Causes of hair and bristle plucking

Causes of hair and bristle plucking

Content Summary

Trikotilomani, çocuklarda ve ergenlerde yaygın bir sorun olan ve tıpta saç yolma olarak adlandırılan bir bozukluktur. Saç, kirpik veya kaş yolma davranışı, sınav stresi, kaygı veya öfke gibi stresli durumlarda artabilir. Çocuk, yolma davranışından önce bir dürtü hisseder ve bu davranışı tekrarlar. Yolma davranışı, kaşıntıyla başlar ve sonrasında rahatlama sağlar. Çocuk genellikle görünümünden mutsuzdur ve durumu gizlemeye çalışır. Trikotilomani, genetik bir temele sahip olsa da, en önemli nedeni ruhsal sıkıntıdır. Çoğu zaman depresyon, obsesif kompulsif bozukluk veya internet bağımlılığı gibi diğer psikiyatrik bozukluklarla birlikte görülür. Tedavi edilmezse, sosyal izolasyon, özgüven eksikliği ve sindirim sistemi tıkanıklığı gibi sorunlara yol açabilir. Tedavi, çocuk ve ergen psikiyatristi tarafından yapılır ve tıbbi tedaviyle birlikte psikoterapi içerir. Aile tutumlarının ele alınması da tedavi sürecinin önemli bir parçasıdır.

Stress, which is one of the most common complaints of today and causes many health problems, deeply affects not only adults but also children and adolescents. Various psychiatric problems, especially stress, underlie hair plucking, which is called "ticotillomania" in medicine. Hair plucking behavior can increase in stressful situations such as studying for an exam, in worrying moments or in times of anger.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel pointed out that hair and hair plucking can also be seen in children and adolescents.

Stating that trichotillomania is a disorder that manifests itself by plucking hair, eyelashes, eyebrows or other hairs in the body of the child, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "Before plucking behavior, the urge to pluck hair or hair occurs. It is repetitive, the child does not pluck hair constantly, but repeats this behavior from time to time. Rarely, it can be seen that the plucked hairs are eaten1.


Stating that the child pulls off the hair, eyelash or eyebrow, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "It may feel an itching sensation in that area beforehand, but it provides a relief after pulling. Even if the person does it involuntarily, he knows that he is doing it even if he is not aware of it. Sometimes the child may be hiding this from his/her family. In this case, the family may have difficulty understanding the difference between hair loss and hair plucking."


Pointing out that there are studies showing that trichotillomania has a genetic basis, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "However, the most important underlying cause of this behavior is mental distress. It may increase in stressful situations such as studying for an exam, in worrying moments or when they are angry. The patient may also pull his/her hair consciously in order to reduce stress, and may continue this behavior in the form of a habit without realizing it, which we call automatic."

Stating that children and adolescents with trichotillomania are generally unhappy with their appearance and do not want others to notice the situation, Yüksel said that they may want to hide the hair loss with clothes such as berets or covers.

Stating that although hair and hair plucking disease can be seen at any age, the most common period is childhood and adolescence, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "It can be seen at the same rate in both boys and girls during childhood. Although it can also be seen in young children, the most common onset period is the years between the ages of 10-13, which is the early adolescence period."


Stating that trichotillomania is a disorder on its own, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "However, it is possible to be seen with other psychiatric disorders such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, internet addiction. In addition, this behavior may increase in front of television and computer."

Yüksel pointed out that in trichotillomania, there is an irresistible urge to pluck hair, so the child has difficulty in stopping the desire to pluck hair or hair, and said, "The family should not think that the child is doing this behavior on purpose, it is necessary to know that this is a disorder and to turn for treatment."


Emphasizing that a child with trichotillomania should definitely be examined by a child and adolescent psychiatrist, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "If left untreated, the inability to cope with the underlying stress factor will continue chronically in children, as well as additional mental problems such as social isolation, lack of self-confidence and unhappiness may occur because they are uncomfortable with this situation as a result of hair, eyelash and eyebrow loss. If the hair is swallowed, it may cause obstructions in the digestive system.


Stating that trichotillomania is a treatable disorder, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel gave the following information about the treatment process:

"The child-adolescent psychiatry specialist first makes the diagnosis, determines other accompanying psychiatric disorders, if any, and reveals the underlying cause. In addition to medical treatment, psychotherapy is also important in the course of the disease. In psychotherapy sessions, the causes that initiated and exacerbated the illness are identified and worked on. Family attitudes should also be addressed during treatment."

Tikotilomania, hair plucking disease, hair plucking in children

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At17 July 2018
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