Fear of Bathing in Children

Fear of Bathing in Children

Content Summary

Bazı bebekler ve çocuklar banyo yapmaktan hoşlanmazlar. Bunun nedeni, bebeklerin duyusal uyaranlara karşı hassasiyeti, geçmişte yaşanmış olumsuz banyo deneyimleri (örneğin, yanma, soğuk su, şampuan gözlerine kaçması) veya genel kaygı olabilir. Banyo korkusu ve diğer su ortamlarına (deniz, havuz) korkusu farklıdır; biri diğerini gerektirmez. Bebeklerin banyo yapmayı sevmelerini sağlamak için, banyo zamanını keyifli ve oyun gibi hale getirmek, su ile oynamaya izin vermek, banyo oyuncakları kullanmak önemlidir. Aynı zamanda, bebeğin aç veya uykusuz olmamasına, suyun ve odanın sıcaklığının uygun olmasına, zorlamamaya, sabırlı ve anlayışlı olmaya dikkat edilmelidir. Banyo rutini oluşturmak, bebeğin korkusunu anlamak ve ona göre önlem almak (örneğin, banyo şapkası, farklı şampuan veya sabun) da yararlı olabilir. Bebeğin güvenliğini artırmak için kucakta banyo yaptırmak veya büyük bir leğende banyo yapmak da denenebilir. Banyo sadece temizlik için değil, ebeveyn-bebek iletişimini güçlendirmek ve dil gelişimini desteklemek için de önemli bir fırsattır.

Does your baby not like baths?

"If your baby or child refuses to take a bath..."Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel from NPISTANBUL Hospital explained...Why do some babies and children dislike bathing and cry?

Babies are used to being in water in the womb, so most babies enjoy bathing and water, but there are exceptions to this situation and some babies do not like bathing. This may be related to the baby's constitution or may have developed later in life.

Is there such a thing as fear of water and bathing, or is it all about parents' attitudes towards bathing from infancy?

Can a baby-child who is not afraid of bathing become afraid of bathing later on?

Some babies are sensitive to sensory stimuli and do not like to be touched or loud noises, for example, so some "sensitive babies" will not like baths. However, there are also babies who initially enjoy bathing and then become afraid of it because of unpleasant experiences. Although parents can sometimes predict what triggers this, sometimes the baby becomes afraid for reasons that are not understood. Babies who get burned or cold because of too hot or cold water, or who get shampoo in their eyes may not want to take a bath to avoid the same thing again. Or there has been a change in the child's life at that time and the child is generally anxious. Especially in preschool children, some fears may be irrational and intense compared to their families.

Are children who do not like bathing likely to be afraid of the sea and pool?

Fear of bathing and fear of other waters are different situations, a child who is afraid of bathing can be afraid of the sea and the pool, just as a child who loves bathing can be afraid of the sea and the pool.


What should parents pay attention to so that babies love the ritual of bathing from infancy onwards? (Calm environment and parents or bathers during bath time, etc...)

Bathing should not only be for the purpose of getting clean. Bathing is like a fun, a game for the child. Sometimes families are in a hurry and keep the fun part short because they are worried that the child will catch cold. This will prevent the child who does not know why he/she needs to bathe from taking a bath with pleasure. It should not be forgotten that bathing also contributes to the development of the baby by supporting communication between parent and baby, including eye contact and touch and sometimes massage, and the parent's talking to the baby improves language skills. For this reason, a very short period of time should not be allocated for bathing. Dress comfortably while bathing the child, pick up the bath rugs. Let him/her splash and soak as much as he/she wants. Playing with water is fun in itself, and toys, crayons and foam that can be used in the bath can make bath time more enjoyable.

Forcing should not be the right approach...

Forcing is not the right approach, on the contrary, it will increase the child's fear.


-Do not bathe the baby hungry and sleep deprived

-The temperature of the water and the room should be neither too cold to chill him nor too hot to overwhelm him

-Drink slowly and gradually, not all at once

-Never force it.

-Be patient and understanding. First of all, stay calm yourself. A soothing tone of voice and slow movements will help the child to calm down too

-Making bath time a routine makes it easier for the child to prepare for bath time. The appropriate bath time for each child may be different, some may be calmer in the morning and some at bedtime.

-It is important to try to understand what is bothering the child. Some babies do not like water only on their hair and face. In this case, using a bath hat while bathing can provide a solution. Others may be bothered by the smell of the shampoo, the soap burning their eyes or the roughness of the towel.

-Tell your baby that you will stop pouring water if it burns, gets bored or feels unwell.

-If your baby is scared from newborn onwards, you can try bathing in the lap, which makes your baby feel safer. With older children, bathing together can also be a solution.

-The bathing place itself may also be frightening for the child. If he/she is afraid of the bathtub, start bathing in a large basin. If the bathroom floor is non-slip, it will make the child more comfortable.

-If possible, take his/her favorite toys with you. For example, wash a doll together with the child.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At03 August 2018
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