Don't criticize your child's appearance!

Don't criticize your child's appearance!

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Childhood is one of the most important factors determining an individual's personality and behavior. While children in the 3-year-old age group begin to realize their sexual identity, they imitate their parents more often during this period. Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım, who draws attention to families who frequently share their children on social media by decorating them, emphasized that children whose physical characteristics are brought to the forefront during childhood cannot discover their talents in the future, and emphasized that the age of puberty has dropped to 8 with the effect of social media.

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Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center drew attention to the effects of social media on families and children.

Mom's messages are very important

"There are certain periods in child development. Most importantly, these are the periods when the mother is needed and should include a relationship of trust. Especially in the age group of 3, children are now aware of their sexual identities and imitations intensify," said Aynur Sayım,

"Daughters see the mother as a model at that time. The messages given by the mother are very important. Girls need to model especially feminine behaviors during this period; this is a natural thing because it is important for the development of communication both with their own gender and with the opposite gender in terms of establishing girl-boy identities. We all experienced this period and imitated behaviors. I was wearing my mother's high heels, I was eager to use make-up. But here it is important to distinguish between the natural behaviors of development and exaggerated behaviors that will harm the child's development and psychology and to be able to look at the event from two sides. But in this period, there is an element of the child's body development that is prioritized in personality development. In other words, there is a situation that draws attention to physical appearance, looking nice and made-up and physical features, and it is dangerous in this respect."

The child whose physical characteristics are emphasized cannot discover their talents!

Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım said, "In recent years, we know that there are parents who share their children a lot on social media. There are families who dress up even their babies, decorate them, make up and take their photos and share them on social media," she said and continued her words as follows:

"This is actually a situation related to the family's personality problem and the need for attention from social media. When too much attention is paid to physical characteristics in childhood, the child cannot discover his/her talents in the future and cannot stand out with his/her personality traits. Because the message given is that the physical appearance is more in the foreground. What we need to do is to provide him/her with very different stimuli and offer elements to develop his/her characteristics such as socialization and language development.


Don't criticize your child's appearance!

Families are the primary persons responsible for children. One of the most important tasks of the family is to set good limits. It is a natural part of a child's life to imitate the mother in playing house. But we criticize that it is emphasized too much. For example, if the mother is always talking about her physical problems and her body perception is negative, this perception also settles in the child. We cannot expect the child to behave in a different way. The child becomes a person who is very focused on his/her body. Some parents may make very positive or negative criticisms about their child's body. When this is done a lot, the child focuses on this and this is inconvenient. Eating problems, depressive states, anxiety disorders and adjustment problems may also occur. It is especially problematic during adolescence."

The age of puberty has dropped to 8!

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center concluded her words as follows:

"Everything is now presented to children in a very attractive way thanks to promotional videos. The child also wants to have them. He wants to make videos himself, to be a 'youtuber'. Because the child is encouraged. This is a situation that has increased a lot today and the age of puberty has dropped to 8 years old. Development needs to be closely monitored. Although it has a hormonal dimension, the effect of certain stimuli is also on the agenda. Therefore, the family is in control again. If the boundaries are set well, if they see the right model, if they grow up well, they learn to prevent all these and to be less affected. We cannot change external influences, so we must take precautions within ourselves."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At28 March 2019
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