Heart Rhythm Disorder

Heart Rhythm Disorder

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Kalp ritim bozuklukları, kalbin çalışması sırasında ortaya çıkan rahatsızlıklardır. Tıp dilinde aritmi olarak adlandırılır. Aritmi, bradikardi ve taşikardiden kaynaklanır ve bireyi olumsuz etkiler. Bradikardi, dakikadaki kalp atım sayısının normalden az olmasıdır (dakikada 60 atımın altında), taşikardi ise dakikadaki kalp atım sayısının normalden fazla olmasıdır (dakikada 100 atımın üstünde). Aritmiye kalp atımlarında duraklamalar da neden olabilir. Aritmiye neden olan faktörler arasında önceki kalp krizi, konjenital kalp hastalıkları, sonradan oluşan kalp hastalıkları, stres, anksiyete, depresyon, anemi, vitamin eksikliği, uykusuzluk, yorgunluk, sigara içme, alkol kullanımı, aşırı kafein tüketimi ve uyuşturucu kullanımı yer alır. Teşhis, EKG, EKO ve EFOR gibi testlerle konur. Tedavi, altta yatan nedene bağlıdır ve cerrahi müdahale (damar tıkanıklığı, kalp yetmezliği, kalp kapakçıklarında çökme gibi durumlarda) veya yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri (düzenli uyku, dengeli beslenme), psikiyatrik tedavi (anksiyete veya depresyon kaynaklı durumlarda) gibi yöntemleri içerebilir.

Heart rhythm disturbances are disorders that occur during the work of the heart. Heart arrhythmia is called arrhythmia in medical language.

Arrhythmia is caused by bradycardia and tachycardia. Arrhythmia is a condition that affects the individual negatively. A problem in a vital organ can cause an individual to feel mentally unwell.

Bradycardia; It is explained as the heart rhythm beats less than it should beat per minute. In other words, if we express it numerically, the heart of a normal individual should beat between 60-100 beats, while the heart of an individual with bradycardia beats less than 60 beats per minute. This can cause heart rhythm disorder.

Tachycardia can be defined as a heart rhythm beating over 100 beats per minute. A heart beating over 100 beats has a rhythm disorder. Arrhythmia also causes heart palpitations. The cause of arrhythmia is often tachycardia.

Heart arrhythmia is sometimes caused by pauses in the beating of the heart. The cause of these pauses should be investigated and treated.

What are the Causes of Heart Arrhythmia?

  • Previous heart attack
  • Congenital heart diseases
  • Subsequent heart disease
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anemia
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Fatigue
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Alcohol use
  • Excessive caffeine consumption
  • Drug use

Causes of heart arrhythmia.

How is Heart Arrhythmia Diagnosed?

If an individual who feels symptoms of heart rhythm disorder feels these symptoms for a long time, help should be sought from a specialist. The doctor can diagnose heart rhythm disorder with some scans performed after the examination. These tests are ECG, ECHO, EFOR. As a result of these scans, the cause of the heart rhythm disorder can also be learned. Heart rhythm disorder treatment may also differ according to its source.

How is Heart Rhythm Disorder Treatment?

If the cause of heart rhythm disorder can be corrected by surgical operation, treatment is provided by surgical operation. Conditions that require surgical operation are vascular occlusion, heart failure, collapse of heart valves. Conditions that do not require surgical operation are symptoms such as fatigue, weakness and insomnia. Heart arrhythmia can be treated with regular sleep and a balanced diet. If the cause of your heart rhythm disorder is of psychological or psychiatric origin, you can treat this condition with the help of a psychiatrist. Because most of the time, heart rhythm disturbances are caused by excitement or depression. As we said, these can be solved through psychiatrists.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 July 2020
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