Father's Day

Father's Day

Content Summary

Babalar Günü, babalarımızın sevgi ve huzur veren varlığını kutlamak için her yıl Haziran ayının üçüncü Pazar günü kutlanan bir gündür. Sonora Smart Dodd'un babasının annesiz altı çocuğunu tek başına büyütmesiyle başlayan bu gelenek, 1910 yılında Spokane, Washington'da ilk kez kutlanmış ve 1972 yılında ABD'de resmi tatil ilan edilmiştir. Bu gün, babalarımızın hayatlarımıza kattığı değeri göstermek, onlarla vakit geçirmek, hediyeler almak ve onları mutlu etmek için bir fırsattır. Babalarımızın fedakarlıklarını hatırlayarak, onlara olan sevgimizi ifade etmenin birçok yolu vardır; bir sürpriz ziyaret, güzel bir kahvaltı veya küçük bir jest bile anlamlı olabilir.

The day of our fathers, whose presence gives us peace of mind and touches our hearts with their love, is celebrated on June 16, 2019 this year.

A girl's first love, a boy's first friend, a mountain behind us; Father's Day is an opportunity to remember our fathers, who are the most meaningful form of trust that can be experienced, to find one more reason to make them happy, and to make up if they are offended... We should not forget that we should always remind our love to our heroic fathers who have worked at least as much as our mothers to keep the family alive, who have worked for us to get to good places, who have taken care to meet the material and moral support we need throughout our lives, and we should always show their value in our hearts.

How did Father's Day come to be celebrated?

Sonora Smart Dodd, whose father was an American Civil War veteran, thought that fathers should have a day like Mother's Day. This was because Dodd's father had raised his six children alone in the absence of their mother. She organized efforts to declare June 5, her father's birthday, as Father's Day, but since these efforts did not reach that date, the celebrations were postponed to the third Sunday of June. For this reason, Father's Day is celebrated every year in June. Father's Day was first celebrated on June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington. In 1924, United States President Calvin Coolidge supported the celebrations, but Father's Day was not officially declared. In 1966, then-President Lyndon Johnson issued a proclamation declaring that the third Sunday of June each year would be celebrated as Father's Day. In 1972, with the signature of President Richard Nixon, Father's Day was legally declared an official holiday in the USA.

Father's Day continues to be celebrated every year on the 3rd Sunday of June.

What can be done on Father's Day?

Father's Day, which is a day that we can evaluate once a year even if we cannot find the opportunity due to the work tempo, school life, various intensities that our daily life brings, is one of the unique days where we can present our love to our fathers, make them feel their value by being with them, buy gifts and make them happy...

On this important day, the most important thing is to show that we are there for our fathers, we can offer them gifts in accordance with their tastes and preferences, maybe we can knock on their doors with a surprise from far away, or maybe we can greet them with a delicious summer breakfast when they wake up...

Happy Father's Day to our self-sacrificing fathers, to whom we can offer the world even with a tiny smile...

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 June 2019
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