Attention to spring months in Bipolar Disorder

Attention to spring months in Bipolar Disorder

Content Summary

Bipolar bozukluk, "manik depresif hastalık" veya "bipolar mizah bozukluğu" olarak da bilinen, 20'li yaşlarda başlayan ve özellikle ilkbahar aylarında atak gösterebilen önemli bir psikiyatrik bozukluktur. Ataklar, stresli dönemler (askerlik gibi) ve özel durumlar (gebelik ve lohusalık) sırasında tetiklenebilir. Depresyon dönemlerinde mutsuzluk, yaşamdan zevk alamama, değersizlik düşünceleri, karamsarlık, konsantrasyon güçlüğü, halsizlik, beden ağrıları, uyku ve iştah değişiklikleri ile intihar düşünceleri görülebilir. Manik/hipomani dönemlerinde ise öfke patlamaları, aşırı özgüven, sinirlilik, konuşma artışı, düşünce uçuşları, dikkat dağınıklığı, aşırı hareketlilik ve aşırı para harcama gibi belirtiler ortaya çıkar. Bipolar bozukluk ataklarla ilerler; atakların süresi ve şiddeti kişiden kişiye veya yıllar içinde değişebilir. Genetik yatkınlık önemli bir faktördür ve birinci derece akrabalarında hastalık bulunanlarda görülme sıklığı artar. Erken başlangıçlı bipolar bozuklukta (7-8 yaşlarında başlayabilir) tanı zor olabilir. Tedavi, atak tedavisi ve koruyucu tedavi olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır; atak tedavisi dönemsel belirtilere göre değişirken, koruyucu tedavide ilaçlar ve psikoterapi önemlidir. Düzenli uyku, alkol kullanımından kaçınma ve ilaç takibi de önemlidir. Bipolar bozukluğun yaratıcılığı artırdığı iddiası tartışmalıdır, ancak hafif hipomani atakları geçici olarak enerji ve düşünce hızını artırabilir.

Bipolar Disorder attacks in spring. Bipolar Disorder, also known as "bipolar temperament disorder", starts in the 20s. Stating that Bipolar Disorder can show attacks especially in the spring months, experts point out that it can be triggered during stressful periods such as military service and in special situations such as pregnancy and puerperium.
March 30, World Bipolar Day is celebrated on the birthday of the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh, who is also considered to have Bipolar Disorder. World Bipolar Day aims to raise awareness and help eliminate social stigmatization all over the world through activities that will increase social sensitivity, knowledge and education about the disease.

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Feneryolu Medical Center Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Lecturer. Emre Tolun Arıcı said that Bipolar Disorder is an important psychiatric disorder also known as manic depressive illness, bipolar temperament disorder.

Unhappiness is experienced during depression

Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said that during the depression period of the disease, which is characterized by mood episodes covering various periods such as "Mania / Hypomania" "Depression" "Mixed"; symptoms such as depression, unhappiness, inability to enjoy life, thoughts of worthlessness, pessimism, difficulty concentrating, weakness, body aches, sleep, appetite changes, suicidal thoughts occur.

Spending a lot of money may occur during mania

Stating that during the Mania / Hypomania period, outbursts, exaggerated increase in self-confidence, irritability, increase in speech, flights of ideas, quick distraction, excessive mobility, spending a lot of money, inappropriate behaviors occur. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "Easy risk-taking, inability to sleep, decreased need to eat, fighting are attack periods that significantly impair functionality."

The disease progresses with attacks

Stating that some of the symptoms of depression and mania together are called mixed period, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "The disease progresses with attacks, the duration and severity of the attacks may vary from person to person or over the years. Attacks are mostly completely cured, but some symptoms called residual symptoms may persist in some people."

Beware of spring months

Noting that attacks can be triggered in certain seasons; especially in stressful periods such as spring months, military service, pregnancy and puerperium, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "Genetic predispositions, changes in biological substances in the brain, stress and traumas can be effective in the formation of the disease."

It starts in the 20s

Stating that Bipolar Disorder starts in the 20s and that its incidence is around 1-2% in general, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "This frequency is similar in men and women. This rate increases to approximately 8-9% in people whose first-degree relatives have the disease. Genetic predisposition is very important in the disease, so much so that this rate can reach 45-75% in identical twins."

Genetic predisposition lowers the age of onset

Pointing out that genetic predisposition is more prominent in Bipolar Disorder, especially in children and adolescence, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "The age of onset can go down to 7-8 years. It is more difficult to diagnose at this age and can be frequently confused with other diseases or conditions. Care should be taken about alcohol and substance abuse in Bipolar Disorder in children and adolescents, also called early onset."

Stating that Bipolar Disorder can start at any age and at advanced ages such as over 60 years of age, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "In these cases, it is necessary to investigate the relationship with other physical diseases, to be closely monitored in terms of suicide risk and drug side effects."

Is Bipolar Disorder an artist's disease?

Stating that although there are many artists known to have Bipolar Disorder, it is controversial that the disease increases creativity, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "Severe depression and mania periods are not thought to be creative because they are periods that significantly disrupt the functionality of people, reduce productivity, disrupt focus, and may have flights of ideas, but the short-lasting milder attacks called hypomania can temporarily increase due to the increase in energy and acceleration in thoughts. This relationship may also be thought to be established with the healing power of art after depressive episodes."

Stating that the treatment of Bipolar Disorder is divided into two as attack treatments and preventive treatment, Dr. Assist. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "Attack treatments vary according to the depression / mania / mixed period experienced at the time. Treatment can be inpatient or outpatient depending on the severity of the attack."
Advanced treatment methods are used

Stating that there are various medications used in treatment as well as additional methods, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said, "These are treatments such as ECT, TMU, Deep TMU. In preventive treatment, psychotherapy support is important as well as mood stabilizing drugs."

Drug blood level should be monitored

Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Emre Tolun Arıcı said that in order to prevent attacks, it is important to follow up outpatient clinic follow-up, to use medications as recommended, to monitor the blood levels of protective drugs, to recognize the precursor symptoms of the disease, to have regular sleep, and to stay away from alcohol.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At26 September 2023
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