Another name for obesity

Another name for obesity

Content Summary

Obezite, dünyayı tehdit eden önde gelen sağlık sorunlarından biridir ve mücadelesi her geçen gün önem kazanmaktadır. Yeni çalışmalar, obezitenin "Adipoziteye Bağlı Kronik Hastalık" olarak yeniden adlandırılmasını öneriyor ve özellikle bel çevresindeki yağın, yağlı iç organlar ve kan yağ profili riskini artırdığını vurguluyor. Son 35 yılda obezite vakalarının üç katına yakın arttığı belirtiliyor ve çocukluk çağından itibaren devam eden obezitenin en riskli grup olduğu vurgulanıyor. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün tavsiyelerine göre kadınlarda bel çevresi 88 cm, erkeklerde ise 102 cm'yi geçmemeli ve günlük yarım saatlik yürüyüşün bel çevresinin kontrol altında tutulmasına yardımcı olduğu belirtilmektedir.

The fight against obesity, which is one of the leading health problems threatening the world, is gaining importance day by day.

Stating that the new name of obesity may be "Chronic Disease Due to Adiposity", experts point out that especially fat around the waist increases the risk of fatty internal organs and the profiles of fats in the blood.

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Gizem Köse from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital pointed out that new studies are being conducted every day in the fight against obesity, which is one of the biggest health problems.

Stating that according to the World Health Organization's statement, the number of obese has almost tripled in the last 35 years, Gizem Köse said that the types of obesity have also started to be determined in the studies.

Stating that obesity has started to be accepted as an epidemic disease, especially considering the rate of fat in the body and the diseases it brings with it, Köse said, "When we look at the types of obesity, obesity that starts with obesity from childhood and continues in adulthood is the most risky group. The process of increasing the number of fat cells takes place in childhood and if there is no intervention in the transition to adulthood, it can continue its life as an obese individual."


Stating that in the latest studies of the American Society of Clinical Endocrinology and the American University of Endocrinology, they wanted to combine the new name of obesity in the literature with the definition of "Adiposity-Based Chronic Disease" (ABCD), that is, "Adiposity-Based Chronic Disease", Köse said, "It has been reminded again how common and preventable chronic disease is, especially this disease that develops later and spreads rapidly due to nutrition and environmental factors."


Gizem Köse noted that this disease, which is determined by looking at blood values as well as the fat ratio in the body, focuses on the fat around the waist and said, "The more the fat around the waist, the higher the risk of fatty internal organs and the profiles of fats in the blood. In this case, in addition to fatty internal organs, it also slows down blood circulation and tissues cannot be nourished. According to the World Health Organization, waist circumference should be kept under control. When we look at the waist circumference measurements, it should not exceed 88cm in women and 102cm in men. In this case, it is beneficial to pay attention to the fat around your waist rather than your weight. And again, with the recommendation of the World Health Organization, it is shown that it is easier to keep the waist circumference under control if you walk for half an hour a day."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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