What You Should Know About the Corona Vaccine

What You Should Know About the Corona Vaccine

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Koronavirüs aşısı, vücutta antikor üretimi sağlayarak mikroorganizmaların hastalık yapıcı etkilerini ortadan kaldıran bir işlemdir. Aşı, zayıflatılmış virüs formlarını vücuda vererek gerekli antikor tepkisini oluşturur. Covid-19 aşıları genellikle iki doz halinde uygulanır; ilk dozdan yaklaşık 28 gün sonra yapılan ikinci doz, antikor seviyesini daha yüksek ve uzun süreli hale getirir. Covid-19 geçirmiş kişilerde, İmmünoglobulin G (IgG) seviyesi yüksekse doğal bir bağışıklık kazanılmış olur ve aşı gerekmeyebilir, ancak IgG seviyesi düşükse veya risk grubundaysalar aşı olabilirlerr. Aşı, koronavirüse karşı tam koruma sağlamaz; bu nedenle maske kullanımı, sosyal mesafe ve hijyen kurallarına uymaya devam etmek önemlidir. Normal hayata tam dönüşün en az 3-4 yıl sürebileceği tahmin edilmektedir.

What is the Corona Vaccine? Is Corona Vaccine Necessary?

What is the Corona vaccine, the vaccine is the disease-causing effects of microorganisms that are desired to produce antibodies in the body, their power is taken away; in other words, it means creating the necessary antibody response by giving their weakened forms to the body.

How does the Corona vaccine do this? You stimulate the body with weakened or disease-causing microorganisms, that is, you introduce this virus into the body's memory cells. One day, when the real, disease-causing version of the covid-19 virus enters the human body, the body can respond faster because it recognizes the virus from the previous vaccine study and gains time by releasing antibodies that can kill the virus on the virus/bacteria as soon as possible. In fact, the process of introducing the weak version of the disease-causing virus, that is, the version that does not cause disease, to the body is called vaccination.

Another question about whether the Corona vaccine is necessary is the reason for getting the vaccine. There are some soldiers in our immune system. We have to introduce this enemy, the virus, to these soldiers so that we can be prepared when the stronger one comes, when the disease-causing microorganism enters the body.

How Many Doses Are Covid - 19 Vaccines Made?

One of the curiosities about the Corona vaccine is how many doses should be done. All four vaccines that are frequently heard in the market are given one dose, then a three-four-week process must pass. It can be considered an average of 28 days for the Corona vaccine. After the 28-day period has passed, the second dose, that is, the supportive, strengthening dose, needs to be administered. Because when the first dose is administered, the antibody level in our body rises slightly. In other words, antibodies that recognize the virus, which we call soldiers who are strengthened against the virus, rise, but then tend to fall. When the second dose is administered on the 28th day, the antibody level rises again, and with the second dose, both a faster and higher antibody level is achieved. This means a longer lasting, more permanent antibody level. In other words, it is necessary to give two doses of the corona vaccine.

Should People Who Survived Covid-19 Get Vaccinated?

In order to get the corona vaccine, both people who have had Covid and people who have not had Covid, immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G must first be negative. In other words, the body must not have met this virus before. If a person has had Covid and has persistent Immunoglobulin G, i.e. protective antibodies, they have already been vaccinated naturally. In other words, our body has recognized this microorganism, it has placed it in its memory cells; we will think of it as vaccinated.

Corona vaccine will be administered to those who have never been exposed to this disease, i.e. those with negative immunoglobulin M and negative immunoglobulin G levels. Such a study will be conducted or is being conducted: There are some patients who have had Covid-19, but their Immunoglobulin G levels have not increased; this is the case in some patients. Will it be done on those whose immunoglobulin G levels have not risen or have become negative after rising? Yes, a corona vaccine study can also be done on these people.

If that person is in a risk group for the corona vaccine, that is, a person who is in a risk group due to age, the environment they live in or their profession, corona vaccine can be administered to them as a second stage.

Should People with Corona Vaccine Wear Masks?

Coronavirus infection will be with us for a while. We will continue to live with coronavirus in 2021. Let's say the vaccines will start to be administered in December, and if we consider that the second doses are administered in January, we expect the number of coronavirus infections to decrease in February, March or spring. In fact, the corona vaccine will not be the only positive factor. The corona vaccine will increase our power. The vaccine will never be the only weapon we have against the coronavirus. For example, the polio vaccine. We know that it is transmitted through feces, from people who do not wash their hands well and come into contact with feces.

Jaundice... Hepatitis B... We know that it is transmitted sexually or through blood and there is a vaccine for it; we get vaccinated. However, people who have been vaccinated against Hepatitis B cannot give blood to anyone they want without testing, or take blood from anyone, or be protected against any sexually transmitted disease. Because we know that these vaccines do not provide 100% protection either. The same goes for the coronavirus vaccine. People who get the vaccine should not think that I am protected forever, that I do not need to wear a mask, pay attention to social distancing or keep my hands clean. Even with the most successful vaccine in the world, there is a percentage of non-protection.

To summarize; we think that we will be able to throw away the masks in the summer of 2021, but even if we throw away the mask, we will need to pay attention to distance. Unfortunately, it will take at least 3-4 years to return to the old normal. We will pay attention to distance again. We will not have crowded parties and meetings. Even if we are together, we will have to keep our distance even when we are sitting. And of course, we will always wash our hands. Not only to protect against coronavirus, but also to protect against other bacteria, we need to continue washing our hands at all times.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At15 December 2020
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