"Coronavirus Worry" May Increase Panic Attacks and Obsession

"Coronavirus Worry" May Increase Panic Attacks and Obsession

Content Summary

Koronavirüs salgını, herkeste endişe ve kaygıya neden olmakta olup, özellikle panik atak ve obsesif kompulsif bozukluk (OKB) tanısı konmuş kişilerde daha belirgin etkilere yol açmaktadır. Uzmanlara göre, insan hayatını tehdit eden durumların kaygı yaratması normaldir; ancak OKB hastaları, enfeksiyon korkuları nedeniyle koronavirüs haberlerinden daha fazla etkilenebilirler. Bu kişilerde obsesyonlar, uyku ve dikkat sorunları, hatta panik ataklar görülebilir. Duyarlı kişilerin, resmi kaynaklara ve bilimsel verilere güvenerek, asılsız haberlerden ve sosyal medyadaki söylentilerden uzak durmaları, hatta sosyal medya hesaplarını kapatmaları önerilmektedir. Mevcut bir psikiyatrik tedavi sürecinde olanların, durumlarını doktorları ile görüşmeleri tavsiye edilmektedir.

People with panic attacks and obsessions worry more

The coronavirus, which is one of the most talked about topics of recent days, causes anxiety and concerns. Stating that it is extremely normal for situations that threaten human life to cause anxiety and anxiety in everyone, experts point out that especially people diagnosed with panic attacks and obsession (OCD) may be more affected by this situation. According to experts, sensitive people should stay away from unfounded news and rely on official sources and scientists.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Alper Evrensel reminded that rumors and news about coronavirus affect people from all segments of society and pointed out that some psychiatric disease groups may be more affected by these news.

Every situation that threatens human life causes anxiety

Noting that situations that threaten human life can negatively affect all people, Dr. Alper Evrensel said: "For example, natural disasters, wars, traffic or plane crashes occurring anywhere in the world upset almost everyone. Sensitive people who are aware of these news through the press show emotional reactions, become anxious and shaken as if they were exposed to these difficulties themselves. In other words, it is not necessary to be a psychiatric patient to be emotionally affected. This is why the coronavirus pandemic has caused such a wave of anxiety across humanity. However, we observe a stronger effect in some psychiatric disease groups. It can be said that there is a more pronounced effect on people who are at the forefront of anxiety and uneasiness, who magnify and catastrophize small problems."

The emergence of obsessions is natural

Noting that it can be predicted that patients diagnosed with anxiety disorder, especially panic, and obsessive disorder, OCD, will be more affected in this and similar periods, Dr. Alper Evrensel made the following evaluations:

"Because in the most common type of OCD, there is a concern of getting infected. In other words, even when there is no outbreak, these patients think that they have picked up a germ that can cause serious diseases from their environment. For example, they restrict their lives, wear gloves, don't go to the hospital, don't have their blood drawn, and don't even go near garbage cans for fear of contracting hepatitis, rabies or AIDS. As such, it is only natural that obsessions about the coronavirus, which has affected the whole world and can have fatal consequences, arise. People with anxious expectations may experience sleep and attention disorders, and even panic attacks."

Sensitive people should avoid this news

Dr. Alper Evrensel said, "Not all people have the same mental resilience, some people are more sensitive. People with this structure should avoid news about coronavirus as much as possible. For example, just as individuals with allergic constitution should stay away from dust and pollen, if they have drug allergies, they should be cautious about drugs, just like it is not appropriate for these sensitive people to deliberately watch coronavirus news."

Official sources should be respected

"They should only rely on official sources and scientific authorities regarding the symptoms and prevention methods of the disease, and should not take social media rumors into consideration," Dr. Alper Evrensel warned, "It would even be a good precaution to close their social media accounts and isolate themselves from these negative stimuli. In addition, if there is an ongoing psychiatric treatment and therapy process, it would also be beneficial to consult their physicians and therapists in order to review it and make the necessary treatment arrangements."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At26 March 2020
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