You can understand school readiness with a test

You can understand school readiness with a test

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Okul olgunluğu, çocuğun fiziksel, zihinsel, sosyal ve duygusal gelişiminde belirli bir seviyeye ulaşması ve okulda kendisinden beklenenleri başarıyla yerine getirebilecek olmasıdır. Okul hazırlığı testleri, çocuğun okula hazır olup olmadığını belirlemek için kullanılabilir. Bu testler, anaokulu ve okul öncesi çağındaki çocuklara uygulanabileceği gibi ilkokul çağındaki çocuklara da uygulanabilir. Testler, çocuğun okul başlangıcı için gerekli beceri seviyesini belirlemek amacıyla nöropsikolojik tarama içerir. Desteklenmesi gereken alanlar varsa, çocuk-aile-okul önerilerini içeren bireysel bir program oluşturulması amaçlanır. Çocuğun okulda olumsuz algı geliştirmesi akademik ve zihinsel yaşamını olumsuz etkileyebilir, bu nedenle çocukların gelişimlerinin akranlarıyla paralel olmasını sağlamak önemlidir.

A child with school readiness should have sufficient self-confidence in terms of social and emotional development. Whether the child is ready for school can be understood with school readiness tests.

Specialist from Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center. Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım stated that it is possible to understand the age of starting school and school readiness with some tests.

How does the child's development process progress?

Defining school maturity as "the child's reaching a certain level in terms of physical, mental, social and emotional development and being ready to successfully fulfill what is expected of him at school", Specialist. Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım said, "The negative perception developed against school in the early years affects the whole academic and mental life of the person. Parents should make sure that their children develop in parallel with their peers in all areas of development.

This process is related to the general development process of the child until he/she starts school."

Stating that while school maturity varies from child to child due to individual differences, individual differences also affect maturity, Uzm. Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım said, "Whether the child is ready for school or the age of starting school can be possible with school readiness tests and developmental evaluations, and children who have inadequacies in certain areas should be supported in the school process."

School readiness can be tested

If the child is not ready for school, it can be understood with tests performed by experts.

In the tests applied by NPISTANBUL Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry specialists, it can be determined whether the child has school maturity. These tests, which are applied to children starting kindergarten and preschool, can also be applied to children of primary school age.

Neuropsychological screenings are performed

The school maturity package aims to determine the skill level required for the child to start school through neuropsychological screening. If there are areas that need to be supported in the package, it is aimed to create an individual program including child-family-school recommendations.

For detailed information about Tests and Scales: h ttps://

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At28 August 2019
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