Back, joint, muscle and body aches should be taken into account

Back, joint, muscle and body aches should be taken into account

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Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi Anestezi ve Reanimasyon Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Füsun Eroğlu, koronavirüsle ilişkili sırt, eklem, kas ve vücut ağrılarını açıkladı. Covid-19'un erken belirtileri arasında öksürük, baş ağrısı ve ateş bulunurken, son kanıtlar hastalığın başlangıç bulgularının sinir sistemi ve kas-iskelet sistemi semptomlarıyla ortaya çıktığını gösteriyor. Kas-iskelet sistemi ağrısı (miyalji), sırt ağrısı, kas güçsüzlüğü ve eklem ağrısı (artralji) gibi semptomlar yaşam kalitesini etkileyerek günlük aktiviteleri kısıtlayabilir. Bu semptomların nedeni tam olarak anlaşılamamış olsa da, sitokin fırtınaları sırasında yüksek serum interlökin-6 seviyesi ve viral enfeksiyonlar rol oynuyor olabilir. Ağrı kesiciler ve ateş düşürücülerle birlikte anti-inflamatuar ilaçlar ağrıyı azaltmada etkili olsa da, şiddetli hastalık geçiren veya yeterli tedavi almayanlarda iyileşme daha uzun sürebilir ve kalıcı hasara yol açabilir. Semptomlar birkaç haftadan uzun sürerse mutlaka bir doktora danışılmalıdır.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist Prof. Dr. Füsun Eroğlu made explanations about back, joint, muscle and body aches related to coronavirus.

Stating that back, joint, muscle and body aches may be the leading symptom of coronavirus, experts emphasize that these pains should not be neglected. Pointing out the importance of taking these warnings into account in a timely manner, experts warn that if the intervention is late, permanent movement damage may occur.
Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist Prof. Dr. Füsun Eroğlu made explanations about back, joint, muscle and body pains related to coronavirus.

Pains may be a harbinger of coronavirus

Reminding that the most common early symptoms of Covid-19 disease are cough, headache and fever, Prof. Dr. Füsun Eroğlu said, "However, recent evidence suggests that the initial findings of the disease present with nervous system and musculoskeletal symptoms. Recognizing such symptoms can help in early diagnosis and prevention of the disease. Similarly, it will help to plan treatment of such symptoms and prevent further complications in the long term."

Patients' movements may be restricted

Noting that the incidence of musculoskeletal myalgia (muscle rheumatism), back pain, muscle weakness, skeletal muscle damage, arthralgia (joint pain) caused by Covid-19 varies between 1% and 35%, Prof. Dr. Füsun Eroğlu said, "These symptoms can cause patients to be unable to perform activities of daily living such as walking. In addition, symptoms such as muscle weakness can cause complications such as muscle atrophy (muscle shrinkage) and contracture (loss of muscle elasticity) in the long term and further impair the quality of daily life. The mechanism of the disease, including the musculoskeletal symptoms of Covid-19, is still not fully understood."

Pain may have different causes

Stating that the possible causes of the musculoskeletal features of Covid-19 may be several factors, Prof. Dr. Füsun Eroğlu said, "High serum interleukin-6 level during cytokine storms may be the cause of myalgia and arthralgia. Interleukin-6 is a pro-inflammatory substance. Viral infections are also known to cause arthralgia. Thus, it is possible that arthralgia, which is joint pain in Covid-19 patients, is associated with myalgia."

A physician should be consulted in these symptoms

Stating that pain in the muscles or joints is most commonly observed as back pain, muscle pain and weakness and can be quite severe, Prof. Dr. Füsun Eroğlu said, "Anti-inflammatory drugs with painkillers and antipyretics are added to the Covid-19 treatment plan. The use of these drugs is effective in reducing muscle and back pain. This type of pain usually disappears completely after recovery. However, in some cases, especially if the illness has been severe or if adequate treatment has not been received, the damage to muscles and joints can take longer to heal and impair quality of life. If the pain persists for several weeks after recovery, a physician should be consulted for further investigations."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 January 2021
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