Don't jump for your health! Give it up!

Don't jump for your health! Give it up!

Content Summary

Profesör Doktor Mustafa Bozbuğa'nın uyarısına göre, sığ suya atlama sonucu boyun yaralanmaları ciddi travmatik durumlardır. Ani ve hızlı baş hareketleri (geriye doğru veya yana doğru) ya da suyun dibine çarpma, omurilik ve sinir dokusuna zarar verebilir. Bu yaralanmalar, boyun omurgasında akut kırıklar, yer değiştirmiş kırıklar, sinir dokusu sıkışması, boyun fıtığı ve yumuşak doku hasarına yol açabilir. Sonuçlar geçici veya kalıcı omurilik ve sinir hasarı, felç ve hatta ölüm olabilir. Tedavi, acil müdahale, görüntüleme, ilaç tedavisi ve ameliyatı içerir ve hastanın en kısa sürede doğru merkeze ulaşması çok önemlidir. Yanlış müdahaleler durumu daha da kötüleştirebilir. Uzmanlar, ani ve aşırı kuvvetli hareketlerden kaçınılmasını öneriyor.

Suddenly and very quickly pulling one's head back or turning it to the side to avoid hitting the bottom, or failing to succeed and hitting the bottom of the head and neck, damages the spinal cord and nerve tissue. Experts warn against jumping in.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurosurgery Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said that one of the serious traumatic situations frequently encountered in the summer months is neck injuries that occur as a result of jumping into the shallow sea or pool.

Spinal cord and nerve tissue may be damaged

Stating that jumping into the sea/pool can cause injuries in many ways, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "Here, during the person's jumping into the sea/pool, because the water is not deep, he/she has to suddenly and very quickly pull his/her head back (hyperextension movement) and sometimes also turn it to the side (rotation movement) in order not to sink to the bottom, and sometimes these are not enough and the compression movement, which we call crushing with the head and neck hitting the bottom, can also affect the neck. With all this sudden, high force - acceleration, the cervical spine and the spinal cord and nerve tissue it contains can be damaged."

Causes damage to the spinal cord and nerves

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa stated that jumping into the fish will lead to two main problems and said the following: "Despite the extremely flexible structure of the neck, its wide movement capacity, strong muscle and other soft tissue equipment - especially in people with pre-existing structural problems, narrow cervical spinal canal, cervical hernia, congenital anomalies, etc. - in shallow water
During a sudden and strong load on the neck during jumping, many lesions occur in the cervical spine, such as acute fractures of the cervical spine, displacement of comminuted fractures and compression of the nerve tissue, cervical hernias, soft tissue and connective tissue injuries. These sudden (acute) traumatic lesions, which develop in a very short time, cause two main problems in the spine:

1-Sudden compression and/or damage to the spinal cord and nerves in the cervical spinal canal, which may be temporary or permanent.
2-Disturbance of the stability and normal structure and alignment of the spine."

Can lead to paralysis and death

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa stated that these traumatic lesions, which can be caused by jumping into shallow water, cause clinically extremely severe symptoms and signs, sometimes leading to sudden death or severe disability, and said, "Partial or complete, temporary or permanent paralysis of motor/movement, sensory and all other neural activities in the arms, legs and trunk are common conditions in this picture. In addition, sometimes the trauma can affect the head and spine junction and even higher (brain stem, brain), causing respiratory and cardiac dysfunction, sometimes sudden cardiorespiratory arrest and death. In addition, severe traumatic lesions of other systems and structures in the body may also develop in these traumas."

Incorrect intervention may have severe consequences

Stating that one of the most important factors in treatment is that the patient reaches the health center in a very short time, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "The organization of the health system is very well organized and these patients are delivered to the right center where surgical, medical, rehabilitation and treatment can be done as soon as possible, and the patient is approached correctly from the moment of trauma until reaching the hospital. Wrong interventions at the scene immediately after the trauma can make the situation much more severe."

Multifaceted treatment is applied

Stating that the treatment in the hospital is multifaceted, that is, multidisciplinary, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said:

"Treatment is initiated in emergency conditions without wasting time; diagnosis and treatment start and progress immediately upon the patient entering the hospital; First of all, treatments for vital parameters, measures for possible lesions, imaging and examinations of the whole body and systems in terms of traumatic lesions, various interventions and manipulations, drug treatments for traumatic damage to the nerve tissue, removal of compression on the spinal cord and nerve tissue - release (decompression) and surgeries to restore the stability and normal structure of the spine (stabilization and reconstructive) may be necessary. Rehabilitation activities are also started early in order for the patient to regain his/her neurological functions as soon as possible and at the best level."

Avoid overly forceful movements!

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa warned, "What I can say as a physician on this subject, after explaining this dramatic process, is that people should stay away from dangerous interventions with such serious - severe consequences; although the spine has a flexible, strong structure, the dangers of sudden, uncontrolled, overly forceful movements should not be overlooked."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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