Contribution to Sierra Leone Friendship Bridge

Contribution to Sierra Leone Friendship Bridge

Content Summary

Türkiye-Sierra Leone Dostluk ve Kardeşlik Örgütü'nün desteğiyle Sierra Leone'nin başkenti Freetown'da bir kültür merkezi, cami ve Kuran kursu kompleksi inşa ediliyor. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan'ın katkılarıyla bir yıl önce başlayan inşaatın iki yıl içinde tamamlanması planlanıyor. Cami, Müzeyyen Tarhan Camii olarak adlandırılmış olup 550 kişi (300 içeride, 250 bahçede) kapasiteye sahip olacak. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan Kuran Kursu ise 100 öğrenciyi ağırlayacak. 2 dönümlük arazi üzerine inşa edilen kompleks, ayrıca misafirhane ve salonlar içeren bir kültür merkezini de kapsıyor. Kompleksin bölgedeki en büyük cami olması bekleniyor ve Sierra Leone'deki Müslüman nüfusun büyük bir bölümünün bu projeye ilgi gösterdiği belirtiliyor. Proje, Türkiye ve Sierra Leone arasındaki dostluk bağlarını güçlendirmeyi hedefliyor.

The cultural center, mosque and Qur'an course built in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, with the support of the Friendship and Brotherhood Organization of Turkey and Sierra Leone, aims to develop the bridge of friendship between the two countries. The construction of the complex, which started a year ago with the contributions of Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, is planned to be completed in 2 years.

A complex including a cultural center, a mosque and a Quran course is being built in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, one of the West African countries, with the support of Turkey-Sierra Leone Friendship and Brotherhood Organization.

The Qur'an course built by Medresetüzzehra Foundation with the support of Turkey-Sierra Leone Friendship and Brotherhood Organization realized with the initiative of Merzifon Education and Culture Association was named after Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan and the mosque was named after his mother, the late Müzeyyen Tarhan. The residents of the region showed great interest in the ceremony held at the construction site with Turkish flags and balloons in their hands.

550 people will be able to worship

The construction of the mosque and Qur'an Course, which started a year ago with the contributions of Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, is planned to be completed in 2 years. Müzeyyen Tarhan Mosque will have a total capacity of 550 people, 300 inside and 250 in the garden. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan Qur'an Course will accommodate 100 students.

There is also a guest house in the Cultural Center

Built on 2 acres of land, the complex will include a mosque, Quran Course, guesthouse and halls. The mosque and Quran Course will be located in a total area of 400 square meters. In the other 400 square meter two-storey building behind the mosque and Qur'anic Course, a cultural center with guesthouses and halls will be established.

"It will be the biggest mosque in the region"

Selami Solak, President of Merzifon Education and Culture Association, said that the mosque and Qur'an course, the construction of which started a year ago, is planned to be completed in two years and that the Müzeyyen Tarhan Mosque will be the largest mosque in the region when completed. Stating that 65% of Sierra Leone, a country with a population of 7 million, is Muslim, Solak said that the ongoing construction of the mosque and Qur'an Course is welcomed and that such works will make important contributions to the development and strengthening of relations between the two countries.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At13 January 2020
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