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Egzama, ciltte kızarıklık, kuruluk ve kaşıntı ile kendini gösteren kronik bir cilt hastalığıdır. Çeşitli nedenlerden, özellikle de alerjilerden, stresden ve dışarıdan kullanılan ürünlerdeki kimyasallardan kaynaklanabilir. Egzama belirtileri arasında cilt kuruluğu, kaşıntı, su toplaması, iltihap, çatlaklar ve kepeklenme yer alır. Egzama türleri (seborik, numüler, asteatotik, el egzaması, temas egzaması, stres egzaması) çeşitlidir ve tedavi, uzman tarafından teşhis konulduktan sonra kişiye özel olarak belirlenir. Tedavi, ilaçlar, kremler ve alerjenlerden kaçınmayı içerebilir ve bol su tüketimiyle cildin kuruluğunun önlenmesi önemlidir.

What is Eczema?

What is eczema,

Eczema is one of the diseases that occur in the skin. Eczema develops due to many reasons. Although eczema, one of the skin diseases, is not a very serious disease, it is a condition that makes daily life difficult for patients. It manifests itself as skin redness, dryness and itching.

Eczema is a chronic skin disease and is diagnosed by dermatologists. Eczema causes dryness on the surface of the skin, which manifests as redness with dryness. Over time, eczema creates openings in the skin and prepares the ground for the formation of infection. Eczema manifests itself as itching and redness in the early stages; it can occur all over the scalp and skin.

It usually occurs on the hands. The disease develops due to various reasons, in which case stress can be a trigger.

Allergy-induced eczema may occur in individuals in relation to different immunological diseases such as allergic rhinitis and asthma.

What Causes Eczema and What are the Symptoms?

Eczema disease varies according to the causes of the disease. Generally, eczema points to the presence of different diseases on the basis of the disease. In the case of skin, this condition is generally seen as the reaction of the skin to the products used externally. Products containing various chemicals used in daily life trigger the formation of eczema in people.

Eczema is a common skin disease in general. It affects the quality of daily life of the person. Eczema usually shows the same symptoms in all patients. Eczema can sometimes be a skin reaction to too much sun. In this case, when sensitivity to these stimuli is detected in people, eczema disappears when the stimulus is eliminated. In eczema of allergic origin, when we remove food etc. products that cause allergies from the diet, the problem of eczema disease disappears and disappears over time.

- Dryness on the skin surface

- Itching on the skin surface

- Disturbing appearance of blisters on the skin surface

- Inflammation

- Cracks on the surface of the skin

- Dandruff problems that appear in eczema on the scalp

Eczema also has its own varieties. Some of these occur in certain seasons. One of the reasons why it is divided into several types is that it varies according to the regions where it occurs. Eczema is evaluated and diagnosed by a specialist according to its type. The treatment of eczema disease, whose diagnosis and cause are determined, varies from person to person.

- Sebolic eczema

- Numular eczema

- Asteatotic eczema

- Hand eczema

- Contact eczema

- Stress eczema

How Does Eczema Pass?

The treatment of eczema disease varies from person to person. In order to be treated, it must first be diagnosed by a specialist physician and the main underlying problem must be solved. The treatment of eczema disease is done alone and there is no clear treatment at this point. Products such as medicines and creams should be given by the specialist physician according to the condition of the disease. In order to prevent dryness on the skin, plenty of water consumption is required. If the cause of your eczema is allergic, avoiding allergy-causing foods or chemicals is one of the healthiest methods.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At09 December 2020
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