Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity in Children

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity in Children

Content Summary

Çocuklarda Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB)'nin hangi türünün daha yaygın olduğu bir uzman tarafından belirlenmelidir. DEHB'nin alt kategorilerinin özetleri şunlardır: Dikkat Eksikliği Baskın Tip, dikkatini uzun süre, özellikle sıkıcı görevlerde sürdürme zorluğu, ayrıntılara dikkat edememe ve hata yapma, okul ve evdeki sorumlulukları tamamlayamama, organizasyon zorluğu, kolay dikkatin dağılması ve unutkanlık gibi belirtilerle karakterizedir. Hiperaktivite ve İmpulsiflik Baskın Tip ise, yerinde duramama, sürekli kıpır kıpır olma, uygunsuz yerlerde kalkıp dolaşma, sessiz oyun oynayamama, çok ve hızlı konuşma, sırasını bekleyememe gibi belirtiler gösterir. Her iki kategorideki belirtilerin bir arada görüldüğü DEHB türünde ise, psikiyatrist ve psikologla birlikte belirlenen ortak bir tedavi planı uygulanır. Teşhis psikiyatrist tarafından konulmalı ve tedavi planı uzman doktor ve psikolog ile birlikte oluşturulmalıdır.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children is a neurodevelopmental condition common in childhood, characterized by attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

In Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, of course, all children are somewhat active and have difficulty focusing their attention on a task for long periods of time compared to adults. However, a child with ADHD symptoms may be more active and have attention problems than children of the same age and gender. Each child may experience ADHD differently. Some may have more attention problems, while others may be more active and impulsive.

Which type of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is more prevalent in children can be decided by a specialist. However, to summarize, here are examples of each sub-category of ADHD;

Attention Deficit Predominant Type:

  • Difficulty sustaining attention for a certain period of time, especially on boring tasks
  • Fails to pay attention to the details involved in the task, often makes mistakes
  • Cannot complete tasks at school and responsibilities at home
  • Difficulty in organizing responsibilities and tasks
  • Easily distracted by many environmental factors such as sound and images
  • They are forgetful in their daily work

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity Predominant Type:

  • Difficult to sit still, fidgety all the time
  • Has difficulty sitting at school or in places where he/she is supposed to sit and gets up all the time
  • Runs and climbs out of sync with the space
  • Cannot play or do activities in silence
  • Talks a lot, talks fast, cannot wait while others are talking
  • Difficulty waiting for his/her turn

Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity and Impulsivity Predominant Type:

Symptoms in both categories above are present in the child at the same time. In this case, appropriate treatment is applied to the child. A joint treatment plan should be determined with the psychiatrist and psychologist.

The treatment plan must be made with a specialist doctor and psychologist and the diagnosis must be made by a psychiatrist.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 March 2023
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