Why does chest pain occur and what are the causes?

Why does chest pain occur and what are the causes?

Content Summary

Göğüs ağrısı, toplumda akla ilk gelen şeydir, ancak bu durumu doğrudan kalp kriziyle özdeşleştirmek doğru değildir. Göğüs ağrısına bağırsak sorunları, hazımsızlık ve mide sorunları, kas ağrıları ve ağrıları, mide sorunlarından kaynaklanan reflü, kaburga ve eklem iltihabı ve akciğer sorunları neden olabilir. Göğüs ağrısı, bahsedilen nedenlerin yanı sıra yaşamı tehdit eden sorunların bir göstergesi olabileceğinden, bir tıp uzmanına danışmak kesinlikle gereklidir. Göğüs ağrısının nedeni, hayati durumu etkileyen kalp ve akciğer sorunlarıyla da ilgili olabileceğinden, uzman bir doktora danışmak önemlidir. Bu tür bir sorununuz varsa bir hastaneye başvurmalısınız. Göğüs ağrısının olası nedenleri arasında kalp krizi, aort diseksiyonu, perikardit, miyokardit, anjina, çeşitli akciğer rahatsızlıkları (plevrit, pulmoner emboli, pnömotoraks, pulmoner hipertansiyon, pnömoni, viral bronşit, astım ve KOAH gibi kronik akciğer hastalıkları), sindirim sistemi sorunları (reflü, özofagus sorunları, safra kesesi sorunları, pankreatit), kas-iskelet sistemi sorunları (fibromiyalji, kaburga yaralanmaları, kostokondrit), anksiyete ve hatta zona gibi deri sorunları yer alır. Göğüs ağrısı semptomları arasında göğüste yanma, sıkışma ve dolgunluk hissi, sırt ve boyun ağrısı, nefes darlığı, terleme, halsizlik, bulantı ve kusma, ağızda ekşi tat, yutma güçlüğü, deri döküntüsü, öksürük, hızlı nefes alma ve titreme yer alabilir. Teşhis için kan testleri, göğüs röntgeni, tomografi ve EKG gibi testler yapılabilir ve tedavi, belirlenen nedene göre uzman doktor tarafından belirlenir.

What is Chest Pain?

Chest pain is the first thing that comes to mind in society, but it is not correct to identify this condition directly with a heart attack.

Chest pain can be caused by intestinal problems, indigestion and stomach problems, muscle tenderness and pain, reflux from stomach problems, rib and joint inflammation and lung problems.

Since chest pain can be an indication of life-threatening problems along with the reasons mentioned, it is absolutely necessary to consult a physician. It is important to consult a specialist doctor as the cause of chest pain may also be related to heart and lung problems that affect the vital condition. If you have this kind of problem, you should consult a hospital.

Why does chest pain occur?

Chest pain may first bring different thoughts to mind. This thought first brings the heart and lung to mind. Although the risk of heart attack is seen as an important symptom in chest pain, it can be a symptom of less serious conditions. It is not possible to find the cause without consulting a specialist physician.

Emergency admissions are due to complaints of chest pain worldwide.

- Chest pain can be caused by a heart attack. It occurs as a result of blockage of the vessels supplying the heart muscle and first manifests itself as chest pain.

- Heart-related conditions such as aortic dissection, pericarditis, myocarditis and angina can occur. Since these conditions are life-threatening, people with chest pain should consult a physician at the earliest opportunity.

- Pulmonary chest pain is also a common condition. Pulmonary conditions are caused by underlying lung-based disorders. These conditions generally include inflammation of the pleura, sudden obstruction caused by a blood clot in the lung, deflation of the lungs (pneumothorax), pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the pulmonary artery), pneumonia (pneumonia), viral bronchitis, chronic lung problems such as asthma and COPD can cause chest pain.

- Problems with the digestive system can also cause chest pain. These causes are generally reflux, esophageal problems, gallbladder problems, pancreatic inflammation are among the leading causes.

- Muscle and bone-related problems can also cause chest pain. These include general muscle pains such as fibromyalgia, injuries, especially rib injuries, inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum can cause chest pain.

- Another cause of chest pain is mental conditions. People with high levels of anxiety and anxiety may complain of shortness of breath and chest pain.

- Skin-related problems can also cause chest pain (shingles, etc.)

What are the symptoms of chest pain?

When it comes to chest pain symptoms, the first thing that is usually felt is pain in the chest.

- Burning, tightness and fullness in the chest

- Pain in the back and neck area

- Shortness of breath

- Sweating

- Weakness

- Nausea and vomiting

- A sour taste in the mouth

- Difficulty swallowing

- Skin rashes

- Cough

- Rapid breathing and tremors

What is good for chest pain, what is the treatment?

First, the source of the main problem causing chest pain should be identified. This determination is made by a specialist physician. After the conditions causing chest pain are identified, tests are performed by the specialist physician.

These tests are usually;

- Blood tests

- Chest radiography

- Tomography


After the tests are performed, the treatment protocol determined by the specialist doctor is applied.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At09 February 2021
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