How to Support Earthquake Victims?

How to Support Earthquake Victims?

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NP Feneryolu Tıp Merkezi Uzman Klinik Psikolog Cemre Ece Gökpınar Çağlı, travmaya maruz kalmış depremzedelere yönelik destek ve doğru yaklaşımın nasıl olması gerektiği konusunda bir değerlendirme yaptı. Çağlı, depremzedelerin en büyük psikolojik ihtiyacının duygularını ve hislerini anlamak ve paylaşmak olduğunu vurguladı. Deprem gibi afet durumlarında sosyal desteğin özellikle gerekli olduğuna dikkat çekti. Fiziksel yaraların iyileşirken manevi yaraların iyileşmesinin de önemli olduğunu belirtti. Depremzedelere yaklaşırken yargılayıcı veya küçümseyici bir dil kullanmamak, yönlendirme ve yorum yapmadan dinleyici pozisyonunda olmak gerektiğini ifade etti. Afet durumlarında, özellikle duyguları paylaşmanın, bir arada olmanın, destek almanın ve vermenin iyileştirici gücüne ihtiyaç duyulduğu dönemlerde eşlerin, arkadaşların, akrabaların veya tanımadıkları gönüllülerin sosyal desteğinin büyük önem taşıdığını ekledi.

In addition to the physical effects of traumas such as earthquakes and natural disasters, earthquakes also cause a number of cognitive, mental and psychological effects. Stating that earthquake victims who are exposed to earthquake trauma need psychological support in terms of psychological aspects, experts state that the biggest need of people exposed to trauma in this process is to be understood.

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Specialist Clinical Psychologist Cemre Ece Gökpınar Çağlı made an assessment about how the support and the right approach should be for earthquake victims exposed to trauma.

The Importance of Post-Traumatic Psychological Support

Emphasizing the importance of post-traumatic psychological support for earthquake victims exposed to trauma, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Cemre Ece Gökpınar Çağlı said that the greatest psychological need of earthquake victims is to understand and share their feelings and emotions. Çağlı noted that social support is especially needed in disaster situations such as earthquakes.

Çağlı said that we are in a process in which we are wounded mentally and psychologically as well as physical losses and physical wounds due to earthquakes, and said, "While physical wounds are healed, one of the important points for us is the healing of spiritual wounds."

Stating that the greatest need of people exposed to earthquakes is to be understood, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Cemre Ece Gökpınar Çağlı said, "It is of great importance for people who have been exposed to this disaster to feel that they are listened to, that there is someone who is trying to understand their feelings, that others are with them. Even if it is not possible to understand their feelings one-to-one, listening to them and giving them this moral support is very valuable for them."

How should earthquake victims be approached?

Pointing out the importance of approaching earthquake victims, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Cemre Ece Gökpınar Çağlı said, "There are some issues to be considered while doing this. One of the important points is to be in the position of a listener, never using language in a judgmental or minimizing way, without directing and commenting."

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Cemre Ece Gökpınar Çağlı added that in disaster situations such as earthquakes, social support and social support of volunteers are very much needed in order to "heal" especially in the following processes: "In these periods when we need the healing power of sharing emotions - being united - receiving support and giving, the social support of spouses, friends, relatives or unfamiliar volunteers is of great importance."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At10 March 2023
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