Importance of Psychological Support in Cancer

Importance of Psychological Support in Cancer

Content Summary

Kanser, milyonlarca insanı etkileyen bir hastalık olup, fiziksel sağlığı kadar psikolojik durumu da etkiler. Kanser teşhisi konan hastalarda ve yakınlarında teşhis öncesi, teşhis sonrası, tedavi süreci boyunca ve tedavi sonrasında psikolojik etkiler ortaya çıkar. Bu etkiler şok, tepki, direnç ve adaptasyon olmak üzere dört aşamalı bir süreç olarak tanımlanır. Kanser türü, hastanın kişilik özellikleri, aile ve yakınlarının desteği, hastalığa yönelik kültürel ve sosyal tutumlar psikolojik tepkileri etkiler. Hastalar kaygı, endişe, gerginlik, huzursuzluk, ölüm korkusu, utanma, öz eleştiri, ağlama, sinirlilik ve iştah değişiklikleri yaşayabilir. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrası ve tedavi sırasında belirtiler farklı olabilir. Tedavinin geciktirilmesi, şok, inançsızlık, öfke, isyan, kaygı ve depresyon gibi durumlar yaşanmasına neden olabilir. Kanser psikiyatrisi veya psiko-onkoloji, bu etkileri en aza indirmek için çalışır. Psikiyatrik tedavi uygulayan kişilerin kanser türü, evre, tedaviler ve tedavi yan etkileri hakkında yeterli bilgiye sahip olması, kanser tedavi ekibiyle yakın iletişimde olması ve ortaya çıkabilecek psikolojik reaksiyonlar ve psikiyatrik hastalıklar ile bunların tedavi yöntemlerini bilmesi gerekir.

Cancer, which millions of people around the world struggle with, affects the psychological state as much as the physical health of the person.

Stating that timely identification and treatment of psychological effects in cancer patients is important, experts say, "Thus, the patient, whose compliance with treatment increases, becomes stronger in terms of organ loss and getting used to the new life. They live a happier and healthier life."

Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Habib Erensoy from Üsküdar University NP Etiler Polyclinic stated that cancer, which is defined as irregular and malignant growth of cells in an organ, can result in organ loss and death if left untreated, and that the disease affects people in many fields from medicine to psychology and sociology.


Stating that psychological effects occur in patients diagnosed with cancer and their relatives while waiting for the diagnosis, after the diagnosis, during the treatment process and after the treatment, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Habip Erensoy said:

"In order to minimize these effects, cancer psychiatry or psycho-oncology, which is a medical discipline, conducts studies. In this discipline, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists and psycho-oncologists, who have recently become widespread in our country, are interested. In patients diagnosed with cancer, the crisis is defined as a 4-stage process: shock, reaction, resistance and adaptation.

The type of cancer and the personality characteristics of the patient, the support of family and relatives, cultural and social attitudes towards the disease are effective in the psychological reactions that develop. Patients diagnosed with cancer may experience anxiety, worry, tension, restlessness, fear of death, sometimes embarrassment and self-criticism, crying, irritability and changes in appetite. Symptoms may be different before and after diagnosis and during treatment."


Fear and avoidance of treatment as a result of anxious waiting before diagnosis and treatment avoidance behavior

Stating that delay can be seen, Erensoy said, "Shock, disbelief, anger, rebellion, anxiety and depression may develop during the diagnosis phase. In this process, refusing or delaying treatment may occur. The side effects of treatments such as surgery and radiotherapy can be challenging and symptoms of depression and anxiety may occur in the patient due to fear of organ loss, body change anxiety and isolation."

Stating that the same symptoms challenge patients and their relatives in the process of getting used to and coping with the new situation after treatment, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habip Erensoy said, "Understanding cancer and its psychological reactions, treating anxiety and depression that develops, cancer adaptation, success in treatment and prolongs the life process."

Stating that the psychiatrist who applies psychiatric treatment should also have sufficient knowledge about the type of cancer, stage, treatments and side effects of treatment, Erensoy said:

"They should be in close communication with the cancer treatment team. They should know the psychological reactions and psychiatric diseases that may develop during the cancer stage and the treatment methods to be used. If necessary, they should be aware of the interaction of the psychiatric drugs to be used with the drugs used in cancer treatment. During the treatment period, the patient and the caregiver or family should be informed and, if necessary, should help them to cope with the difficulties. Psychotic reactions and delirium may occur in patients with certain drugs used in cancer treatments and in the last stages of cancer, and these conditions should be treated urgently."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 February 2018
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