Early Signs of Colon Cancer

Early Signs of Colon Cancer

Early diagnosis reduces mortality rate in colon cancer

Colon and rectal cancers, popularly known as colon cancer, are among the most common types of cancer. Drawing attention to the fact that early diagnosis and developments in medical and surgical treatments have reduced the mortality rate, experts emphasized that irregular life, alcohol and smoking are considered among the important risk factors in cancer, whose incidence increases after the age of 50.

General Surgery Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital pointed out that colon and rectal cancers are the most common cancer of the digestive system.

Stating that 140 thousand new diagnoses are made annually in the United States and more than 50 thousand patients die annually for this reason, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA stated that colorectal cancer is the third deadly cancer for this reason.

Pointing out that advances in early diagnosis, medical and surgical treatments have reduced the mortality rate seen in colorectal cancers in recent years, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "It is essential to identify the appropriate target population for early diagnosis and to identify the risk factors for developing cancer for screening."

Pointing out that many factors play a role among the causes of colon cancer, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA gave the following information about these factors:

Age: Age is the main risk factor for colorectal cancer, and the incidence increases gradually after the age of 50. More than 90 percent of cases are over the age of 50. However, colorectal cancer can occur at any age.

Familial factors: While 80 percent of colorectal cancers develop spontaneously, 20 percent have known familial colorectal cancer.

Environment and diet: Diets rich in saturated or unsaturated fats (animal fat consumption) increase the risk. Diets rich in oleic acid such as olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil do not increase the risk. Diets rich in vegetable fibre, calcium, selenium, vitamins A, C, E, carotenoids, plant phenol and carotenoids reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Alcohol intake, obesity and a lifestyle with irregular or no physical activity increase the risk.

Inflammatory bowel diseases: Patients with long-standing colitis due to inflammatory bowel diseases have an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Smoking: Smoking (especially for more than 35 years), patients with a urinary tract that connects to the colon, acromegaly, pelvic radiotherapy (treatment of prostate cancer with radiotherapy, etc.) are factors that increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

There are risk factors such as familial presence, being over the age of 50, irregular lifestyle, alcohol smoking, animal food diet habit, regional radiotherapy, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease.


Emphasizing that colorectal cancer should be considered when findings such as changes in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation), rectal bleeding, black colored soft stools, unexpected anemia (blood deficiency) and weight loss are observed, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA warned, "When these findings are seen, examinations and examinations such as colonoscopy and rectoscopy should be performed and early diagnosis should be provided."

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA concluded his words as follows: "Even if these symptoms are not present, people with risk factors are especially recommended to have a colonoscopy after the age of 40. After early diagnosis, the necessary planning for treatment is made in a short time in consultation with the relevant branches. Our General Surgery Clinic has the opportunity to perform the necessary surgical treatment with our competent specialists and advanced technological facilities."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At01 December 2022
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