Foods that Support Intelligence Development in Children

Foods that Support Intelligence Development in Children

Content Summary

Çocukların beyin gelişimi, tükettikleri besinlerle yakından ilgilidir. Yumurta (kolin açısından zengin), yoğurt (tam yağlı olması önemli), süt ve süt ürünleri (esnek zarlar için), yeşil yapraklı sebzeler (folat ve vitaminler), balık (D vitamini), kırmızı et (kolin), kuruyemiş ve tohumlar (protein, vitamin ve mineraller), yulaf (protein ve lif), elma (tatlı ihtiyacını karşılar), brokoli (K vitamini ve folik asit) ve bitter çikolata (antioksidanlar ve uyarıcılar) zihinsel gelişimi destekleyen besinler arasındadır. Bu besinler, çocukların bilişsel işlevlerini, hafızasını ve konsantrasyonunu iyileştirmeye yardımcı olurken, işlenmiş gıdalardan kaçınılması önemlidir. Sağlıklı ve dengeli beslenme, çocukların beyin gelişiminde genetik ve çevresel faktörlerle birlikte önemli bir rol oynar.

Consuming the right foods that are good for health directly affects children's physical and mental development. Consuming healthy foods plays a decisive role in children's mental development as well as their physical development. In addition, it is also very important for children to consume the right foods on a regular basis; to provide concentration, to develop perception skills and to be successful.

What are the Foods that Contribute to Brain Development?

Children's mental development is linked to the foods they consume. It is not correct to see nutrition only as filling the stomach. Nutrition plays an important role in the physical and mental development of the child starting from the womb.
Many babies around the world are born with different disorders due to nervous system development problems. The cause of the disorders is not completely clear, but their common point is that they occur during the developmental stage of the brain.
In this respect, nutrition plays an important role in the development of the brain along with genetic and environmental factors. The relationship between nutrition and the brain has been the subject of many studies. According to the researches, it has been revealed that IQ and memory skills are better in children who are fed with fruits, vegetables and foods prepared at home.
Foods that support the development of intelligence in children are as follows;

Eggs: Choline, which has an important place in the development of intelligence in babies, is most abundant in eggs. Therefore, eggs are very important in intelligence development. It contains high protein, increases concentration in children. It keeps the body fit and energetic.

Yogurt: Fat is a very important food for brain development. Therefore, full-fat yogurt is essential for children's brain development. It contributes to the development of the cell membrane by increasing the activity of the brain.

Milk and dairy products: Milk and dairy products support the brain's membranes to be flexible to store and transmit information. Fat is very important for brain development and health. Foods such as whole milk, cheese and yogurt contain more protein. Consuming these foods is very effective in brain development in children.

Greens Greens such as spinach and kale, which are rich in folate and vitamins, are among the foods that children need for brain development. These foods reduce the risk of developing dementia in the future.

Fish Another food rich in content is fish. It is very rich in vitamin D and is one of the foods that develop the mind. It protects the child's intelligence and counteracts cognitive decline and memory loss.

Meat: Another food that improves intelligence in children is red meat. Meats that do not contain any additives support the brain development of the child. As in eggs, meat also contains choline. In addition, processed meat products should be avoided.
Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds full of protein, vitamins and minerals are among the foods that improve intelligence. These foods are good for the child's nervous system.

Oatmeal: It is very rich in protein and fiber. It contributes to the protection of heart and brain vessels. Oats are among the foods that improve intelligence. It can be preferred instead of sugar. Feeding intensively with pastries causes the average intelligence to decrease.

Apple Children generally feel the need to eat dessert when they feel tired. Apple provides mental development of children by meeting the need for dessert. However, apples should be consumed in season.

Broccoli: Another food that supports mental development is broccoli. It contains vitamin K, which increases brain power and improves cognitive functions.
Broccoli contains high levels of folic acid; it supports the solution of problems such as irritability, stress and loss of interest.

Dark chocolate: Contains high levels of cocoa. Approximately 30 to 40 grams of dark chocolate contains an effective antioxidant. It contains natural stimulants, supports children to focus and provides concentration.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At04 October 2022
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