Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Use

Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Use

Content Summary

Dünyada her yıl yaklaşık 700.000 intihar vakası yaşanmakta olup, erkeklerde intihar girişimlerinde ölüm oranı kadınlara göre 4 kat daha yüksektir. İntihar, aile öyküsünde intihar girişiminin bulunduğu bireylerde daha yüksek oranda görülür. Alkol ve madde kullanımı intihar riskini artırırken, bunlardan uzak durmak koruyucu faktörler arasındadır. İntihar belirtileri arasında ölüm düşüncesiyle meşgul olmak, sosyal hayattan çekilmek, gelecek planı yapamamak, umutsuzluk, kimsenin yardım edemeyeceği düşüncesi, dünyanın kendisiz daha iyi olacağı düşüncesi, sevdiklerinin kendisiz daha mutlu olacağı düşüncesi yer alır. Evde silah bulunması, psikotik durumlar, yalnızlık hissi, beklenmedik ciddi kayıplar, psikiyatri hastanelerinden taburcu olmanın hemen sonrası dönem, aşırı kaygı ve anksiyete intiharı tetikleyebilir. Depresyon, ruh hali bozuklukları, kişilik bozuklukları, şizofreni, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, demans gibi psikiyatrik rahatsızlıklar da riski artırır. Ekonomik zorluklar, ilişki kayıpları, iş kaybı, boşanma, evcil hayvan kaybı, akran zorbalığı ve sosyal medyanın olumsuz etkileri de intihar riskini yükseltir. Evlilik, sosyalleşme, psikolojik destek alma, hedef belirleme, gelecek planları yapma, sevgi dolu ilişkiler ve alkol/maddeden uzak durma ise koruyucu faktörler arasındadır. Özellikle yaz aylarında ve doğum günlerinde intihar girişimlerinin daha yaygın olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.

Abstinence protects against suicide!

Alcohol and substance use increases the risk of suicide. Underlining that there are approximately 700 thousand suicide cases in the world every year, and that the death rate in suicide attempts is 4 times higher in men, experts point out that suicidal tendencies are higher in individuals with suicide attempts in the family.

Noting that substance abuse leads people to suicide, experts remind that staying away from alcohol and substances is among the protective factors.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birim Sungu Talu said that suicide, which is the act of ending one's life, is experienced due to various factors.


Stating that there are approximately 700 thousand suicide cases in the world annually and that this number increases from year to year, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birim Sungu Talu said, "Suicide is among the three most common causes of death, especially in young adults and adolescence. In individuals with suicide attempts, it can be observed that they are often preoccupied with the subject of death in daily life, withdrawing themselves from social life, reducing contact with friends and family members, distancing themselves from fun subjects and activities, and mental preoccupation with past losses and difficulties."

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birim Sungu Talu listed other symptoms of suicide as follows: "Symptoms such as overpronouncing what-ifs, not being able to plan for the future, not being able to dream, hopelessness, thinking that no one can help them, thinking that the world would be a better place without them, thinking that their loved ones would be happier without them can be observed."


Drawing attention to the alarming symptoms for suicide risk, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birim Sungu Talu said, "Having a plan to kill oneself, thinking or talking about it, saying goodbye, making funeral plans, the anniversary of the death of the suicidal family member or the age at which the suicidal family member committed suicide, especially in individuals with a history of suicide in their families, is a critical process for everyone in that family."

Pointing to the situations that prepare the ground for suicide, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Birim Sungu Talu said, "The presence of a gun in the house, especially in adolescents, psychotic conditions such as hearing voices, skepticism, all kinds of situations with alcohol and substance use, all psychiatric conditions with commanding voices (hallucinations), all kinds of situations where the feeling of loneliness is pronounced, all kinds of situations where sudden unexpected serious losses are experienced, the period immediately after discharge from psychiatric hospitals, that is, the period when the person has difficulty adapting to daily life and the medical support disappears, all kinds of situations where excessive anxiety and anxiety are experienced may predispose to suicide."


Stating that some painkillers, cortisone type, epilepsy medications can increase the risk of suicide, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birim Sungu Talu said, "The risk of suicide increases in psychiatric disorders such as alcohol and substance abuse, depression, mood disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, dementia."


Stating that gender factor is important in suicide, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birim Sungu Talu said, "Suicide attempts resulting in death are 4 times more common in men than in women. While women are more likely to attempt suicide with drugs, men are more likely to attempt suicide with weapons. Suicide attempts are more common in individuals with a family history of suicide attempts. This is genetically explained by differentiation in a gene called SK2, which is important in the suppression of cortisol hormone and stress management. Suicide attempts are significantly more common in individuals with a history of suicide in the mother than in those with a history of suicide in the father. Suicide attempts increase in people with physical illnesses, especially in diseases such as COPD, cancer, dialysis, MS, heart failure."


Stating that the risk increases especially in life events such as losses in romantic relationships, job losses, divorce, loss of pets, Assist.Assoc.Prof. Birim Sungu Talu said, "Peer bullying is a factor that increases the risk of suicide during adolescence. Economic problems and inadequacies also increase the risk of suicide. The media, the internet and some books can also increase suicide attempts. Information on how to commit suicide on the web, some youth series encourage suicide, especially in adolescents."


Noting that marriage is protective for suicide attempts, Sungu said, "Living at high altitude and being deprived of daylight increases the risk of suicide. In biochemical studies, low levels of cholesterol and DHA have been identified as risk factors for suicide. Treatment of depression during pregnancy, especially in women, is very important to prevent suicide. Temporally, it is seen that suicide attempts are more common in May, June and July, and people are more suicidal on their birthdays."


Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birim Sungu Talu also listed the protective factors for suicide as follows: "Increasing sociability, receiving psychological/psychiatric support, talking, sharing, setting a goal and visualizing this dream in the mind, making plans for the future, all kinds of love and love relationships, pets and effective treatment of all psychiatric diseases and finally staying away from alcohol and substances are protective factors for suicide."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 February 2018
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