What is Mesotherapy?

What is Mesotherapy?

Content Summary

Mezoterapi, yüz, boyun, saç derisi ve vücudun diğer bölgelerine uygulanabilen, ilaç ve maddelerin deri altına enjeksiyon yoluyla taşınmasını içeren bir tedavi yöntemidir. İğnesiz mezoterapi ise iğne yerine elektromanyetik enerji veya ultrason gibi yöntemler kullanarak biyoaktif maddeleri deriye iletir. İğnesiz mezoterapi yöntemleri arasında elektroporasyon, ultrasonik mezoterapi, iyonoforez ve vakum terapi bulunur. Mezoterapi, ince çizgi ve kırışıklıkların azaltılmasında, cilt sıkılaştırma ve canlandırmada, saç dökülmesi tedavisinde, selülit ve yağ azaltmada, yara iyileşmesinde ve cilt problemlerinde kullanılabilir. Estetik, saç, selülit, vücut şekillendirme, pigmentasyon tedavisi, romatizmal rahatsızlıklar, yara iyileşmesi ve cilt parlaklığı gibi farklı mezoterapi türleri mevcuttur. Etki süresi, mezoterapi türüne, tedavi alanına ve kullanılan maddelere bağlı olarak birkaç haftadan birkaç aya kadar değişebilir. Yan etkiler arasında ağrı, kızarıklık, şişme, enfeksiyon riski, alerjik reaksiyonlar ve cilt tahrişi yer alabilir. Şişme ve morarma genellikle birkaç gün içinde kaybolur, ancak iyileşme sürecini hızlandırmak için soğuk uygulama, yatıştırıcı kremler ve güneşten korunma gibi önlemler alınabilir. Mezoterapiden sonra temizlik, soğuk uygulama, cilt bakımı, makyajdan kaçınma, güneş koruması ve fiziksel aktiviteyi sınırlama gibi hususlara dikkat edilmelidir.

Mesotherapy is a medical treatment that involves injecting small doses of drugs, vitamins, minerals or other bioactive substances under the skin. This method is used to treat skin problems or for aesthetic purposes. The main aim of mesotherapy is to achieve effective results by injecting drugs or other substances directly into the affected area.

Mesotherapy can usually be applied to the face, neck, scalp and other parts of the body. The drugs and substances are transported by injection to the upper layers of the skin, i.e. the dermis layer or fatty tissue. In this way, they are intended to be effective directly in the targeted area.

How is needle-free mesotherapy performed?

Needle-free mesotherapy is a treatment method that delivers bioactive substances to the skin using methods such as electromagnetic energy or ultrasound instead of needles. This method aims to eliminate some of the disadvantages of traditional needle mesotherapy. Here are some of the needle-free mesotherapy methods;

Electromagnetic Mesotherapy (Electroporation): In this method, electromagnetic energy is applied to the skin surface with a special device. This energy makes cell membranes permeable, allowing bioactive substances to penetrate the skin.

Ultrasonic Mesotherapy: Ultrasonic waves are used to deliver bioactive substances under the skin. Ultrasonic waves can penetrate the lower layers of the skin without piercing the skin surface.

Ionophoresis: Ionophoresis is a method using electric current. By applying a mild electric current to the skin, bioactive substances are allowed to penetrate under the skin.

Vacuum Therapy (Vacuum Therapy): Vacuum therapy is the application of negative pressure to the skin surface using a vacuum device. This method supports the transportation of bioactive substances under the skin.

These needle-free mesotherapy methods aim to reduce some of the disadvantages of traditional needle mesotherapy (e.g. pain or risk of infection). However, each method can have its own advantages and limitations. If you are considering needle-free mesotherapy, it is important to consult a specialist and assess whether the method is right for you. The experience and expertise of the practitioner also plays an important role in ensuring that the treatment is effective and safe.

Areas where mesotherapy is used

Mesotherapy can be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also be used to support skin tightening and revitalization. Other uses of mesotherapy are as follows;

Hair Treatment: In cases of hair loss or weakened hair, mesotherapy can be used to strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth by injecting medication into the scalp.

Cellulite and Fat Reduction: Mesotherapy can be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite or reduce fatty tissue in certain areas.

Wound Healing and Skin Problems: Mesotherapy can be used to treat skin lesions or accelerate wound healing.

Pigmentation Problems: Mesotherapy can also be used to treat pigmentation problems on the skin.

Mesotherapy treatment should be performed by a qualified health professional. Like any medical treatment, it is important to assess the potential risks and side effects. Talking to a healthcare professional about whether mesotherapy will be effective or appropriate can help you make the right decision.

Types of Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a broad field that includes various treatment methods used for different purposes. The types of mesotherapy may differ according to the substances, methods and purposes. Here are some common types of mesotherapy:

Aesthetic Mesotherapy: Used for skin rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, tightening and improving skin tone. Bioactive substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and hyaluronic acid are injected into the skin.

Hair Mesotherapy: Used for the treatment of hair loss. Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are injected into the scalp to strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.

Cellulite Mesotherapy: It is applied to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Substances injected into the lower layers of the skin aim to break down fat cells and increase circulation.

Body Contouring Mesotherapy: It is used to reduce fat accumulation in body areas and increase skin elasticity.

Pigmentation Treatment: It can be applied to correct pigmentation problems on the skin and equalize skin tone.

Rheumatic Disorders Mesotherapy: It is used for the treatment of joint pains, muscle spasms and rheumatic problems. It aims to alleviate symptoms by injecting anti-inflammatory substances.

Wound Healing Mesotherapy: Can be used to promote rapid healing of skin wounds and lesions.

Skin Brightness and Tone Improvement Mesotherapy: Aims to lighten skin color, reduce blemishes and even skin tone.

Each type of mesotherapy is designed for specific purposes, and the type, amount and method of injection of the substances may vary depending on the type. If you are considering mesotherapy, it is important to consult a specialist to determine the most suitable treatment method for you.

When does mesotherapy take effect?

The timing of the effect of mesotherapy treatment may vary depending on the type of mesotherapy, the treatment area, personal factors and the substances used. In general, however, it can take several weeks to several months for the results of mesotherapy to become evident. Here is some general information on when the effect of mesotherapy treatment can start to be seen:

Aesthetic Mesotherapy: The effects of mesotherapy treatments for aesthetic purposes, such as skin rejuvenation or wrinkle reduction, can usually start to be noticeable in the first few weeks. However, it may often take 3 to 6 sessions or more to achieve more noticeable results.

Hair Mesotherapy: When mesotherapy is used to treat hair loss, it can take several weeks to several months to strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Given the hair cycle, it may take time for the results to become evident.

Cellulite Mesotherapy and Body Contouring: The effects of mesotherapy for cellulite treatment or body contouring may vary depending on the treatment area and individual factors. It can usually last from a few weeks to several months.

Other Types of Mesotherapy: Other types of mesotherapy may show their effects in different time frames depending on their purpose.

The results of the treatment may vary from person to person and it may take time for the effects to become apparent. If you are considering mesotherapy treatment, it is important to consult with a qualified health professional or aesthetician and assess whether the treatment can meet your expectations.

Side Effects of Mesotherapy

Although mesotherapy treatment is generally safe, as with any medical procedure, some side effects may occur. The side effects of mesotherapy can vary depending on the substances administered, the treatment area and individual reactions. Here are some commonly reported mesotherapy side effects:

Pain and Discomfort: Mild pain, discomfort or tenderness may occur during the injections. This is usually temporary.

Redness and Swelling:Redness, swelling or mild bruising may occur at the treatment site. These side effects usually go away within a few days.

Risk of Infection: There may be a risk of infection as the surface of the skin is crossed as a result of the injections. Cleaning and sterilization of the application area is important.

Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions may occur to the substances used in mesotherapy. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the substances used and to report any allergies to your healthcare professional.

Skin Irritation: Mild skin irritation or itching may occur after the application.

Overflows or lumps at the injection site: Rarely, accumulation or lumps of fatty tissue may occur at the injection site.

Sensitivity or Pain Development: Some people may experience tenderness or pain at the application site after mesotherapy.

Temporary Skin Problems: Temporary discoloration or spotting of the skin may occur.

Uncertainty of Effect: The effect of mesotherapy may vary from person to person and the desired results may not be guaranteed.

It is important to consult with a qualified health professional or aesthetician, especially if you are considering mesotherapy for the first time or have any health conditions. It is important to choose the right application method and appropriate treatment protocol to reduce the risk of side effects.

When Does Swelling Go Away After Mesotherapy?

Swelling after mesotherapy may vary depending on the treatment applied, the substances used and personal reactions. Generally, swelling and redness after mesotherapy decreases and disappears within a few days. However, the time to completely return to normal may vary from person to person. Here are some general information about the swelling process after mesotherapy;

Short-term Swelling: Immediately after the mesotherapy application, a slight swelling and redness may occur in the treatment area. This usually resolves within a few hours to a few days.

First Few Days: Swelling and redness after mesotherapy is usually most noticeable in the first few days. During this time, the skin slowly begins to return to normal.

Decreases in a Few Days: Swelling and redness after mesotherapy usually diminishes and lightens within a few days. This process may vary depending on individual reactions and the application area.

Individual Factors: The person's skin structure, sensitivity and body reactions can affect the duration of swelling. In some people, swelling may go away faster, while in others it may take a little longer.

It may vary according to the application area: The duration of swelling may vary depending on the area of application. For example, swelling after facial mesotherapy may go away faster than swelling after body mesotherapy.

Depends on the Applied Substances: The mesotherapy substances used may also affect the duration of swelling. It should be kept in mind that different substances may cause different reactions.

If the swelling after mesotherapy persists for a long time or is alarming, it is important to contact the health professional or aesthetician who performed the treatment. In general, it is seen that the post-treatment effects slowly improve and the skin returns to normal.

How Does Bruising After Mesotherapy Go Away?

Bruising after mesotherapy may occur due to the injections crossing the skin surface. These bruises usually go away on their own, but you can follow the steps below to speed up the healing process:

Cold Application: Applying a cold compress or ice pack immediately after mesotherapy can help constrict blood vessels. This can reduce the appearance of bruising and swelling.

Soothing Creams: Soothing creams containing arnica or heparin can help reduce bruising and swelling. However, it is advisable to consult a health professional before using such creams.

Avoid Excessive Activity: Avoiding excessive physical activity for a few days after mesotherapy can help bruises heal faster.

Sun Protection: Avoid sun exposure or protect the skin using sunscreen. Sunlight can make bruises appear more prominent.

Nutrition and Hydration: Drinking enough water and eating a healthy diet can support the overall health of the skin and speed up the healing process.

Consult Your Doctor: If bruising is severe or prolonged, it is important to contact a health professional. Your doctor can give you more specific recommendations.

Remember that each individual's healing process may be different. Bruising after mesotherapy is usually expected to heal within a few days to a few weeks. If bruising persists for a longer period of time or is of a worrying nature, it is best to contact your doctor.

Things to Consider After Mesotherapy

There are some important points to consider after mesotherapy. These steps are important to support the healing process, minimize side effects and achieve the best results of the treatment. Here are the points to be considered after mesotherapy;

Cleanliness and Hygiene: Take care to keep the treatment area clean and hygienic after the application. Take the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of infection.

Cold Application: If there is mild swelling or redness after mesotherapy, you can relax by applying a cold compress or ice pack within the first few hours.

Skin Care: Pay attention to skin care after the application. Clean your face gently and use soothing products that will not irritate your skin.

Makeup and Cosmetics: Avoid using makeup or heavy cosmetics for a few days after the treatment. It is important to rest your skin and allow it to heal.

Sun Protection: Take care to protect yourself from the sun after mesotherapy. If the treatment area is exposed to the sun, the risk of bruising may increase. It is important to use sunscreen.

Physical Activity: Avoid excessive physical activity after the treatment. Intense exercise or heavy lifting can lead to increased bruising.

Alcohol and Nicotine: Avoiding alcohol and nicotine after mesotherapy can support the healing process.

Medication Use: Use the medications and creams you need to use after mesotherapy regularly according to the recommendations of your healthcare professional.

Contacting the Doctor: Do not hesitate to consult your practicing aesthetician or health professional in case of any problems or concerns.

Recovery Process: It may take time for the results of mesotherapy to become evident and the healing process to be completed. It is important to be patient and wait for the long-term results of the treatment.

Each individual's skin type and reaction may be different. It is important to take care after mesotherapy in order to best support treatment results and skin health.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 September 2023
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