What is the Social Functioning Program?

What is the Social Functioning Program?

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Content Summary

Sosyal İşlevsellik Programı, hastaların sosyal etkileşim ihtiyaçlarını karşılamayı ve çok disiplinli bir yaklaşımla tedavi kazanımlarını destekleyen yapılandırılmış bir programla sosyal işlevselliği güçlendirerek psikolojik iyiliğe katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Program, sosyal bağların sürdürülmesi, fiziksel ve ruhsal iyiliği destekleyen aktiviteler (spor, müzik, el sanatları, Ebru sanatı), mutfak atölyesi yoluyla öz yeterlilik ve yaşam becerilerinin geliştirilmesi, etkileşimli grup terapileriyle farkındalık, iletişim ve problem çözme becerilerinin artırılması, beslenme ve diyet eğitimiyle sağlıklı yaşam becerilerinin teşviki, hastalıkla başa çıkma becerilerinin desteklenmesi ve aileler için psikoeğitim aktiviteleri gibi faydalar sunmaktadır. Hastalığın zorluklarını göz önünde bulundurarak, haftada 2 ve 3 gün olmak üzere iki farklı program seçeneği sunulmaktadır. Program, kayıt, etkileşimli grup psikoterapisi, mutfak atölyesi, spor, müzik ve el sanatları gibi etkinlikleri içermektedir. Aileler için aylık psikoeğitim ve beslenme-diyet grup eğitimleri de mevcuttur.

Social functioning is defined as the ability to work, maintain interpersonal relationships and take care of oneself. The main goal of the social functioning program is to provide a supportive environment for people whose functionality and contact with the external environment have decreased due to various mental health problems. The program includes activities to improve the physical and mental health of the individual as well as psychoeducational activities for families.

Maintaining ties with social life is important for people's mental health. It is a scientific fact that having a purpose in life and filling your daily life with behaviors towards this purpose protects you from negative emotions such as boredom, depression and mental illnesses.

What are the Benefits of the Social Functioning Program?

The aim of the social functioning program is to provide patients with the social interaction environment that every person needs and to contribute to the psychological well-being of patients by reinforcing social functioning with a program structured to support treatment gains with a multidisciplinary approach while continuing their medical treatment.
Thebenefits of the social functioning program are as follows;

  • Opportunity to maintain social connections,
  • Activities to promote physical and spiritual well-being,
  • Supporting the habit of starting the day with a sportive activity,
  • To discover their talents and develop their skills through creative art activities,
  • Supporting self-sufficiency and life skills through the Kitchen Workshop,
  • To increase awareness, communication and problem solving skills through Interactive Group Therapies,
  • Promoting healthy living skills through Nutrition and Diet education,
  • Supporting skills to cope with the disease,
  • Psychoeducation activities for families.

Considering that it may be challenging to participate in a program covering every day of the week while experiencing the difficulties of the disease, especially in the conditions of the city we live in, two separate programs covering 2 and 3 days of the week are offered.

Social Functioning Program

08:30-09:00Registration - Nursing Follow-upRegistration - Nursing Follow-upRegistration - Nursing Follow-upRegistration - Nursing Follow-upRegistration - Nursing Follow-up
09:00-10:00EbruMusic & body movementMusic & body movementEbruEbru
10:00-11:00Interactive Group psychotherapyInteractive Group psychotherapyInteractive Group psychotherapyInteractive Group psychotherapyInteractive Group psychotherapy
11:00-12:00Kitchen WorkshopMusicMusicKitchenMusic


Click for social functioning brochure
Social Functioning Work (2 days a week): Tuesday, Thursday
Social Functioning Work (3 days a week): Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Family Psychoeducation Group: It will be held once a month in the conference hall on a predetermined and announced day and time.
Nutrition-Diet Group Training: It will be held once a month in the conference hall on a predetermined and announced day and time.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At12 April 2023
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