Babies without secure attachment have bad relationships!

Babies without secure attachment have bad relationships!

Content Summary

Anne-bebek bağlanması, özellikle yaşamın 6. ayından sonra bebek ve annesi arasında gelişen güvenli bağlanma, bebekte güven duygusu oluşturur ve bebeğin gelecekteki ilişkilerini etkiler. Uzmanlara göre, sosyal ilişkilerin başlangıç noktasını oluşturan anne-bebek bağlanması, gelecekteki ilişkiler için kilit rol oynar. Sağlıklı bağlanma, bebeğin ihtiyaçlarına duyarlı, anlayışlı ve destekleyici bir bakım sağlayıcısıyla gelişir. Bu bağlanma, bebeğin çevreyi özgürce keşfetmesini ve sosyal ilişkiler kurmasını sağlar. Bebeklerin kendi kişiliklerini ve mizaçlarını ifade etmelerine izin vermek ve sosyal değerlere saygı duyan davranışlar geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmak önemlidir. Aile, tüm ilişkilerin temelinin atıldığı ve sosyal davranış kalıplarının öğrenildiği ilk “okuldur”.

Secure attachment, which develops between the baby and its mother, especially after the 6th month of life, establishes a sense of trust in the baby and affects the baby's future relationships.

According to experts, mother-infant attachment, which forms the starting point of social relationships, plays a key role for future relationships.

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Polyclinic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık drew attention to the importance of attachment and correct communication between mother and child in her statement on the occasion of Mother's Day.

Stating that the mother-baby relationship begins to form in a mother's mind long before the baby comes into the world, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayık said, "The relationship begins to take shape with the person's desire to bring a baby into the world, their dreams, goals and what they want to do. If we go back to much older years, we can even include the role of 'mother' that she took in the house playing games when she was a baby-child. Undoubtedly, one's own life experiences, temperament characteristics, the relationship with one's own family and mother, and observations about life play a very effective role in the role of motherhood."

Do not force the child to change their temperament

Noting that these thoughts, which are at the mental level when the baby is born, gradually begin to take shape, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said the following:

"The closer the baby-child representation in the minds is to reality, the easier it is to accept the baby-child. Every child - human being shows the characteristics of his/her species due to his/her nature and carries his/her own temperament characteristics. The task of families in this journey from infancy to adulthood should be to allow the child to express his/her own self without forcing the child to change his/her temperament characteristics and to try to gain behaviors that respect social and social values."

"The family is the first 'school' where the foundation of all relationships is laid and social and social behavior patterns are learned," said Assist. Assoc. Prof. Başak Ayık, "The relationships of the baby-child with his/her mother, father and siblings, and the behavioral patterns within the family determine the behavioral patterns that the child will acquire in roles in society. At the very basis of family relationships is the attachment of the baby with its mother."

Pointing out that attachment is a vital element of emotional and social development in the early years, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "Attachment is a strong bond between the primary caregiver (usually the mother) and the baby, especially in the second 6 months of life and establishes a sense of trust in the baby. Mother-infant attachment forms the starting point of social relationships and plays a key role for future relationships."

Healthy attachment develops a basic sense of trust

Stating that babies who can develop healthy attachment develop a "basic sense of trust", Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said the following:

"According to attachment theory, babies are born with a biological predisposition to develop an attachment relationship. They expect trust, care, support and protection from the few caregivers they choose. Attachment behavior begins as a result of "seeking closeness" when under stress. Selective (Focused) attachment occurs after the 7th month. In this period of selective attachment, the baby reacts to separation from the caregiver (anxiety symptoms) and stranger anxiety begins. If the person who is primarily responsible for the care of the baby is sensitive to the baby's reactions and wishes; tries to understand what the baby wants to express; knows how to listen to the baby; gives the baby adequate and appropriate stimuli verbally, emotionally and physically; a healthy attachment develops between the baby and the caregiver. Babies who can develop healthy attachment develop a "basic sense of trust". They have learned through positive experiences that their caregiver will always be there for them and will soothe them in case of stress.

According to attachment theory, attachment behavior develops in parallel with other biological systems. The most important of these is the "exploration system". There is a balance between attachment and exploration systems. The caregiver offers a safe harbor, the infant explores, investigates, and returns to the caregiver in times of stress. Exploration is one of the most important systems for learning and development. During the infancy years, when brain development is at its fastest, if there is a secure attachment relationship between the baby and the mother, the baby explores the environment freely and begins to establish social relationships after a sufficient sense of trust is established. These allow all developmental stages (such as language, social and motor areas) to occur at the expected times."

Always listen to the emotional needs of the child

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "There is no doubt that motherhood is a unique experience. Perhaps it is both the most enjoyable and the most difficult process in life for a person. In this process, every mother experiences many intense and different emotions; she may often feel inadequate, worn out and anxious. Truth is never learned without experience and every human being makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and not repeat them. Every mother who succeeds in listening to the emotional needs of her child will be rewarded for her efforts."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 February 2018
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