrahisi, strikturplasti) gerekebilir. Vitamin D ve kalsiyum alımına dikkat edilmelidir. Dışkıda kan görülmesi gibi belirtilerin varlığında mutlaka uzman bir hekime danışılması önemlidir.

Intestinal diseases are diseases of the digestive system that occur in the stomach and intestines, known as inflammatory bowel disease. Intestinal diseases are disorders that occur in functions such as the stomach and intestines and cause problems in our body. One of the most common causes of intestinal diseases is adverse weather conditions.

Intestinal diseases are disorders that occur quite commonly in society. The intestines, which form the longest part of the digestive system, can become ill for various reasons. Although intestinal problems usually affect individuals in the older age group, intestinal problems can be seen in all age groups.

What are the Symptoms of Intestinal Diseases?

Bowel diseases can manifest themselves with various symptoms that can negatively affect the quality of daily life. These symptoms often include digestive disorders such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation. It is important to pay attention to these symptoms in order to maintain intestinal health and detect possible diseases early. Intestinal diseases have symptoms such as viral and bacterial.

  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Pain in the stomach area
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Bleeding
  • Fever and chills
  • Cramps
  • Headache

Which Department Treats Intestinal Diseases?

Symptoms of intestinal diseases usually include similar symptoms, although they vary depending on the type of disease. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and nausea are common symptoms of bowel diseases. Blood in the stool, fever and weight loss can also occur in people with bowel problems. It is important for people with these symptoms to take the situation seriously and consult a health institution for the necessary controls.

Treatment of Bowel Diseases

In order to confirm the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, in addition to the symptoms, all other investigations should be carried out and the diagnosis should be made. In such cases, the doctor should examine the conditions well, perform the necessary tests and examinations and then diagnose this condition. The main treatment of the disease starts with eliminating the symptoms of the person. Diarrhea and constipation, which are symptoms in the person

In order to eliminate the main cause of diarrhea, adjustments are made to the person's diet. Especially for diarrhea, fibrous foods are added to the diet and nutrition list. In these cases, fibrous foods, cereals, legumes and fruits are ideal. For constipation, more watery foods and, where necessary, medication should be supplemented.

In intestinal diseases, heavy meals should be avoided. Since heavy foods tire the stomach and intestines, these foods should be avoided as much as possible. Apart from this, the person should definitely remove himself/herself from stress and things that cause stress.

Apart from these, the person should stay away from things that harm the body such as smoking and alcohol. The exercises and walks recommended by the doctor will help the person to relax and make their health more regular in the long term. Symptoms of bowel diseases can also be cancer. However, in such cases, people should definitely consult a specialist before panicking. Especially blood in the stool can be considered one of the important symptoms in these cases. Of course, this does not mean that cancer will occur every time there is blood.

In intestinal diseases, it is also very important to meet the need for vitamin D and calcium in the body. In intestinal diseases, if there is no serious condition or if there is not a very serious progression, people's lifestyles and diets can be improved to a great extent after their diet is regulated.

Surgery and Interventional Treatment Methods

Intestinal diseases may require surgical intervention or interventional treatment methods. These treatment methods are determined depending on the type and severity of the disease and the patient's general state of health. Here are some common surgical and interventional treatment methods:

Laparoscopic Surgery: This minimally invasive surgical method is used to treat bowel diseases through small incisions. For example, conditions such as appendicitis or diverticulitis can be treated with laparoscopic surgery.

Colon Resection: In the case of bowel cancer or severe inflammatory bowel diseases, it may be necessary to surgically remove the affected part of the bowel. This can be done with open surgery or laparoscopic methods.

Endoscopic Treatments: Endoscopy is an important tool used in the diagnosis and treatment of bowel diseases. Procedures such as removing polyps, stopping bleeding or expanding narrowed areas can be performed endoscopically.

Stenting In patients with intestinal blockages or strictures, a stent can be placed endoscopically. This is used to ensure bowel patency and relieve symptoms.

Intestinal Fistula Repair: Abnormal connections (fistulas) that form in the intestines can be surgically repaired. This is particularly common in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease.

Ileoanal Reservoir (J-Pouch) Surgery: Especially in diseases such as ulcerative colitis, after removal of the colon, a new reservoir (J-pouch) can be created using the lower part of the small intestine.

Stricturplasty: When there is narrowing of the intestine in diseases such as Crohn's disease, surgical expansion of the narrowed area (stricturplasty) can be performed.

These treatment methods may vary depending on the type and severity of the bowel disease. Your doctor will determine the most appropriate treatment for you.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 July 2020
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