Why is your baby's first pair of shoes important?

Why is your baby's first pair of shoes important?

Content Summary

Çocukların ayak sağlığı gelişimleri için önemlidir ve ayak problemlerine erken müdahale edilmelidir. Düz taban, çocuklarda yaygın bir durum olup genellikle 2-3 yaşına kadar kendiliğinden düzelir ve tedavi gerektirmez. Ayak tabanlığı genç yaşlarda kullanılmaz, ancak 8-10 yaşlarındaki ağrılı deformasyonlarda ağrıyı azaltmak için kullanılabilir, ancak hastalığı tedavi etmez. İlk ayakkabı seçimi önemlidir; deri malzemeden, yumuşak, esnek, kaymaz tabanlı, geniş ve yuvarlak burunlu, hafif ve rahat olmalıdır. Kul ayak, erkek bebeklerde daha sık görülen ve erken teşhis ve tedavi gerektiren bir durumdur. İç basınç ise genellikle 2 yaşına kadar kendiliğinden düzelir. Ayak parmaklarında yürüme yeni yürümeye başlayan çocuklarda normal olsa da, 2-3 yaşından sonra devam ederse tendon uzatma ameliyatı gerekebilir.

According to experts, toddlers should wear shoes made of leather, with soft soles, flexible, non-slip soles, wide and rounded fronts. Light and comfortable shoes should be chosen.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Dr. Abdullah Şarlak said that children's foot health is important for their development.
Stating that foot problems encountered in children should be intervened early, Dr. Abdullah Şarlak stated that flat feet is a common condition in children.

Dr. Abdullah Şarlak gave the following information about flat feet: "The soles of children's feet usually appear flat. The weakness of the muscles that make the arch of the sole of the foot and the excess fat tissue of the sole of the foot cause this appearance. This is considered as a physiological (natural) condition and is not a disease. It does not require treatment. Today, insoles are not used. In general, at the age of 2-3 years, normal sole appearance occurs with the decrease in the fat pad."

Insoles reduce pain but do not treat it

Stating that insoles are not used at a young age but can be used in children with deformity who have pain while walking at the age of 8-10, Şarlak said, "The disease cannot be cured with this use. Only the child's foot pain decreases and he/she can walk comfortably. Flat foot surgery is rarely performed only in advanced deformities."

The first shoe should be chosen correctly

Emphasizing the importance of the first shoe selection, Dr. Abdullah Şarlak said, "The toddler should use shoes made of leather material, soft soles, flexible structure, non-slip soles, wide and round shoes in front. Light and comfortable shoes should be chosen."

"Clubfoot" is more common in male babies

Stating that another foot health problem seen in children is clubfoot, Dr. Abdullah Şarlak said, "It is seen in 0.1% of newborns; it is a disease that requires early diagnosis and treatment. It is 2 to 3 times more common in male babies. Feet look inward and downward. When it is corrected and released, it takes its old form again. Exercise and stretching are applied for the first 1 week. 1-week-old babies are placed in a weekly plaster cast program for 5-6 weeks. It can usually be corrected without the need for surgery. However, special shoes (device) are used until 2-3 years of age."

"Pressing inward" can improve spontaneously

Stating that inward pressure is also seen in some babies, Dr. Abdullah Şarlak said, "It is when the feet look inward when they should look straight ahead. It becomes evident while walking and stepping. By the age of 2, it resolves spontaneously. It does not require shoe and plaster treatment. If it does not improve by the age of 7-8, insoles can be considered."

Attention if tip-toe walking takes a long time!

Stating that walking on tiptoe is mostly normal in a newly walking child, Dr. Abdullah Şarlak said, "This situation returns to normal in a short time, but it is a problem that the heel cannot step on the ground at the age of 2-3 years. In this case, tendon lengthening surgeries and interventions for the cause are appropriate."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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