Humor reduces stress in children

Humor reduces stress in children

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Çocuklarda mizah anlayışı 2 yaşından itibaren gelişmeye başlar ve yaş ve mizaçlarına göre farklı şekillerde kendini gösterir. Mizah, çocukların yaratıcılığını besler, stresi azaltır ve sağlıklı sosyal ilişkiler kurmalarına yardımcı olur. Erken dönemde bebekler, nesnelerin görünür olmaması gibi durumlardan keyif alırken, büyük çocuklar ise daha yetişkinlere benzer mizah anlayışları sergilerler. Ebeveynlerin mizah anlayışı ve esnekliği, çocukların mizah gelişiminde önemli rol oynar; ebeveynler çocuklarının şakalarına gülerek ve onların mizahını destekleyerek öz güvenlerini artırabilirler. Ancak, uygunsuz şakalar ve zararlı davranışlar engellenmeli ve bunun yerine uygun davranışlar ödüllendirilmelidir. Depresif veya psikolojik sorunları olan çocuklar için ebeveynlerin kendi ruh sağlıklarına dikkat etmeleri, çocuklarını farklı bakış açıları geliştirmeleri için desteklemeleri ve güçlü yönlerini vurgulamaları önemlidir. Eğlenceli olmak, sorunları görmezden gelmekle karıştırılmamalıdır; çocukların sorunları ciddiye alınmalı ve sağlıklı bir mizah anlayışı geliştirilmelidir.

Laughter is good for everyone! What about children? How does a sense of humor develop in children? What should be done to raise happier, self-confident children? Clinical Psychologist Nazende Ceren from NPISTANBUL Hospital told...

It is a fact that laughter is good for all of us. What is the importance of humor in human life?
Humor positively affects human psychology by reducing stress as it increases positive emotions in people. It is also an effective and thought-provoking way to express the contradiction between certain situations or different problem-solving methods.

In which period do children develop a sense of humor?
Sense of humor in children starts to develop from the age of 2

How do children reflect their sense of humor?
The way children reflect their sense of humor varies according to their age and temperament. They usually show their sense of humor by making jokes that will surprise you, displaying interesting behaviors and watching your reaction. They can also reflect it by repeating the same behavior. As language development increases, they exhibit behaviors similar to those of adults.

How is this emotion reflected in children's lives?
Children are much more creative than adults. Humor also feeds children's creativity, and at the same time, the sense of humor increases with creativity. At the same time, it helps them to solve a problem without reacting with stress. Children who express themselves with humor can establish healthier social relationships. But what is important here is that this sense of humor is expressed in ways that are acceptable to the social environment.

What do children laugh at in the early period?
In infancy, in situations such as covering up an object that is lying around, babies think that the object has disappeared. This is because their abstract thinking skills are not yet developed. Therefore, when you uncover it again, they are surprised and enjoy this game very much. At the same time, different facial expressions can be a fun game that can also contribute to the child's emotional intelligence. In addition, toys with lots of lights and different sounds, i.e. toys that give different stimuli to the sensory organs, can also be used in the development of a sense of humor.

It is mentioned that being flexible at home can develop a sense of humor in children? Do you think this is true?
Yes. Mental flexibility, that is, the ability to think alternatively, is beneficial for all ages and it is very important to develop this skill in childhood. However, this does not mean that the rules set for the child's age should be constantly flexible. It is also necessary for the child to have clear and consistent rules.

In the early years, children take their parents as role models; if their parents have a developed sense of humor, if they can make fun of themselves, the child's sense of humor develops in parallel, right?
Yes. Children develop their own behavior patterns by observing their parents' behavior.

Is a sense of humor something that can be developed or is it innate?
A sense of humor, like any other emotion, is innate in everyone. However, like any other emotion, it develops as it is expressed.

What would you suggest to parents whose children are prone to depression and psychologically weak?
Childhood depression is largely dependent on environmental conditions. The attitudes of the parents and the age-appropriate organization of the environment in which the child lives are important. If the parents are depressed, the child copies that feeling. Therefore, parents also need to pay attention to their mental health. This is often due to problems between the parents themselves. If the child has a depressive state despite all these conditions, a deeper evaluation is needed. In both cases, it is useful to consult a specialist without wasting time.

What should they do to help their children have a more positive outlook on life, cope with difficulties more easily and experience less stress?
Children should be helped to develop different perspectives. It is necessary to be rewarding, not punitive. Support the child in a way that emphasizes their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Artistic and physical activities, social activities will help children in this sense.

If we are fun parents, will our children be fun people too?
Yes, they will, but some parents cover up problems in the name of being fun. Such attitudes lead to bigger problems in the future. Being fun should not be confused with being unrealistic. The child may feel that his/her problems are underestimated and may eventually stop expressing himself/herself.

Isn't it important to laugh at the child's jokes in order to develop self-confidence and a sense of humor? How can we support a child's sense of humor?
If parents use humorous language, so does the child. However, being witty should not be confused with telling cold jokes or using bad words.

What limits should parents set on humor? What kinds of humor and jokes should not be allowed?
If the child uses bad words, it should be explained that this is not funny and such jokes should not be laughed at. At the same time, if the child is having fun with behaviors that can harm the environment, this should also be prevented and directed to more appropriate jokes. In such cases, instead of using reactions and punishments that will humiliate the child, appropriate behaviors should be supported and rewarded. Children often learn such jokes from their friends. If this is the case, it would be useful to contact the school.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At20 July 2018
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