2 Year Autism Symptoms

2 Year Autism Symptoms

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2 yaşındaki otizm belirtileri arasında en yaygın olanı, adlarına cevap vermemek, göz teması kurmaktan kaçınmak ve kucaklaşma gibi durumları rahatsız edici bulmaktır. Diğer belirtiler arasında arkadaş edinme zorluğu, iletişim kurmada tereddüt, konuşma güçlüğü, duyguları anlama ve ifade etmede zorluk, yaşıtlarına göre düşük dil becerileri (tekrarlama, zamir kullanmada zorluk), uygunsuz cevaplar verme, vücut dilini az kullanma, şakaları anlamama, tekrarlayıcı vücut hareketleri, alışkanlıklara bağımlılık, takıntılı ilgi alanları, riske karşı duyarsızlık, canlı ve cansız varlıkları ayırt edememe sayılabilir. Otizm spektrum bozukluğu erken teşhis edilmezse ömür boyu sürer. Çocuklarında dil gelişiminde gerilik, arkadaşlarına karşı ilgisizlik, sosyal iletişim güçlüğü, göz teması kurmama ve adlarına tepki vermeme gibi belirtiler gözlemleyen aileler uzman bir doktora danışmalıdır. Erkeklerde belirtiler daha kolay fark edilirken, kızlarda daha gizli olabilir.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental problem. Symptoms of autism occur in the first years of life. Although genetic factors play a role, the mode of genetic transmission is not yet clear. It is a public health problem as its incidence increases exponentially. Among the 2-year-old autism symptoms, one of the most common symptoms is the inability of children to make eye contact. The diagnosis of autism should be determined by a specialized doctor. A detailed psychiatric examination should be done before the diagnosis is made. It is very difficult to diagnose in a clinical setting during infancy. Children with autism lack social skills. They prefer to be alone with their peers.

Among thesymptoms of 2-year-old autism, the most common condition may be not responding to their name. They hesitate to make eye contact with any person. They do not like situations such as hugging and hugging, they are uncomfortable. In addition to these, other autism symptoms are as follows;

  • They do not know how to make friends, they are indifferent around their peers.
  • They hesitate to communicate with other individuals and become uneasy with communication.
  • They have difficulty in their speech. The structure of their sentences may not make sense.
  • They have difficulty understanding and expressing their own feelings and the feelings of other individuals.
  • Their language and speech skills are lower than their peers. They repeat what others say. They have difficulty using pronouns. For example, they speak as 'you' instead of 'I'.
  • They may give inappropriate answers to questions.
  • They do not use their body language much. They use a stable and unstressed language.
  • They may not be able to comprehend the joking game and jokes may not be funny to them, they may be frightening.
  • They have repetitive body movements.
  • They are addicted to habits, so they continue to play with toys in the same way every time.
  • They have obsessive interests. They are insensitive to risks. They may remain unresponsive to pain.
  • They may not be able to distinguish between living and non-living things, but they are more interested in non-living things.

Ifautism spectrum disorder is not diagnosed early, it continues for life. First of all, families should examine their children. Language use that lags behind their peers may be among the symptoms. Parents need to observe their children carefully if they are indifferent to their friends and have poor social communication, do not make eye contact and do not react on their behalf. Boys have symptoms that are more easily recognized. However, girls' autism is a little more difficult to recognize, and girls are better at hiding it. But all symptoms work in the same way. Consult a specialist and undergo the necessary tests before it is too late.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At12 February 2023
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