Infections that may occur after earthquakes and natural disasters

Infections that may occur after earthquakes and natural disasters

Against the risk of epidemics after earthquakes and natural disasters, experts draw attention to the problems experienced especially in drinking water and hygiene and state that measures should be taken against this threat. According to experts, food and waterborne infections or infections transmitted by droplet can be seen during this period.

Stating that infectious diseases may occur in the earthquake zone due to many reasons, Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu warned, "Earthquakes increase the risk of infectious diseases as they cause disruptions in water and sanitation facilities, overcrowding in temporary shelters, displacement of a large number of people in a short period of time and injuries that come into contact with materials such as soil, rubble and iron."

Which diseases are most common after an earthquake?

Stating that the 4th-30th days after the earthquake is the period when the first wave of infectious diseases may occur, Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu said, "Foodborne and/or waterborne infections or infections transmitted by droplet can be seen in this period. After the 30th day, infectious diseases with a longer incubation period or the reappearance of previous infections in people can be seen."

Stating that diarrheal diseases such as typhoid, paratyphoid, cholera and norovirus can be seen most frequently in shelter camps where disaster victims stay after natural disasters, Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu said, "These diseases can be caused by water contamination, sewage contamination or contamination of water during transportation and / or storage."

In addition to these, Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu noted that leptospirosis can develop after consuming water, food contaminated with the urine of rodents, often rats, or contact with contaminated soil, and warned as follows:

"Cases of hepatitis A and hepatitis E can also be seen with the mixing of sewage or waste water into drinking and utility water. Upper respiratory tract infections and pneumonia (pneumonia) can be seen due to crowded environments, poor ventilation conditions, malnutrition, crowded shelter camps and cold weather. Measles outbreaks may occur if there are many unvaccinated susceptible people among the earthquake victims. It should also be kept in mind that scabies may develop as a result of factors such as lack of hygiene in crowded environments, insufficient water consumption and sleeping in each other's beds."

What are the Precautions to be Taken to Prevent Diseases?

Referring to the measures to be taken to protect against possible diseases, Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu said, "Hand washing and compliance with basic personal hygiene measures prevent the spread of diseases. Hands should be washed with soap and water at frequent intervals before meals or food preparation, after going to the toilet or after sneezing, coughing and in case of visible contamination, and if there is no visible contamination, they should be rubbed with alcohol-containing solutions for 20 seconds."

Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu stated that if possible, properly bottled, closed water should be preferred asdrinking water and said, "If such drinking water is not accessible, boiled and cooled water can also be drunk as the microbes will die with boiling. If boiling is not possible, the existing water should be disinfected with bleach (chlorine) and consumed. Wear a mask covering the mouth and nose, especially in crowded, closed environments . Wounds should be kept clean and necessary vaccinations should be made Cleanliness of the environment should be ensured."

Infectious Diseases Specialist Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu said that in order to maintain a healthy life in the society after the earthquake , clean drinking water, proper toilet and sewage infrastructure, proper management of waste and food safety should be ensured. "Many infectious diseases such as diarrheal diseases and respiratory diseases can be prevented by hand washing, clean water and food consumption," Dr. Mamçu concluded her words with a warning.

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At17 February 2023
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