How is nicotine addictive?

How is nicotine addictive?

Content Summary

Sigara bağımlılığının ana nedeni, nikotinin sigara içildikten yaklaşık 10 saniye sonra beyne ulaşması ve hızlı bağımlılık yaratmasıdır. Bağımlılığın oluşmasında biyolojik (genetik yatkınlık), psikolojik (heyecan arayışı, anksiyete duyarlılığı, umutsuzluk) ve sosyal (aile ve sosyal çevre) faktörler birleşir. Ergenlikte sigara deneme oranı %35-40 iken, bunun %20-25'i bağımlılık haline gelir. Yıllık 35 milyon kişi sigarayı bırakmaya çalışsa da, sadece çok azı başarılı olur. Bağımlılıktan kurtulmak için uzman desteği (psikiyatri, psikoterapi) şarttır. Aileler, çocuklarında madde kullanımını davranış değişikliklerinden (okula gitmeme, arkadaş çevresi değişikliği, sosyal içe kapanma, okul başarısındaki düşüş) 2 yıl sonra fark ederler. Şüphe duyulduğunda, aileler ve okullar vakit kaybetmeden uzmanlardan yardım almalıdır.

Nicotine reaches the brain 10 seconds after smoking starts. Nicotine reaching the brain so quickly can quickly turn into addiction.

Pointing out that approximately 35 million people make an effort to quit smoking every year, experts underline that only 'un of them can be successful. Expert support is essential in the fight against smoking!

Despite all the proven harm, smoking addiction is increasing day by day. Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital explained the reason why cigarette addiction is so common as "it reaches the brain in a very short time after smoking".


Stating that nicotine taken with cigarettes, through the mouth, through breathing, passes into the lungs, Noyan said, "There are more than 4 thousand substances in cigarettes. The most important ones are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar. When it is called smoking addiction, it is actually nicotine addiction and how nicotine passes into the body becomes very important. Nicotine is absorbed in the lungs, and after absorption it travels through the blood to the brain. It reaches the brain approximately 10 seconds after smoking and nicotine addiction is so common due to the effects of a substance that reaches the brain so quickly."


Stating that the causes of addiction should be explained on the "biopsychosocial model", Asst. Assoc. Prof. Onur Noyan said the following

"The causes of addiction should be evaluated holistically, not only with a biological approach, not only with a social approach. First of all, genetic predisposition is very important in addiction. If there is a person in the family who has been addicted to any substance before, it is very likely that that person will become addicted to the substance or develop addiction. In addition, the family environment, social environment, school life and success in this social environment also determine the person's susceptibility to addiction.

In addition to these, individual factors are also very important. Lack of excitement in the individual, high novelty-seeking behavior, sensitivity to anxiety or anxiety sensitivity, inability to tolerate new situations or uncertainty in dangerous situations, hopelessness about the future or pessimistic thoughts about the future, which we call depressive picture, cause an individual to become more prone to addiction."

Stating that the effects of cigarettes on the body vary depending on the amount smoked and the rate of nicotine that has entered the body with the individual's own lung capacity, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan said, "If we look at the effects of cigarettes on the body, first of all, after entering the body from the lung system, it causes a palpitation, a movement in the cardiovascular system, a stimulation in all other sympathetic organs in the body. And somehow, after smoking, the body starts to give physiological reactions."


Stating that there are 35-40% cigarette trials during adolescence and 20-25% of these trials become addicted, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan said, "It is possible to say that smoking turns into addiction because the nicotine in cigarettes reaches the brain within 10 seconds and the person who tries it encounters a substance that acts so quickly. Approximately 35 million people make an effort to quit smoking every year, but only 'only' of them are successful."

Stating that it is insufficient to make efforts alone to quit smoking, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noyan advised those who want to quit smoking to go to a specialist or a center and quit smoking with the support of psychiatry, psychotherapy or psychologist.


Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan stated that families should first make very good observations in the fight against smoking addiction and said, "Families realize this process after an average of 2 years after the individual starts using drugs or alcohol. This is a very long process. A family whose child starts using substances can understand this by behavioral changes. These changes may take the form of not going to school, running away from school or changing the environment of friends, withdrawal at home, social withdrawal. If there is a decrease in school success, if there are behavioral changes in school, the school administration should inform the families about these changes so that the family and the school can make some joint behavioral changes."


Stating that a family who learns that their child is using substances should first consult a specialist immediately, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan gave the following advice to families and school administrations:

"They should never try to solve the problem within themselves. Because if there is any substance use, the individual's promise will not work here. The child may deny it or may not be able to tell the truth. If the family has the slightest suspicion, they should share it with their child. They should say, 'I suspect something like this, we are going to that center right away. They should come together and be interviewed by a specialist, the necessary tests should be done, if there is any substance use or if there is a predisposition, the family and the child should share it and the necessary treatment plan should be made. If school administrators notice this, the first thing they should do is to intervene in this situation through teachers in guidance centers and immediately inform the family and direct them to the health center for a treatment plan together."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 February 2018
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