Arthroplasty Space Suit aims for zero risk of surgical infection

Arthroplasty Space Suit aims for zero risk of surgical infection

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi uzmanları tarafından diz, kalça ve omuz protez ameliyatlarında enfeksiyon riskini azaltmak için kullanılmaya başlanan arthroplasty uzay kıyafeti, ameliyat güvenliğini artırıyor. Klasik kıyafetle yapılan ameliyatlarda implantla ilgili ameliyat bölgesi enfeksiyonu %1 iken, uzay kıyafetiyle yapılanlarda %0,17 olarak kaydedildi. Bu özel kıyafetler, ameliyat ekibinden düşebilecek partiküllerin ameliyat alanına ulaşmasını önleyerek enfeksiyon riskini en aza indiriyor. Enfeksiyonlar, hastanın sağlığını olumsuz etkileyerek uzun süreli hastane yatışı, tekrarlayan ameliyatlar ve uzun süreli antibiyotik tedavisi gerektirebiliyor. Ancak, yüksek maliyetinden dolayı tüm hastanelerde kullanımı henüz mümkün değil.

Arthroplasty space suit, which is used to reduce the risk of surgical infection, especially in orthopedic prosthesis surgeries, increases the safety of operations.

It is aimed to minimize the risk of surgical infection with the arthroplasty space suit, which is started to be used in knee, hip and shoulder prosthesis surgeries by Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital specialists. While implant-related surgical site infection after arthroplasty surgeries is 1% in cases performed with classical clothing; It is recorded that it is 0.17% in cases performed with space suit.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan said that they started using arthroplasty space suit to minimize the risk of infection that may occur during or after orthopedic prosthesis surgeries.

To be used in knee, hip and shoulder prosthesis surgeries

Surgical site infection can occur when the sterilization chain is broken at any point, inappropriate conditions of the operating room, uncontrollable contamination from the surgical team. It can also occur when bacteria from an area such as tooth decay in the patient reach the surgical field through blood. Stating that they started to use special clothes to reduce the risk of infection in orthopedic prosthesis surgeries, Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan said, "These clothes, defined as Arthroplasty Space Suit, will be used in knee, hip and shoulder prosthesis surgeries performed by our orthopedic and traumatology physicians."

Infections affect quality of life

Noting that surgical infections negatively affect patient health, Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan said, "Surgical infection can occur in the surgical area after surgery and can be superficial or affect deeper tissues, vital organs and implants. Implant-related infections seen after orthopedic prosthesis surgeries can have an extremely negative impact on patient health and satisfaction. Patients may need to be hospitalized for long periods of time, sometimes up to months, for infection, undergo repeated surgeries and receive antibiotic treatments for a long time."

Prevents particles that may fall from the surgical team

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan stated that these special clothes are used to minimize the risk of possible prosthesis infections and said the following:

"The clothes prevent particles that may fall from the non-sterile head area of the surgical team to the surgical field during surgery. At the same time, it also prevents the particles splashed around during the placement of the prosthesis from bouncing off the non-sterile areas of the surgical team such as face, mask and cap and falling back into the surgical field.

Risk with space suit is 0.17

Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan noted that the arthroplasty space suit minimizes the risk of possible surgical infection and said, "Implant-related surgical site infection after arthroplasty surgeries is 1% in cases performed with classical clothing, while it is 0.17% in cases performed with a space suit. We only use these suits in our arthroplasty, that is, prosthesis surgeries. Today, this equipment cannot be used in all hospitals due to its high costs."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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