Coronavirus and Children

Coronavirus and Children

Content Summary

Çocuklar da koronavirüs salgınından kaynaklanan panik ve kaygıdan etkilenir. Uzmanlar, ailelerin öncelikle kendi korku ve kaygılarını kontrol etmeleri gerektiğini belirterek, çocukların bu durumu tehdit edici bir olay olarak algılayabileceğini ve kaygılarının artabileceğini vurguluyor. Çocukların koronavirüs hakkındaki sorularının, anlayabilecekleri düzeyde cevaplanması gerektiği önemle belirtiliyor. Ailelerin korku ve kaygılarını çocuklarına yansıtmamaları, çocuklara yaşlarına uygun şekilde bilgi verilmesi, sorularının cevapsız bırakılmaması ve koronavirüs haberlerini izlemelerinin sınırlandırılması gerekiyor. Çocukların kişisel hijyenleri konusunda bilgilendirilmesi ve olumlu düşünceleri teşvik ederek kaygılarının azaltılması önemlidir. Aşırı endişeli çocukların duygularını ifade etmelerine izin verilmeli ve olumsuz düşünceler pozitif olanlarla değiştirilmelidir. Yaşına uygun, korkutucu olmayan bir dil kullanmak ve çocukların sorularını yanıtlamak, onların güvenlik duygusunu artıracaktır.

Children are also affected by the panic and anxiety caused by thecoronavirus outbreak. Stating that families should first control their own fears and anxieties, experts point out that children may perceive this situation as a threatening event and their anxiety may increase. Experts emphasize that children's questions about coronavirusshould be answered at a level they can understand.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Nuran Günana made important evaluations.

Families should not reflect their fears and anxieties

Reminding that the rapid spread ofcoronavirusin the world has brought many concerns and fears with it, Nuran Günana said, "Families are also very worried about this issue, both for themselves and for their children. First of all, the most important task to be done is for families to take their own worries and fears under control. Otherwise, children will perceive the situation as a threatening and unmanageable event and their anxiety will increase."

Information should be given in an age-appropriate manner

Stating that children should be informed in an age-appropriate way, Nuran Günana said:

"Do not hesitate to talk to children about coronavirus , otherwise this will cause them more anxiety. They need real and concrete information. Unrealistic analogies about the virus should not be made. Be honest and open with children. How the virus spreads should be explained in an age-appropriate language. Children visualize events that are not explained in terms of cause and effect as if they are worse than they are. For this reason, they are more affected by the events. Instead of giving too much information about the virus and scaring them, the aim should be to explain what the virus is and how to prevent it by establishing effective mutual communication. Explaining the ways of protection will make them feel safer.

Children's questions should not be left unanswered

"Families should not leave children's questions unanswered," warned Nuran Günana, "Families should explain the situation to children in an age-appropriate way by establishing a cause-effect relationship. It should not be forgotten that children pay attention to how the adults around them react to negative life events and are very good observers. If the adults around the child appear overly anxious or worried, the child's anxiety increases at the same rate. If the child is overly anxious and worried, they need to be allowed to express their feelings, and guiding them in the right and beneficial way by replacing negative thoughts and feelings with positive ones will be the right step to take."

Watching coronavirus news should be limited

Emphasizing that the viewing ofcoronavirus news to children should be minimized, Nuran Günana said, "Since constantly watching news or programs about coronavirus or talking about it will cause anxiety to rise, such situations should be minimized. It should also be remembered that if the child asks questions about the virus, they should be allowed to tell what they have heard and know about the virus. If the child is telling inaccurate and alarming information, it should be checked with the parents whether such information is correct. Such mutual conversations and interactions with the family will give the child the opportunity to minimize his/her worries and will help him/her to relax."

Children should be informed about their personal hygiene

Pointing out the importance of limiting the use of internet, television and social media, which will affect children during this period, Nuran Günana said, "It is necessary to encourage children to continue the work they need to do at school. In addition, children should be given information about how to protect themselves from the virus and how to stay healthy as much as possible in a beautiful language appropriate to their age. This will help them learn how to control themselves when they are scared. They should be instructed in appropriate language to wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the toilet, before eating or when coughing or sneezing. This can first be done at home through role-playing and singing. Such information should be followed by a discussion about why the information was given. Because, these are new information that the child is not used to, and giving it to the child as a directive without explaining it and the news and negative discourses heard will increase their anxiety levels."

Nuran Günana warned, "Discourses that are alarming to children and will increase their fears should be avoided."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At30 March 2020
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