Early diagnosis is very important in cancer

Early diagnosis is very important in cancer

Content Summary

Erken teşhis edilen kanser tedavi edilebilir. Uzmanlar, risk faktörlerinden kaçınmanın ve gerekli kontrolleri ve tarama işlemlerini yapmanın son yıllarda kanser ölüm oranlarını azalttığını vurguluyor. Kanserlerin %60-90'ının çevresel faktörlerden kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir; sigara ve alkolden kaçınılmalı, sağlıklı ve dengeli bir diyet uygulanmalı ve düzenli sağlık kontrolleri ihmal edilmemelidir. Kanser tedavisinde erken teşhisin önemi büyüktür; tümörün tamamen çıkarılmasıyla başlayan cerrahi tedavi, tümörün yayılmasını engellemeyi amaçlar. Kanser oluşumunda ve çoğalmasında sekiz temel değişiklik rol oynar: kontrolsüz çoğalma, büyümeyi engelleyen sinyallere duyarsızlık, planlı hücre ölümünden kaçış, sınırsız çoğalma potansiyeli, damarlaşma ve yayılma, uzak organlara yayılma, beslenme ve enerji metabolizmasının yeniden programlanması, bağışıklık sisteminden kaçış. Genetik faktörlerin (%5-20) yanı sıra, benzidin, benzopiren, benzen gibi kimyasallar, asbest lifleri, silika (inşaat yıkım alanları), sigara dumanı, radyasyon ve bazı virüsler gibi çevresel faktörler de kanser riskini artırmaktadır. Erkeklerde en yaygın kanser türleri prostat, akciğer, kolon-rektum, mide ve mesaneyken, kadınlarda meme, akciğer, kolon-rektum, rahim ve tiroid kanseri öne çıkmaktadır. Ancak, ölüm oranları insidans oranlarından farklılık göstermekte olup, akciğer ve solunum yolu kanserleri her iki cinsiyette de en ölümcül olanlardır. Erken teşhis, kanser ölüm oranlarını azaltmada önemli rol oynar ve kanser gelişimini durdurabilir; bu nedenle, belirtiler ortaya çıktığında bir hekime danışılması ve gerekli kontrollerin yapılması hayati önem taşır.

Stating that cancer diagnosed at an early stage is treated, experts draw attention to the fact that avoiding risk factors and performing the necessary checks and screenings have reduced cancer mortality rates in recent years. Stating that 60-90% of cancers are thought to be caused by environmental factors, experts emphasize that smoking and alcohol should be avoided, a healthy and balanced diet and routine health checks should not be neglected.

In order to draw attention to cancer, which is one of the most important health problems in the world, the first week of April every year in Turkey is recognized as Cancer Prevention Week.
Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital General Surgery Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA pointed out the importance of early diagnosis in cancer.

Cancer can be controlled by early diagnosis

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA stated that the first or complementary surgical treatment in a cancer involves the complete removal of the tumor together with the removal of normal tissues and regional lymph nodes, leaving sufficient distance when necessary, and said, "The primary goal of treatment is local and regional control. In the simplest and most understandable definition, it is to eliminate it before it grows, spreads, joins the system and reaches distant organs. Afterwards, cancer treatment is personalized and carried out according to information about the structure of the tumor, the body's immune responses and the tumor microenvironment. For this reason, it is very important to be diagnosed early and eliminated in a controllable, removable and cleanable time."

There are more than 100 types of cancer

"Although there are more than 100 types of cancer, eight basic changes that enable its formation and proliferation have been revealed," said Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA and listed these changes as follows:

1- Normally, in cases such as wound healing and repair, a controlled proliferation occurs in those cells and enough tissue is made. These proliferation signals are self-generated and autonomous.
2- When this proliferation reaches a sufficient level, growth is stopped by signals that inhibit this growth. Insensitivity to signals that inhibit growth.
3- Escape from planned cell death to destroy diseased cells in tissues.
4- Unlimited proliferation potential.
5- Vascularization and spread.
6- Travel to distant organs.
7- Reprogramming of nutrition and energy metabolism.
8- Escape from immune destruction."

Early diagnosis stops progression

Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "Early diagnosis for cancer with these features provides the most appropriate treatment opportunity that can be eliminated before it reaches the system during the fourth stage and that will stop the cancer before it gains other features."

Stating that genetic and environmental factors have an effect on cancer formation, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said the following: "5-20% of cancers are thought to be caused by genetic factors that indicate the presence of genetic cancer.

1.Development at a younger age than normal
2.Onset in more than one place
3.Occurrence in the less affected gender
4.Clustering of the same type of cancer in relatives.
5.Cancer being associated with mental retardation."

Construction demolition sites have a carcinogenic effect

Stating that 60-90% of cancers are currently thought to be caused by environmental factors, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA listed the environmental factors as follows

"Benzidine, benzopyrene, coal layer field, benzene, ethylene, oxide, formaldehyde, eraser producing industry, professional virtue such as painter, chemicals such as sulfur, continuous irritation due to foreign substances, wounds that do not heal for a long time in humans, burns, inflammatory bowel diseases, Helicobacter pylori, gastritis, asbestos fibers, silica (construction demolition sites), cigarette smoke, radiation, viruses such as hepatitis B-C, HIV, Epstein-Bar, food contaminated with aflatoxin. Genetically modified foods, foods with altered existence characteristics have carcinogenic effects."

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said that physiological balance disrupting practices such as hormone replacement therapy in menopause in women are also among the environmental risk factors.

Cancer types differ in men and women

Noting that the incidence rates of cancer types in men and women differ, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "The 5 most common types of cancer in men; 28% prostate, lung, respiratory tract, 9% colon rectum, 7.8% stomach, 6% urinary bladder. The 5 most common types of cancer in women are 29% breast, lung, respiratory tract, 9% colon rectum, 6% uterine corpus, 6% thyroid."

Mortality rates vary

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA said, "There are certain differences according to gender. The mortality rates of these cancers are different from their incidence rates. The location of the organ affects early diagnosis. The most fatal cancers are cancers of the lungs and respiratory tract in both sexes. Prostate cancer in men, breast cancer in women, liver cancer in men and colon-rectum cancer in women are in second place."

Cancer diagnosed at an early stage can be cured

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA emphasized that the first cause of preventable cancer is smoking and the second cause is obesity and said, "Cancer diagnosed at an early stage is treated. Avoiding risk factors, performing the necessary controls and screenings have led to a decrease in cancer mortality rates in recent years. Since 2005, cancer mortality rates have decreased by 1.5% each year. Over the last 20 years, death rates have fallen by more than 30% for colorectal cancer, female breast cancer, male lung cancer and by more than 40% for prostate cancer. These declines reflect advances in early detection and treatment."

Early diagnosis makes cancer non-cancerous

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat KOCA listed his warnings and suggestions as follows:

"It is possible to ensure the reduction of cancer, to know the risk factors, to avoid them and to reach the awareness of doing the necessary controls and screenings, to consult a physician as soon as possible when symptoms are seen, suspected and to take the necessary action, if any. Declines in the incidence of colorectal cancer have been mainly due to colonoscopic examinations in screenings that allow the removal of precancerous polyps. Not smoking, not using tobacco and preventing obesity are the practices that will reduce the incidence of cancer the most. For these reasons, we say that early diagnosis removes cancer from cancer."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 December 2022
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