10 Unknown Benefits of Honey

10 Unknown Benefits of Honey

Content Summary

Bal, antiseptik ve antibakteriyel özelliklere sahip olması nedeniyle sayısız sağlık faydası sunan doğal bir tatlandırıcıdır. Sindirimi kolaylaştırır, yüksek kolesterolü düzenler, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir, enerji verir ve sporcuların performansını artırır. Ayrıca, kansere karşı koruyucu etki gösterir, ishalin şiddetini ve süresini kısaltır, mide sorunlarını tedavi eder ve beyin fonksiyonlarını destekler. Cilt bakımı için de kullanılabilir. Ancak, diyabet hastaları, aşırı kilolu kişiler ve 1 yaşından küçük bebekler için önerilmez. Fazla tüketim baş dönmesi, yüksek ateş ve kusmaya neden olabilir ve kilo artışını hızlandırabilir. Bebeklerde, balda bulunan botulizm sporları ciddi sorunlara yol açabilir.

Benefits of Honey

The benefits of honey, which has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, are quite high. It fights infections and treats stomach problems.

The benefits of honey are countless. It is a sweet, delicious food and has many health benefits. It is divided into varieties such as pine honey and chestnut honey. Honey production depends on the development of the honey bee. In Europe, the largest production is made in Spain, Denmark, Romania and Hungary. When honey bee colonies decline, honey production also declines. Honey bees do not only produce honey. They also act as pollinators for field crops.

Honey manages diabetes and controls cholesterol levels. Helping to release energy, honey is a sweet food made from flower nectar that combines with enzymes secreted by honeybees, concentrates and reduces moisture in the honeycomb cells. The most important feature that contributes to the benefits of honey is the vitamins and minerals it contains. Honey contains vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, calcium, phosphate, sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium, chloride.

Health Benefits of Honey

-The benefits of honey are very effective on health.

-When consumed with warm water, it helps digest the fat stored in the body.

-Regulates and controls high cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol levels.

-Can be used as a natural sweetener instead of sugar.

-Strengthens the immune system. Resists against infections.

-It is a high source of carbohydrates. Therefore, it increases the endurance and performance of athletes. Provides strength and energy.

The benefits of honey, which has anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties, are also very effective on cancer disease. It helps prevent cancer and stop its progression.

-Shortens the severity and duration of diarrhea.

-Organically treats stomach complications.

-Strengthens the brain, increases concentration.

-It is used as a natural antiseptic in traditional medicines.

At the same time, an important feature of the benefits of honey is that it is anti-inflammatory. It cleanses bacteria. When used in skin masks, it helps to heal existing acne in a short time and makes the skin soft by trapping moisture.

Who is not recommended honey?

The benefits of honey do not show the same reaction in every person. Honey consumption is not recommended especially for diabetics and overweight people. Excessive consumption can cause diseases such as dizziness, high fever, vomiting and accelerates weight gain as it is high in calories.

Bees can make honey by taking bacterial spores called botulism while collecting nectar. When adults consume this honey, they can tolerate it due to their developed defense system and the effect of stomach acid. However, in infants, the digestive system has not yet developed bacteria that neutralize botulism spores and stop their proliferation. Therefore, it is inadvisable to feed honey to children under 1 year of age.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At08 July 2020
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